Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(76)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(76)
Author: Ella Edon


“Another few minutes,” Hal whispered from beside her. His hair was clean and brushed. He was wearing a blue velvet suit, and he looked like a prince from a fairy tale. Hestony gripped his hand tight, wishing she could draw courage from his presence.


“Yes,” she whispered back. “A few more.”


Opposite them, Lady Raymonde seemed to be asleep, her head leaning against the windowsill. Her brown eyes were closed. Hestony was pleased to note that she’d already changed a great deal, along the way – she had laughed and joked and there was a new spark in her eyes.


Hestony looked back out of the window, feeling nervous. They were almost at Amhurst Heights. She recognized the surrounding countryside. She felt terrified. Her mother would disown her, she was sure of it. Her anger was terrifying, when roused…


“Whoa, there,” the coachman called, leaning back on the reins of the carriage.


Hestony closed her eyes for a moment, feeling sick. She waited for Hal to alight from the coach and took his hand, slipping to the ground. Lady Raymonde jumped out behind them.


“Oh, what charming grounds!” she said, looking around them. “If you don’t mind, I’ll explore them as soon as possible.”


“Please do,” Hestony whispered faintly. She smiled at her new friend, grateful to her for giving she and Hal a private moment to face Mother.


They went up the stairs together.


Hestony knocked. Her stomach churned and she thought she might be ill. The sound of the knocking echoed away, and nobody came. Hestony turned to face Hal, feeling frightened. Her fingers had gone cold and damp, belly aching.


The door opened. The butler stared.


“My Lady! You’re home!”


“Yes,” Hestony whispered hollowly. “We’re home.” She was about to ask him to call her mother, when he turned away.


“My Lady!” the man called, hurrying away. “My Lady! She’s here! She’s safe!”


Hestony stared. A figure appeared at the top of the steps. She walked stiffly down, one stair at a time, seeming old. It was her mother. With a scarf draped over her hair, her face drawn, she seemed ten years older than when Hestony had last seen her. She put a hand on Hestony’s cheek and stared up into her eyes.


“Hestony?” she whispered. “My daughter! Is that truly you, returned?”


“It’s me, Mother,” Hestony said softly. She was crying, suddenly. Her mother took her in her arms, holding her tight against her. She was crying too, and her shoulders shook with sobs.


“Hestony,” she whispered into her shoulder, where her head rested. “I was so afraid! You were gone, and I thought…I’ve been so foolish!” She stared up at her, eyes red-rimmed. “I have been foolish, and cruel. Can you forgive me? I received your letter, and…well…I was blind. I should have known that you and Mr. Ellington…”


Hestony put her hand on her mother’s shoulder. She felt her heart swell with feeling. She sniffed and nodded. She had never felt so much love from her mother before; she’d never realized how much she had longed to feel this love. She nodded again.


“Mother, of course I can. I forgive you.”


“Oh, Hestony,” her mother sobbed. “My dearest daughter. I was so blind. I love you. Nothing matters more to me than you, and your happiness. Nothing. I understand that now. I should have known, from the beginning, that you both loved each other.”


“Oh, Mother,” Hestony said, sobbing uncontrollably herself now. “I thank you. I love you too.”


They stood in the hallway and Hestony leaned on her mother’s scented hair and cried like a child. She couldn’t recall having cried like that in her life before. After a long moment, gasping, she stood back.


Her mother smiled up at her, wiping her cheeks with a handkerchief. “We should go upstairs,” she said grinning. “I don’t want to frighten any unexpected guests.”


Hestony laughed. “Nonsense. You don’t look scary. Mama…” she paused, turning awkwardly towards Hal, whom her mother had barely seemed to notice. Now, she saw him and turned to face him.


“Mr. Ellington. You brought my daughter safely home. I was so worried! I had Mr. Mills search the whole property – every manservant on the estate was out looking. We couldn’t find you… ” She sniffed. “Thank you for helping her.”


“We helped each other,” Hal said gently. Hestony felt her face light up with a smile.


“Mr. Ellington helped me a great deal, Mama,” Hestony said softly.


“He did,” her mother said, a statement rather than a question. After a moment, she frowned. “But, daughter…you are certain that the legality…”


“Hestony is my wife,” Hal assured her with confidence. “We have made it known already in London.”


Hestony stared at her mother, as Hal spoke bluntly. Her mother’s eyes grew large. She tensed, waiting for the unavoidable scene. To her astonishment, her mother laughed.


“You sly things!” she said, turning to face Hestony, her face happy and smiling. “I should have known you would have already declaimed it to the whole of London. You know, Hestony…you are so like your father! Stubborn, like he was.”


“Really?” Hestony started to laugh, still sobbing. Her mother never mentioned Hestony’s father, who Hestony barely remembered. She had never, ever referred to him in that way. As if he’d be proud of her! It was more love than she’d ever received from her mother before, and her heart softened and glowed with it even now.


“Certainly!” her mother laughed. “He was a real devil – if he had his mind set, you could crack rocks on his head and he’d not alter his view.”


Hestony started laughing and she felt Hal’s hand slip into hers. She turned and grinned at him and he smiled back.


“Oh…Hestony?” Lady Hartfield called over her shoulder. “I’ll have the main bedroom made up for you and Hal. Have you taken luncheon? We’ll sit down early, at half past eleven, if you’d like?”


“Thank you, Mother,” Hestony nodded, feeling touched. She was also surprised. In her absence, it seemed her mother had started to take over the running of the estate again. When Hestony was there, she’d ceded more and more of the day-to-day running to her. Now that she’d been gone almost a week, it seemed her mother had remembered she was capable.


“Hestony?” Hal murmured, drawing her into his arms as soon as Lady Hartfield disappeared into the parlor. “You are the bravest, wisest, dearest…”


“Luckiest lady in England,” Hestony finished.

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