Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(83)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(83)
Author: Ella Edon


The horse neighed again, walking away from the river. Stefan almost gave in, but he remained where he was. He wanted to watch the sun as it changed colors across the horizon. Another neigh made him sigh. "Oh, all right. Let's head out."


He turned, and almost as though the sun was calling out to him, he heard a gasp. He swung back sharply. Standing at the edge of the rock and staring down at the river was a lady. He couldn't make out her face because the sun shone her way and into his eyes, blocking his full view.


"Don't move!" he screamed. But it was too late. Small stones rolled gently down the rocky hill, the lady gasped again and jerked forward a little. Stefan caught his breath as she stumbled down the stony hill and fell into the water with a loud splashing thud. She fell at the center, where the river was the deepest. He cursed, let go of his horse, took off his boots, and walked quickly into the river. The path where he stood was shallow, but as he drew near, the water's current increased and his feet sunk deeper.


Soon, he was under, his breath held and his hands moving before him, clearing his path. He looked around, searching for the lady. When he neared the edge close to the rocky hill, he saw her sinking. Her hands were limp and the water was carrying her away from him. He swam quickly to her. Trying to fight the current, he tugged at her left hand with his right and used his left hand to fight against the pull of the water. He swam them both to the surface and toward shallow water. Once he could stand, he walked towards the riverbank, pulling her along with him.


His horse nickered, watching him. It was a miracle the beast had not fled. While the lady remained still, he pulled her to him and laid her on the riverbank. She was still motionless. He cursed. The water must have gotten to her. He pushed her hair aside, as it had been covering her face, so he could perform artificial respirations by placing his mouth on hers and breathing into her to extract water from her system.


He was stunned when he saw it was the lady from the orphanage. He held his breath and stared at her gown. It wasn't what she had been wearing at the orphanage.


Sighing loudly, he bent his lips to her parted lips, placed his lips over hers, and blew his breath into her body mightily.


He repeated the process a few times and moved away from her, waiting for her reaction. He watched as the lady moved a bit, then gasped, her eyes flying open. Her lips parted, and water sputtered out if it. She was soon coughing and his hands instinctively rubbed her back. He sighed, thankful that she was alive. Soon, she laid back down on the sand, her breathing rough, like she was trying to catch her breath.


He was still above her. Her eyes flew open again, and he was soon staring into beautiful grey ones. Stefan watched as a flurry of emotions passed across her face and through those eyes. He had to crease his brows as he deciphered what those feelings could be. There was fear, panic, and then, maybe, sadness. She had, after all, almost lost her life. He stared at her, her pink lips, her high cheekbones, the flutter of her lashes. Soon he was leaning in, he heard her intake of breath, but he couldn't stop himself. He closed in on her and once again placed his lips upon hers. This time, however, with a completely different intent. She gasped at the contact, and soon, they were both biting at each other’s lips very slowly, uncertainly, still conscious of what was happening. His hands curled into her brown hair, which felt like silk in his hands. So soft. He moaned as he pressed his body to hers, almost entirely lying above her. He felt her fists clench his waistcoat, and then, shove at his chest.


Weakly, he tossed himself aside, landing on the sand. He heard the scrambling noise beside him. Stefan glanced over just as the lady picked up her skirts by the hem to flee. He didn't look up to know what direction the lady took to. Stefan simply lay there, staring at the sun and wondering what madness had fallen on him.



Chapter Three



The emerald petticoat Marlene helped her into seemed too tight. Esther sat down on her bed with a huff. The curtains from the top fell and covered her face. She breathed angrily and merely huffed again. She didn't know how to tell Marlene to help her out of the petticoat.


The maid busied herself, clearing the room. The teacup Esther had just sipped from sat on the stool. Her bed was disarranged, heaps of dresses sat beside the wardrobe — all together, so that it looked like a mountain. Her dancing shoes, ones made of silk and those from glittery cotton sat not so far from the dresses. It was all so much work for Marlene. Esther couldn't imagine telling the girl to do more.


The redhead placed the pillows on the settee. Her small white apron rose as she did and then she twirled with a small smile to look at her lady, and then her smile lessened. "Is there a problem, My Lady?"


Esther blinked rapidly, her eyes widened a bit, and she shook her head. Marlene cocked her head to the side. "Are you sure, My Lady? You look flushed."


Esther cast her lashes down and blushed. "It’s the weather, Marlene. Tis nothing to concern yourself with."


"If it is the cold, then I must get you some soup, My Lady!" Marlene rushed to her side. Esther sighed as she watched the maid gaze upon her with concern.


"I'm alright. Please go on with what you're doing."


"No, no. Your father demanded that I see to it that you get what it is you want at all times, My Lady. If you're not pleased, then I may lose my job."


Esther sighed. The girl seemed so eager to answer to her. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to tell her that she needed to get her into another petticoat. Which meant she would have to remove the dress she wore. It had been so complicated to get into it. She wondered if it would tire Marlene and be too burdensome for her.


"Marlene —"


The entrance door of her bedchamber burst open. Emerging from the lit hallway was her mother, Lady Rose Bowen, Countess of Kendal. Her dark hair was rolled up in style, and her sharp blue eyes, and upright posture that reeked of confidence was contradictory to Esther's soft demeanor. It made her wonder how it was possible that she looked nothing like her mother.


Lady Kendal donned a gold dress with dark dots kissing its sides, lining up its hem in a straight line. Her hair was pinned with silver pins so that its edges winked in the light. Her eyes raked over Esther, and with her lips turned up, she faced Marlene. "The dress seems too dull for this occasion. I want Esther to attract as much attention as she can. This night is for her."


Esther's eyes widened. She shook her head immediately. "Mother, the dress is just fine."


"Nonsense, dear." Lady Kendal picked up her skirts and sat down elegantly beside Esther on the bed, making it dip as she settled. The curtains were falling again, but Marlene held on to it and quickly tied the curtains to the sides before they covered the Lady.


"Esther, this dress is nothing compared to the one your father had made in Paris. The green one, with glittering stones that captures your smile —" Her eyes darted to Marlene. "Get it."

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