Home > Christmas for Beginners(68)

Christmas for Beginners(68)
Author: Carole Matthews

Hopefully, at Christmas, we’ll be more relaxed, feeling goodwill to all men and our various bombshells won’t seem so bad at all. I have everything crossed.

‘I’m going to see Aurora today.’ Lucas looks relieved. ‘Can I bunk off for a few hours?’

‘Yes, sure. You worked really hard yesterday.’ I look him squarely in the eye. ‘And your poems were brilliant. Promise me you’ll still try to find time to write when the baby comes.’

‘Oh, yeah,’ he says. ‘Me and Aurora are going to keep it as real as we can. When you’re young parents you have more energy.’

I don’t point out to Lucas that, on the whole, he has very little energy now. His lie-ins until noon are soon to be a thing of the past. We’ve still yet to determine where and how they will live. Mind you, the same goes for me. I want Lucas here with me, but we can’t all live in the caravan. Could we all move into Homewood Manor and be one big happy family? It would be a lovely idea. In reality, it might take some working out.

When Bev arrives, all bouncy and buoyant, she lifts my spirits.

‘Yesterday was a flipping triumph!’ she declares.

‘Apart from the impromptu demonstration of alpaca love.’ ‘It only added to the atmosphere,’ she says. ‘Bless ’em.’

Bless ’em, indeed.

‘I couldn’t face doing it last night, so I’ll total all the money today,’ she continues. ‘It’s looking good though. Santa left us a nice present too. A cheque for a thousand quid.’

‘He did?’

‘Yeah. Top bloke.’

I must ring and thank Christian profusely. He’s a good friend to us.

‘So? While we’re feeling flushed with success, do you fancy doing a spring open day?’

I groan. ‘Let me get over this one first!’

Bev laughs. ‘I’ve got a wedding to fit in before then.’

‘Have you got a date yet?’

‘No, but it will be soon. No point hanging about, eh? Strike while the iron’s hot and all that.’

‘Has Alan recovered from the shock?’

‘Not quite,’ she says. ‘He did have a few large whiskies last night.’

We laugh together. ‘I bet!’

‘You really will be my bridesmaid, matron of honour, whatever?’

‘Of course, I’ll be delighted.’

Bev hugs me. ‘How did it go with Shelby?’

‘OK. I didn’t tell him about the baby. The timing was wrong.’

She eyes my tummy. ‘He didn’t notice?’

If I’m honest, he was so caught up in his own dilemmas that I’m not sure he noticed me at all. ‘No.’

‘He’ll need to know soon.’

‘Christmas,’ I say. ‘I’ll tell him then.’

Bev raises her eyebrows. ‘That poor man’s got a shock coming to him.’

‘He’s thinking of taking a job in Hollywood,’ I admit. ‘We might not be seeing much of him for the next year.’

‘Surely, he won’t go when he knows about the baby – both of them!’

‘I wanted him to make his decision without complications. I can’t be the one to hold him here, Bev.’

‘You are a funny one,’ my friend says. ‘But you know that you’ll have our support whatever you decide to do.’


‘I’ll get on and organise the students. We’ve a fair bit of tidying up to do today.’

‘Lucas isn’t going to be around. He’s gone to see Aurora. I hope they’ll sort out some details of their situation. I was wondering – in an optimistic moment – whether we all might live together at Homewood Manor.’

‘It would be a good idea,’ Bev says. ‘I think. It could work brilliantly, or you’d all kill each other within a fortnight.’

‘One thing I did discuss with Shelby was the possibility of Penny and her mum living in the cottage there if she wants to and he agreed. I’m going to call her and see what she thinks.’

‘Now that is an inspired idea.’

‘Fingers crossed that she’s willing to try. I can’t bear to see how worn-down Penny looks. Potentially, this could transform their situation.’

‘The cottage has been empty for a while,’ Bev muses. ‘It will need a good clean and freshen up.’

‘I thought we could find a few hours to go over there this week.’

Bev nods. ‘Shouldn’t be a problem.’

‘Penny’s not here yet, but when Jess drops her off, I’ll see if I can have a word with her.’

So, while Bev herds the students up to the barn, I clean up in the tea room while I wait for Penny and Jess to arrive. I set to and sweep the floor, swishing the broom vigorously to get rid of trodden-in cake. As I do, I get a sharp pain low down in my stomach which takes my breath away. I’m going to have to start taking things a little easier, I realise. I’ve been heaving feed bags around this morning and I probably shouldn’t.

Then I hear a car at the gate and it’s Jess dropping Penny off, so I dash outside.

‘Morning!’ They both look worn out and I wonder if they’ve had another difficult night. ‘Everyone’s in the barn,’ I say to Penny as she climbs out of the car. ‘Catch up with them. I want a word with your mum.’

‘Nothing bad?’ Penny says, anxiously.

‘No. Nothing to worry about. I’ll be up there in a minute.’

Jess has wound down her car window and I lean on the door. ‘Fancy coming in for a quick cuppa? I have a proposal.’

‘Sure.’ She parks up and we walk to the tea room where I make a brew.

‘I’ve got the keys to a small cottage,’ I tell her when we’re seated with our mugs of tea. ‘It’s tiny, but very lovely and not far from here. My partner is the owner and he says that you can stay there free of charge for as long as you need.’

Her eyes well with tears. ‘Why would you do that for us?’

‘Because no one should live in fear and, if I can help, I will.’

‘Penny always says how lovely you are.’

‘We can go and look at it if you’d like.’

Jess shakes her head. ‘If you say it’s nice then that’s enough for me. Anywhere is better than where we are now. I’d rather live in a tent.’

‘Give me a couple of days to sort it out. We could move you at the weekend?’

‘He’ll be around then.’ She hangs her head. ‘It would have to be during the week when he’s at work.’

‘Friday, then?’

‘I’m afraid,’ she admits. ‘What if he finds out where we are?’

‘The cottage is behind a high wall with security gates and cameras everywhere. I think you’ll be safe there.’ I take her hand. ‘Safer than you are now. For Penny’s sake, you have to try. This can’t go on.’

Jess nods. ‘Thank you, Molly.’

‘We’ll keep in touch this week. Bev and I will go and get it ready for you.’

We both stand up and hug each other.

Penny’s mum looks at me with tears in her eyes. ‘This will give us a new start, a second chance.’

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