Home > Inevitable (King Crime Family #2)(21)

Inevitable (King Crime Family #2)(21)
Author: J.L. Beck , C. Hallman

“I miss her,” I say aloud. I didn’t mean to, but apparently, my consciousness slipped.

“I know you do, and I miss mine, too.” He sounds like he is in pain. I turn around to see his face, and in his eyes, I see the terror that was always hidden, right beneath the surface. In the place that only very few know because Enzo keeps it hidden so well.

“Enzo…” I try to stop him from heading down memory lane, but it doesn’t work. We are two very different people living different lives, but one thing we have in common—we both have more questions than we have answers.

“People thought I just liked to kill others like it was part of the act. They didn’t know why though. They didn’t know it was my own personal hell or how every drop of blood that touched my skin soothed the monster inside of me. I killed because I had to. It was the only thing I knew.” I can tell he isn’t with me in the room anymore. At least, not in his mind.

“I’m sorry we both have to deal with this,” I say remorsefully.

“Never be sorry, piccolo… the people who have made us suffer the most will soon be the ones suffering.” A seductive smirk pulls at his lips. It reminds me of a lion right before it sinks its teeth into its prey.

“Good.” I slip into a pair of sweats and one of Enzo’s shirts. I need coffee and something greasy, like, now.

The house is quiet as I tiptoe out into the living room, heading for the kitchen. I glance at the coffee pot sitting on the counter and smell the air as the sweet aroma of coffee hits my nose. Turning around, I find Jared leaning against the wall casually.

“Good morning, I presume?” Jared smirks.

I ignore him for the time being as I grab a coffee cup from the cabinet above my head. I pour myself a coffee and find the cream and sugar.

“You know ignoring me doesn’t make it better. It sure as hell doesn’t change things.” I mix all the ingredients in the cup and wait until I take the first sip to respond to him. Tipping the cup to my lips, I suck in a small taste, savoring the sweetness of the cream and sugar on my lips.

“I’m not ignoring you, Jared. I’m just dealing with everything. I’m absorbing it all, simply because there isn’t any fucking thing else that can be done. Plus, I like to have at least a cup of coffee before talking to anyone, including you.”

“Fair enough. I just want you to know that our father is coming today. He says he has something for you, and it might bring you more closure.” Taking another sip of the coffee goodness, I let his words sink in.

“Technically, he is your father, Jared. Not mine. As far as family is concerned, I have no one. I know you’re my half-brother, and by blood, he is my father. Those things don’t change what has happened, though. You guys weren’t present the last two decades.”

He snorts, his eyes looking wild. “You think I don’t know that, Amara? How do you think all of this makes us feel? I mean, seriously? We’re in the middle of a full out war, and we find this out.”

“I know what we’re up against, Jared. You forget I have been—” In a flash, he crosses the room and comes to stand right in front of me.

“I haven’t forgotten what you looked like when I picked Enzo and you up on the side of the road. I haven’t forgotten how much you’ve lost, and I haven’t forgotten how much I lost either. My mom died too. None of those things have changed—even though God continues to throw more shit my way.”

“I’m so—”

“Don’t even say it. We both know we’ve heard the words I’m sorry a million times. It doesn’t help heal the pain. I’m just telling you this because truthfully, our father hasn’t had anything to live for in years. He didn’t even know where you were. He knew about you but had no idea where you were.” Jared sounds tortured, and my heart aches for him—for us. There might be a war raging between families, but there were bigger wars waging within each of us.

“I didn’t… I had…”

“I know you didn’t know. I know everything has been thrown at you at once, but I’m begging you to see things for more than they are. Give our… my dad a chance.”

“I’ll talk to him, Jared. I never said I wouldn’t. It just breaks my heart how my mom isn’t here to answer my questions. It hurts me to know my life was a lie, and there’s not a damn thing to fall back on.”

“Well, buck up, princess, because it’s about to get ten times harder,” Jared says. There is no emotion in his voice, but I know my words have made him feel better.

“Thanks, asshole,” I quip back before taking another sip from my cup.

I’m getting anxious. I want answers, but I’m also afraid.

“Anytime. How are things with you and Enzo?” Jared asks nonchalantly as if he doesn’t know we are hooking up.

“We’re fine, I guess. I understand his need for revenge, but it doesn’t make it okay.”

He smiles, rubbing a hand over his face. He still has stubble, and the bags under his eyes tell me he’s stressing over something at night instead of sleeping.

“Yeah, you sounded fine last night…” he teases. My cheeks redden. I’m not a prude, but with Jared, it’s quite strange to know he heard us having sex.

“Ahh, don’t be shy about it. Not like Enzo ever is,” he jokes. I turn my face away from him and out toward the rising sun. I’m not even sure where we are anymore. All I know is we’re about forty miles from my father’s house. North, East, South, or West, I’m not sure.

“Good to know, I guess.” I try to joke as well, easing all the tension from the room.

“I’m going to make breakfast. You hungry?”

“Fuck, yeah, I am,” Enzo chimes in, his voice causing a cascade of goosebumps to form over my body.

Jared shakes his head, causing dark locks to fall to his forehead. “I bet you are. I heard you last night…”

“Oh, really. I bet it wasn’t me you heard, but your little sis over there…” Enzo comments, throwing a wink in my direction. I can’t help the smile that pops onto my face.

“Ha. Don’t even bring that up.” Jared gets up from the table, while I just stand there ogling Enzo’s shirtless upper body. His hair is in a fuck-me kind of way, and his body is still in top shape even though I know he was on bed rest for a few weeks.

Jared’s phone rings, breaking the spell Enzo’s abs have on me. He answers it within a second, bringing the phone to his ear.

“Dad...” I pretend as if I’m not listening to the conversation, but Enzo catches me out of the corner of his eye.

“Eavesdropper,” he teases, shaking his head like he disapproves. I almost roll my eyes at him.

“Don’t be nervous, piccolo,” Enzo says calmly as if he’s trying to calm my raging nerves.

“I’m not,” I lie, forcing my attention to something else.

“He is a nice man, I promise you.”

“You know him?”

“Yes. Jared’s family and mine go way back. No worries, love, you’ll be fine.” He sends me one of those smiles that make my knees weak before he gets up from the table.

“I have to shower. I’ll be back.” And just like that, he’s gone.

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