Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(78)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(78)
Author: Ella Edon


“Good,” her mother said fondly. “It seems a nasty storm, and I wouldn’t want anyone caught outside.”


“No, Mother,” Hal replied.


The three of them laughed, as Mr. Hall brought another plate of biscuits. The drawing-room, with its fire burning in the grate, candlelight brightening it against the cloudy weather, was utterly restful.


Hestony felt happier than she could remember in many years.






Hestony rolled over onto one side. Beside her, Hal lay propped on the pillows, his eyes shut. Hestony reached for him, laying one hand on his chest. She kissed his cheek.


“Good morning,” he murmured. His eyes opened, and he pressed a kiss to her hair.


“Hello,” Hestony agreed. She snuggled closer, her head on his shoulder.


She lay there, resting in his arms, the sounds of the household soft and distant as they drowsed in the main bedroom. Somebody was cleaning, accompanying their efforts with a tuneful hum. Outside, a thrush clucked in the branches of the tree. A gentle wind stirred the curtain.


Hestony stretched and smiled, feeling safer and happier than she’d ever felt before. This morning, she felt well and wonderful. She nestled closer, resting her lips by Hal’s ear.


“Sweetest,” she whispered softly. “Do you have plans today?”


“I should take those books past Luke sometime,” Hal said sleepily. “He asked if he could have a look at them.”


“I suppose,” Hestony replied, reaching to rest a hand on his shoulder.


“I don’t think I’ll do it today, though,” he whispered gently. “I’d rather stay all day with you.”


“You would?” Hestony felt her heart beat faster. His leg slid beside hers, then between them. She gasped, feeling her body become aroused by his.


He smiled and sat up, drawing her close against him. She held more tightly onto him. He kissed her cheek.


Hestony let him roll her gently onto her back and gasped again as his knee came up between hers. His arms were strong and sure around her, and his lips pressed gently against her own. He reached for the ties of her nightgown and opened it, discarding his own smoothly.


Naked, he embraced her and held her close, his body moving against hers. She sighed and parted her thighs and he moved into her, both gasping at the intense sweetness of the feelings they aroused in each other.


Hestony wrapped her arms and legs around him, feeling that sweet certainty build up inside her as he moved out and in again, out and in, making a slow sweet sensation build up inside her body, rising from her toes to her head, filling her and growing and becoming more and more urgent.


She cried out and collapsed below him, while he gasped and groaned and then cried aloud, lying on her.


They lay together, skin cooling, bodies relaxing. After a long moment, Hestony rolled over and placed a kiss on his cheek.


“Am I too heavy?”


“No,” Hestony murmured, though he rolled off her. Lying beside her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and held her close, their heads resting beside each other on the headboard.


“Hal,” Hestony whispered in his ear. “Can I tell you something?”


“Anything, dearest.” Hal kissed her.


“You won’t be surprised?” Hestony whispered again, feeling a delicious excitement build up within her.


“I might be,” Hal confessed. “But whatever it is, I know we can do it together.”


Hestony felt a smile creep across her face.


“We probably have,” she said teasingly.


“We have?” Hal sat up, squinting down at her curiously. “What have we done? Hestony, tell me?”


“Made a baby,” she said, feeling her own heart light up at the statement.


“A baby?” The look on Hal’s face was a picture of surprise. “Hestony…you mean…”


“I’m expecting a child,” Hestony murmured.


“But…” Hal stared, his face amazed. “How do you know? Can you know this soon? I mean…” He started laughing, a huge smile of wonder covering his face.


Hestony felt her heart suffuse with so much love it almost ached. She nodded, feeling tears in her eyes. “Yes, I know,” she whispered. “I wanted to wait a week more, until I was sure, but I know now. I am expecting your child, Hal.”


“Our child,” he whispered.


“Our child.”


They kissed and Hestony closed her eyes and knew that she had never, in her whole life, felt this happy.


“I love you, Hestony,” Hal whispered into her ear, lying beside her.


“I love you, too.”


Love has a way of conquering all obstacles, Hestony thought in wonder as she lay back on the pillows. Even when we’re the ones who put them in its way. Because no bonds can hold the ocean, and nothing exists that is stronger than love. She closed her eyes and felt herself drift into blissful rest and sleep.


The End?



Extended Epilogue



Eager to learn what the future holds for Hestony and Hal?


Then you may enjoy this extended epilogue.


Simply tap here and you can read it for FREE, or use this link:








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Do you want more Romance?



Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my previous best-selling novel: Winning the Heart of the Mischievous Duke


This time I'm bringing you a real love story. There is desire, scandals, secrets and two completely opposite people who form an unlikely friendship to mend a broken heart. And maybe, something like that happened to someone I know... With fewer corsets involved.



Winning the Heart of the Mischievous Duke



Chapter One



The music played softly, sending an air of happiness and celebration through the entire room. Lady Esther stood by the corner, placing the lilies in the right places. Everyone was gathered, waiting for the arrival of the couple. Lady Katherine was at the other end, signaling to Esther, asking if everything was alright. Esther nodded vigorously; her excitement was quite obvious in her smile.

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