Home > Shepard A Spawns of Chaos MC Novel(19)

Shepard A Spawns of Chaos MC Novel(19)
Author: Rae B. Lake

"Shep, no brother. She didn't do anything." Tex said, trying to stand up from the bed. His medication was causing him to wobble a little bit.

"Tex lay back down! I know you don't understand." I dismissed him and focused my attention back on Gianna, who was crying at my feet.

Too little too late.

"Don't act like you're sorry now. I don't have time for no lying-"

Tex got in my face and grabbed my vest, "Don't act like I’m stupid cause of my damn condition, she didn't do anything. No fucking, no sucking, no touching, nothing. She came in because I was having a fucking nightmare. She was helping, and you're a damn ass." He wobbled again, this time forward, almost knocking me backward.


I let go of her hair at a loss for words. I didn't often feel like an ass, but this was one of the rare times that I did. I’d jumped to conclusions.

I looked down at the woman crying on the floor. I had done that for nothing.

"Tex, you can make it back to the bed?"

"Yeah, one second ok." I held onto him until he got his legs under him, and he walked back over to the bed where he laid back down.

"Gianna," I knelt down to where she was still sitting on the floor. "Look that's my bad, I should have figured everything out first before I acted."

"How could you think that I would do that? I know you don't know me that well, but don't you see that your hold on me is complete and unbreakable. I would never go for anyone else while I can go to you."

I pulled her into a hug and kissed her head, "I know it. I'm not used to this shit. I wasn't expecting you, and I don’t know how to do this shit."

"Ah, love." Tex said from his bed, "Can you fuck now? I never saw Shepard's nut face before. Does he squint his eyes or open his mouth? Does he do both? It's for research purposes!"

"Shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Gianna, don't you want to hear my hypothesis?"

She rolled her eyes, the tears she just shed still wetting her cheeks, but a small smile played on her face, "Sure. What’s your hypothesis?"

"I believe that men who squint or squeeze their eyes shut before they cum have very low stamina and those that relax have more."

"And what about those that do both?"

"Ah, fucked if I know, that would be a sight to see though, don't you think darlin?"

Gianna giggled again and wiped her face. I stood up and picked her up with me.

"Tex, go to sleep."

"Thanks for the talk, Gianna."

"Anytime Tex, just come get me." She looked over to me, a question on her face. She was making sure it was ok with me. I nodded my head if she was good to my brothers; it was good for me. I started on my way back to my room when I could see a figure moving towards the back doors; right passed the laboratory. I put Gianna down and tried to see who was over there.


"G, go to the room and stay in there. I'll be right back."

"I am so tired-"

"Woman, stop arguing with me and get to the room." I watched her face fall, "I promise you that I will take you out either tonight or tomorrow, you have my word."

"What about my debt?"

"Later, I promise we’ll talk about it later." I ran past her, hoping that I didn't lose Kat. I ran to the back of the building and could see the tread marks from his bike. He had just left, I could follow these until I got to the main road. The problem was after that I had to see where he went or I would never find him.

I made it to the main road, but Kat was nowhere in sight, "Fuck!" I looked up and down the road, and by some chance of fate, I saw the very top of his bright red helmet. I pulled onto the road and chased him down, getting as close as I could without him seeing me. He rode for miles, even stopping once to fill up again. I had no idea where he was going, and after more than four hours on the road, I was ready to give up the chase and go home.

He pulled into an indoor parking lot, and I blew by him, I wasn't paying much attention to what he was doing.


I stopped at the next block and pulled into the side street. I didn't want him to see my bike if he decided that he was going to come back out quickly.

I jumped up on the top of the garbage can sitting below a small window into where Kat was trying to see what was going on in there. Surprisingly enough, the window was open. I could see and hear everything.

"I told you there was a little problem, why the fuck do I have to come out here to see that you don't have any more stock. What the hell do you want me to do? Pull the shit out my ass? As soon as I get it, you will get it. My guy is already back on the job, and you should have something within the next week."

"Kat, do I look like I am a patient man because I promise you I am not. You promised me a shipment yesterday. Get my shit in my hands within two days."

"Or what?" Kat asked, trying to stare the man down.

"I don't issue threats. You have your deadline if you want to find out what happens if you don't meet it, I'll see you in three days with your answer."

Kat looked around, and I had to duck down quickly so that he wouldn't see me peeping in the window.

"The fuck you still doing here, get the hell out of my space."

"Lamar, I am sorry, I didn't think he would-"

The man Kat called Lamar backhanded him to the ground like a bitch, "Shut the fuck up with all that noise; get me my shit." He stepped over Kat like he was nothing.

Kat was supposed to be one of the most ruthless motherfuckers Rooster knew, but whoever this Lamar was didn't get that memo.

I watched Kat get up from the ground, wipe his pants off, and shuffle out to his bike like a whipped dog. I let him start on his drive home before I ran over to my bike and got on it to follow. I cursed myself, I came all this way and still didn't have any real proof that he was the one stealing the product from the club. It seemed like he was, but if I was wrong, I'd be going against one of my patch mates. It was almost as bad as threatening his life. If I was wrong, I would be subject to the same fate as he if I was right. Death.

I had to be sure.



Chapter 14

Gianna POV


I’d been trapped here in this fucking room for hours. I was tired of being a damn prisoner. I wanted to know about these people that I was stuck with, but Shepard was adamant that I stay put when he wasn't in the clubhouse.

"That bitch is in there; she gotta be."

There was talking outside the door, but I didn't know who it was. I walked over to the door, ready to open it until there was a heavy bang on it. "Bitch, open up!"

I jumped back, the anger of the person on the other side startling me.

"I know you’re in there! Open the door so that I can kick your ass. You think your pussy is better than mine? You’re here to serve the club members just like us, and it's time you know your place!" The woman kicked the door again. It was Victoria, the woman who I dumped the soda on. I stormed towards the door, ready to open it up and give her a piece of my mind, but Shepard had already told me that I was to stay put and not cause any more problems. I was sure that fighting this woman was included in that. I walked back over to the bed and sat down, listening to the obscenities that she slurred through the heavy wood of the door. I bit my tongue just to keep myself for responding to her.

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