Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(79)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(79)
Author: Ella Edon


It was the beginning of a new season and her friend, Anne Balfour, was now wed to Lord Henry Huntington, Duke of Richmond. Lady Esther had taken it upon her to deal with the wedding preparations. Anne, along with Lady Katherine Ramsbury, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, happened to be Esther’s best friends. The three had been inseparable since youth.


The ballroom threshold pushed open minutes later, and a shout erupted from every corner of the room. The couple walked in, hand in hand, eyes on each other. Lady Anne, now wife of Henry Huntington, Duke of Richmond, was dressed as a bride should be in a flowing white dress and her hair adorned with white roses. Esther reached up to wipe away a tear of happiness. She was delighted that her friend had found joy at last.


Despite the circumstances surrounding their union, Anne and Henry had pulled through. Esther shuddered, thinking of it all. She didn't want her relationship to be so complicated. She knew she didn't have the strength for such. She just wanted to wed Nicholas, be happy, and start a family. The roar of laughter drew her attention to the crowd. She looked up.


Clinging to Lord Richmond's arms, Anne hid her giggle by pressing herself into his embrace. She looked beautiful. Esther wondered if she would look so divinely happy and elegant on the day she and Nicholas wed.


"Oh, Nicholas," she sighed as she watched Anne chuckle at something Lord Henry said. Theirs was true love! Even someone who stood miles away could see it.


Esther sighed again at their bliss. Not in a jealous way, but in a romantic way. She could hardly wait to be joined with Nicholas and share their love. They were going to get married, and they were going to look into each other’s eyes, just the way her friend and her new husband were doing at this moment.


Esther had known Nicholas Kel, Viscount of Milway, since she was a babe. Their families had strong friendship bonds and the two had grown up together. At her debutante, he had been there for her. And not long after, he had approached her and started to make advances. When he was sure she felt the same way as he did, he went on to seek permission from her father and began courting her. They went to events together, shared quality time, and even spent time with one another during afternoon tea.


Esther was so confident that she loved him. He meant so much to her. She couldn't wait for them to become man and wife, finally.


Her eyes widened when the Duke and Duchess of Richmond announced that the waltz might take place. She clapped her hands gleefully and squealed, attracting stares from around her. She blushed when a young gentleman beside her stared at her in amusement. Esther put her hand to her mouth and cast her gaze down.


Looking around, Esther could see no sign of her fiancé. She wanted to have a dance with him. However, as much as she loved to waltz, on this occasion, she also wanted him to be there when Anne threw the bouquet. Esther was hoping on catching the bunch of flowers.


She walked up to Nicholas' sister, Mary, who stood with her red hair pinned up high and her hands holding on to her husband's, Lord Julien, a Scottish Count. Esther smiled in her direction as she grew closer. Mary was very close with Nicholas, and Esther assumed that she would know of his whereabouts.


"Hello, Lord Julien," She curtsied. Then nodded to Mary, who wore a bright smile. "Lady Mary."


"Lady Esther!" Mary kissed both her cheeks and stood upright. "Hello."


"Have you seen Nicholas?" She requested, hurriedly, glancing behind her shoulders. "I want us to waltz together."


Lady Julien nodded, pointing to the door behind her. "He just went out for a bit to get some air. I’m sure he’ll be back soon." Her smile softened. "And Esther, he kept talking about having to walk down the aisle with you. He can't wait."


Esther creased her brows. That was so unlike Nicholas to become emotional. But honestly, she wasn’t surprised that the ceremony had moved him as it was quite affecting. Casting her lashes down, Esther nodded at the couple. "I have to find him then."


Gathering her skirts slightly, Esther headed towards that direction which led to a dark path of the manor.


Esther stepped onto the darkened pathway and walked toward a small, stone structure erected a distance away from the ballroom. Since she didn’t see him in the gardens or along the path, she assumed he was inside the enclosure. Being of an unassuming character, Esther kept her steps light to avert an echo on the polished stone footpath and, of course, she would never have thought to have called out Nicholas’ name. That would have been too assertive for someone of her timid nature.


As she approached, rugged breathings hung in the air. Was someone choking? Should she seek help before going further?


She stopped by the candleholder beside the wall. She stared around. The ball seemed so far away from the corner where she stood.


"More," came a low moan from the open area.


Esther creased her brows, still quite confused. Then she walked deeper into the secluded area, making sure to avoid the clump of her shoes.


"Yes! More!" A woman’s raspy voice said.


Esther stilled; her spine went stiff. Her hands went cold. Was it what she thought it was? Had she stumbled upon a passionate interlude? Blushing deeply, Esther prepared to turn away until she heard the woman’s next words.


"Yes, Nicholas...more!" the throaty voice moaned.


“No.” Esther shook her head, it couldn't be.


Propelled by her faith, she stepped towards the opening and peered her head out to look around the dimly lit corridor. Her face was drained of colour as she took in the scene. A lady had her back to the wall, her hands in her partner's hair, their lips exchanged kisses frantically, quickly, as though they couldn't have enough of each other. His hands moved against her exposed thighs, his breath ragged, more like panting. Moans filled the air. Esther was unconcerned about the heat and passion these two oozed, she was more concerned that standing there, caressing that woman, was her fiancé, Lord Nicholas Kel.



Esther was shaking. Her eyes kept blinking deliberately, trying to hide her tears. It couldn't be, could it? That he had...No, not my Nicholas!


She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dress and turned to the wall to breathe for a moment. Her fiancé was still in there, in the arms of another, sharing a heated moment. As it appeared, a moment of pure passion. Her hands shook as she rapidly blinked.


What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she go out there and let him know she had seen him?


She shook her head, knowing full well that confronting him meant shattering right before his eyes. She craned her neck sideways, to see if anyone was looking at her. Thankfully, there was no one around. She swallowed hard and starting walking back to the ballroom, with her gaze down and rubbing at her hands.


"Esther, is everything alright?" Anne's voice jolted her, her head jerked up, and her tears returned.

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