Home > Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(87)

Seduced by a Daring Baron Historical Regency Romance(87)
Author: Ella Edon


The Dowager Duchess didn't look up, she simply nodded. "You attended the ball."


He inclined his head. "I promised that I would."


"Did you see any good maidens? One who would make a good duchess?"


"Mother, we've discussed this."


"We have, indeed. Which is why I'm asking if you have seen any."


"No, mother. And I don't think I will be seeing anyone fit to be the Duchess of York anytime soon."


The duchess chuckled, then she looked up. "If you say so. Your siblings have been put to bed. You could kiss Robert goodnight before you go to bed as well. He had wanted to see you."


Stefan smiled. He knew why Robert wanted to see him before he went to bed. In the early months after their father's death, Robert had mistaken him for their papa. And he had wanted him to read him books to bed, just like their papa used to do. Stefan, however, didn't like to read books or poems, unlike his papa. But he made sure to stay beside Robert while he slept.


"You look so much like my Robert," his mother murmured.


He knew she didn't know that he heard her muttered remark, so he simply stared in silence. He thought Robert looked more like their papa, and that was why he had been named after him.


"Agnes would —"


"Goodnight Mama." He stood up abruptly. His mother's gaze snapped to him. With clenched jaws, he strode out of the room. They could talk about papa, but not her. No, not her.



He knew that a visit to the orphanage meant he would see Lady Esther again. She was once again sharing something with the little children. Lady Kinross had told him the specific days which Esther came to the orphanage.


"Since Lord Milway broke off the engagement, the lady has drowned herself with work here. She is happy while she is with the children. Happy to help the young lads and lasses. But I see her sorrow. Every time I look into her eyes, I see her sorrow," Lady Kinross had said.


"Lord Milway? The lady was engaged to be wed?"


Lady Kinross had blinked. Knowing that she had said too much, she rushed away. But he knew where to get good town talk, which was why he had paid Yvette — a talkative prostitute, who wanted money for anything, even her gossips. She knew all. Yvette had been of no great help, however. She had simply said Lord Milway announced their separation because they were not compatible, and that it had been of mutual agreement.


But he felt there was more to the story.


"The lady fled the ballroom, I tell ye. She fled just before the gentleman emerged and announced to all that the engagement was off. But he looked pleased about this, I tell ye. And the lady hid from public events for a long time, and I think the ball the other night was like a re-debutante. She was looking for another suitor," Yvette had said, before downing the cup of beer. And her mouth began moving again, not only from talking but from the bread she left on the table. He couldn't believe what he had done, approached the whorehouse just to get gossip. As he had relaxed into the wooden chair and watched Yvette demand more money before she spoke again, he realized how absurd his actions were. But perhaps they were worth it. Because now, as he stood watching Lady Esther feed the little ones, he knew that his curiosity was not entirely satisfied.


"And bread for Alanah," She placed one loaf of bread on the child's plate and smiled at her. The little girl gazed hungrily at the roll, but smiled back and replied with a hearty, toothless “Thank you.”


Puffing a breath, he stood by, watching her. A little girl said something to her, and it made Esther smile a little, then cast her lashes down. She always did that. Like she was afraid to look anyone in the eyes. She was quiet, too; she didn't talk much. She didn’t laugh very much. Only a little smile now and again. He wondered if Lord Milway has done this or if it was merely part of her demeanor.


He was so curious about her that it irked him. Why was he so interested in knowing about her?


"Lord Milway was her childhood friend. They had been betrothed almost since birth." Yvette had added. When he snapped his gaze to her, she shrugged. "'Tis what I've heard, Your Grace."


Just like Agnes. He swallowed as everything came rushing back. She was just like Agnes. And all over again, he was a teenager and his life was rushing before him. He needed to save her from herself.


Lady Esther wore a blue muslin and beneath he could see the glittering black shoes. As she walked aside gradually, with grace and uncertainty, he felt the need to pull her away, so he could tell her that he knew. He wanted her to see that he knew her.


He stared on. When she looked up, Esther’s eyes didn't meet his, but she had seen him — seen him watching her. He watched as she whirled around and went the other way, talking to more children and giving them something. He clenched his jaws for a minute before finally smiling.


He wondered if she avoided him because of the kiss they had shared or because she had heard things about him. He wouldn't be surprised if she were told he was bad news.


"Your Grace, you sent for physicians, and they have arrived," Lady Kinross whispered behind him.


He turned abruptly, a small smile still on his face. Behind Lady Kinross was Antoine, the French physician who lived at the border between Somerset and York. Stefan bowed. The man spoke in French, grinning, but caught himself soon enough.


"Pardon me, Your Grace." He smiled.


Stefan nodded quickly, eager to get back to watching Lady Esther.


"Lady Kinross will take you to the ill children." His face softened. "I want to be assured that they will get better. They've caught the flu and have been separated from the rest of the children so they all wouldn't fall ill."


"I understand, I'll do my very best."


"You have no assistant? There are about a dozen children in there. "


"My assistant is away."


Stefan was taken aback. "I want the children to receive adequate treatment and proper care. You need to request your assistant to attend you. I don't believe that you alone can care for them."


"I'll have to start while I send word."


"The sisters have offered to help. The sisters from the convent. As well as Lady Esther —"


Stefan interrupted Lady Kinross immediately. "No, the lady will not go in there. She is no physician."


"As an assistant simply. She has insisted on this."


"Well, I refuse that she goes in there. I want the physician and the sisters. They have experience with illnesses and can handle it. A lady of noble birth would not know what to do." No way was he letting her go in there. Aside from the fact that she lacked experience, he worried that she would catch the croup as well — which would happen due to her lack of experience with ill patients.

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