Home > Purgatory In Pink(16)

Purgatory In Pink(16)
Author: M.J Knight

“Yes, Mistress.” I can see his cock starting to tent his pants.

The next item I show him is an O-ring collar. It’s wide and made of black leather with a brass ring in the middle. “This I special ordered with matching cuffs.” I let my eyes trail his body one last time. “When you behave, we will try these sometime soon, too,” I say while touching the cool metal of the collar.

“This is for later,” I tell him with a grin as I pull out the studded leather paddle. “We’ll work on what your tolerance is, but I’m pretty sure it’s on the higher side. Maybe Fletcher can help teach me the right way?” I whisper in his ear and watch his cock bounce in his pants. “I’ve been researching and doing my homework for you, Holder. I want to be what you need. The guys think I can. Just let me know if I’m on the right track.” I murmur with my nose brushing his chin and jaw.

He doesn't speak, but his sweet sigh and his lips meeting the top of my head answers my question. He might have a hard time with intimacy, but he is trying for me like I’m trying for him.

The blaring car horn from outside startles both of us. “Speak of the devils themselves.” We walk back into the living room to meet the guys coming in with a bag of junk food and a handful of rented DVDs.


“I take it y’all worked your shit out?” Clint asks, as Fletcher elbows him out the way carrying the snacks and movies into the movie room.

Clint goes to set up the projector and readies it to start a film as Cole passes around the bag of goodies.

“First things first.” Holder says as he pulls me into his lap, a move I don’t think he’s ever done in front of the other guys before, showing public possession and intimacy with me for a change. I nuzzle under his jaw and lightly bite the sensitive spot joining his neck and shoulder. I admire the chill bumps left in the wake of his shiver before I notice his stern face. It's funny how he can switch between badass mafia killer and my good submissive boy. I love it.

Holder then tosses the duplicate cell phone onto the overstuffed ottoman in front of us. Fletcher reaches for the phone as he unlocks the recording app allowing it to play on speakerphone.

The first few phone calls on the cell seem legit, Robert discussing general business endeavors with the other heads and some minor associates. One of the most recent ones has my ears perked up. It was a convo between what sounds like one of the leaders of the Asesinos’ gang and Dick. The leader seems to be speaking in English with a few words of Cuban Spanish thrown in. I keep my attention to the phone, so I don’t miss the words as the guys tense around me, and Holder’s grip around my waist gets tighter.

Cole’s phone rings, dragging my attention to his eyes, looking at me for an okay which I nod in agreement, and he gets up to take the phone call out of the room.

One of the calls from the gang leader is only to complain about the subpar hotel his members are staying at in New Orleans.

Cole comes back into the room and takes a seat on the L-shaped sofa in front of me.

“The fact that the gang is here in our town, and not properly announced to The Family already ruffles my feathers. It’s even worse that Winnie is mixed up with them.”

Almost like he is summoned, my flightless baby comes hopping around the corner of the couch, pecking at the guy’s shoes and pants legs. “Holder’s baby- Fucking Fletcher.” My sweet boy squawks. I’m relatively sure Holder is teaching him the other guys’ names, but not in a good way.

“Agreed. That’s an offense in itself for going against protocol.” Clint confirms.

“So, I just got a call from my mom,” Cole supplies, now standing up, pacing, and stroking his short scruffy beard in consideration. "There's a gala tomorrow night. She wants us all there." He says while falling back into the couch, making it lean with his big frame. "I'm going to make her happy, but maybe y'all should stay home? Don't draw attention to us." He says, rubbing the back of his neck like he's working the stress out of his muscles.

"I say we all go," I answer, which earns me looks of confusion. "I'm just saying. We plan to come out as a unit eventually. Might as well do it sooner than later. We are less likely to have problems if they see us all together. I'm not ashamed of us. I mean, rumors are spreading already. Let’s have some fun while laying them to rest." I finish with a dark grin.

"This will piss Dick off royally, and we'll get to see you all dressed up. That sounds like a win in my book." Fletcher agrees while leaning over to tickle my sides, making me laugh in a very un-ladylike fashion.

"Y'all need to listen to this," Clint says while holding the duplicate cell phone up. Turning the speaker back on, Dick’s annoying voice is the first to start talking. “There is a gala event happening tomorrow. I have to make an appearance. I'll meet you right after. Don't be late.” He growls to someone before hanging up abruptly.

"Well, I think that answers our question about tomorrow. We'll go and follow Richard and see what he's up to. Even if it's nothing, at least we can have a good time. I'm going shopping," I inform them while standing up from the uncomfortable floor.

"I want to come. Please?" Fletcher begs with his hands wrapped around my ankle. His bottom lip pushed out like a toddler. Running my fingers through his soft red hair and looking at my other men with laughing grins on their faces has my heart swelling.

"Fine. Best behavior, though, promise?" I say while grabbing his hair and leaning in for a kiss. His hands go straight for my ass, dragging me down to his lap and anchoring me to him as he takes my quick kiss to a heated, passionate one. Letting myself go limp and heavy in his arms for a few minutes before hunkering down with cuddles, snacks, and a movie as I fall asleep, dreamlessly peaceful, with my men surrounding me.


Morning comes too early, even in the dark movie room, when I am greeted by the smell of happiness- bacon and coffee wafting under my nose. I awake on the sofa to see Fletch hovering over me, holding a cup and saucer above my chest, which he then places on the ottoman across from me.

“Your morning offering my demon princess,” Fletch says with a smirk in his voice as he wiggles in to sit on the sofa, and pulls me into his lap to nuzzle my neck, and shamelessly grope my breasts. He hands me my coffee, but I reach for the yummy hot bacon on the plate instead. “Uh-Uh-Uh. Bacon is for the drive, Baby Blue. Consider it a bribe for your early morning motivation.”

“Ah, that’s right,” I catch myself before I mouth off on Fletch for waking me too soon, I remember I have things to do, push myself off of him and give the others quick pecks on their sleeping foreheads. Then I go and slip my shoes on and grab my keys, leaving Fletcher sitting there with a hard-on.

"Wait a second, Blue. We are not taking your clunker anywhere. Blue? Did you hear me? Blue?" He whisper calls after me. I do hear him as he finally climbs off the couch to chase me outside.


Pulling up to the outlets in my hatchback with a grumpy Fletcher, he points to direct me to a pretty fancy looking dress shop with the name ‘Landry’s Bridal Boutique’ scrolled across the front, and we park. "Oh, come on, Fletcher. My car is not that bad. Let's go have some fun." I say, squeezing his leg. So maybe it was a tight fit, but he'll get over it. “Hey, it was your idea to tag along. Besides, don’t you want to see me trying on clothes, ya know, help me determine if anyone can see my panty lines through my dress in case they need to be removed?” I say with a big grin hopping out of my car and waiting for him to scramble out behind me.

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