Home > Christmas for Beginners(53)

Christmas for Beginners(53)
Author: Carole Matthews

‘We can take these boys out one weekend, if you like.’

‘That would be great. I’ll definitely be rusty.’

‘Me too. I ride with Lucas sometimes, but not as often as I’d like.’

Bev comes over to me. ‘I think we’ll head back,’ she says. ‘Alan’s done very well but he’s tired now. I’ll try to make him sit on the sofa and read while I make lunch.’

‘Thanks, Bev.’ I feel overwhelmed with love for them both. ‘You don’t know how pleased I am to have you back. Both of you.’

‘It was such a scare,’ she whispers. ‘I want to wrap him up in cotton wool. I can’t bear to let him out of my sight. I even follow him to the loo.’

‘Too much information,’ I say and we both laugh.

‘It could have been so much worse.’ I can tell from her face that this has been a terrible ordeal for them both. ‘But we’ve had a warning. I’m going to mollycoddle him from now on.’

‘He won’t know what’s hit him.’

‘Half an hour until lunch. Don’t be late.’

I watch as Bev and Alan amble slowly back towards the yard, arm-in-arm. Alan’s steps are slow, hesitant, but I’m sure with Bev’s tender loving care he’ll soon be back on form. I’ve been on the receiving end of Bev’s care before now and I know how good it is.

While I’m not watching, Johnny Rotten takes the opportunity to slip his halter and sets off across the field at an impressive pace.

‘Who let go of the flipping alpaca?’ I shout.

Matt and I look at each other and, with a laugh, we both give chase.



Chapter Fifty-Four


When the day is done and all the animals are fed, watered and put to bed, I can finally wind down.

‘Shall we have a takeaway?’ I say to Lucas. I’m tired after my fitful night and can’t face cooking.

‘I’m supposed to be going to Aurora’s place,’ he says. ‘I’ve been messaging her but she’s not replying.’

‘Could you try going old school and call her?’

I get a dark look for my suggestion. But he brings up her number, nevertheless. ‘Still no reply.’

Matt is getting ready to leave and I say to him, ‘Why don’t you stay and join us for some food? If you’re not rushing away. My treat after all you’ve done for us.’

‘I have no plans for this evening,’ he says.

‘Chinese? The delivery man always complains that he can’t find us, but he gets here eventually.’

‘I’ll nip out for it,’ Matt says. ‘Save him a job.’

I find the menu and we put our order together before calling it in. Then I find a bottle of wine gathering dust in the bottom of the cupboard and I open it and, something I rarely do, I pour myself a glass. As I’m putting some plates in the oven to warm, I send a text message to Shelby to thank him for our trip to the panto and wish him well for tonight. He replies to say that he enjoyed it too, but that he won’t be back at the weekend as he has a meeting on Sunday. Funny he didn’t mention it before, but then we didn’t exactly have a lot of time to talk.

I know that it’s wrong, but I’m rather glad that he’s not going to be here as it puts off having to tell him about the baby. I shouldn’t feel like that. But I do.

I potter about until Matt and Lucas arrive with the food and it smells delicious. We put the cartons out between us and help ourselves. The dogs all cram beneath the table hoping for titbits, but they’re sadly disappointed. This mushroom chow mein is all mine. Matt and Lucas crack open some Tsingtao beer they bought at the Tesco Extra by the takeaway. There’s lots of laughter and jokes. It’s clear that Matt and Lucas get on well and I wish again that things could be so relaxed between Shelby and his son.

When we’ve eaten, the lads pile the dishes in the sink and I pull out the Scrabble.

‘Oh, not board games,’ Lucas complains.

‘Yes. I am Scrabble champion of the world and I plan to whoop your sorry arses.’

‘Oh, you think so,’ Matt says. ‘I am unbeaten in the Eastman family.’

‘I see that as a challenge,’ I tell him, spreading out the board.

Lucas holds up his hands. ‘I’m always thrashed by everyone as my boredom threshold is very low.’

‘Watch and learn,’ I tell him.

So we refresh our glasses and settle down to play. Matt does, indeed, prove to be a worthy opponent. And, despite feeling that the men are ganging up on me, I easily trounce both of them. I get a 95 word-score for ‘gherkin’, slapping down my tiles and sealing their fate. They both mock-bow to me.

‘Your prize for victory is that we wash up,’ Matt says. ‘Come on, Lucas. We must be magnanimous in our defeat.’

‘That was a laugh,’ Lucas says. ‘I used to play with my mum and I’d forgotten what it was like. I want to have evenings like this with my kid.’ Then he pulls himself up short and glances anxiously at me.

‘I told Matt,’ I confess. ‘I didn’t think you’d mind.’

‘I don’t,’ Lucas agrees.

‘Congratulations,’ Matt says. ‘That’s going to be a tough gig. If you need any help from me, I’ll support you all I can.’

‘Thanks,’ Lucas says.

Matt throws his arms round Lucas’s shoulders and gives him a hug. Lucas leans into him, happily.

‘That doesn’t get you out of the washing up though, mate,’ Matt says and he hands Lucas the tea towel.

It’s been a great evening and, dishes done, I walk Matt to the gate. ‘Thanks for everything.’

‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘I do appreciate it. And thanks for being supportive to Lucas. He’s going to need all the help he can get.’

‘No problem.’ Then, before I know what’s happening, he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. It’s light, friendly, but it feels more than that. If I turned my head just slightly . . .

He squeezes my arm, his fingers lingering, and then gets into his car. I watch until he’s gone from the lane. I like having him here. Perhaps too much.

Back in the caravan, Lucas is on his phone again.

‘Still no Aurora?’

He shakes his head. ‘I don’t know why she’s not replying.’

‘Perhaps she’s somewhere without a signal?’

He shrugs. ‘She didn’t say she was going out.’

‘Perhaps she thought we were away tonight as well as last night. I’m sure she’ll turn up tomorrow.’

‘Yeah.’ He still looks concerned. ‘I’m off to bed.’

‘It’s nice to see you getting on with Matt,’ I note.

‘He’s a good bloke.’

‘One of the best.’

‘He fancies you.’

I laugh. ‘I don’t think so.’

Lucas gives me a knowing look. ‘He suits you better than my cockwomble of a father.’


We both giggle. ‘It was the best I could think of,’ he admits.

‘Goodnight, Lucas. I’m just popping out to check on everyone, then I’ll be right behind you.’

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