Author: V L Peters

Sitting down on the chair that was placed in front of the large window, I gazed out at the forecourt below and the heavy iron gates and wall. Sensing farther then seeing movement to the left of my gaze, I slowly turned my head around. I sat up, watching the doors swing open, the tall muscular figure of Lucien Sinclair stepped into my view. The woman who stood beside him was nearly as tall, black hair hanging down her back, hitting the top of her ass, her lips painted a deep blood red. She stood there clinging with possessive fingers. I watched, as the women kissed his cheek leaving the print of her lipstick on his cheek, then kissed his lips while running her fingertips over his chest. I couldn’t drag my eyes away watching, as one of those very hands that had only been touching me intimately a few days ago, travelling down and stroking the woman’s side before settling on her trim waist and pulling her up tight to his hard body. Their lip locked together, kissing with such heat and familiarity, that I knew that they were lovers. I didn’t like the way it affected me. The feeling that was overwhelming me. Witnessing them kiss, made me hate the way it caused my chest to tighten up. I felt betrayed, which was completely illogical. I wanted to drag my gaze away, but it was as if I was being made to watch, like an invisible hand was holding my head in a tight grip. What I was witnessing was tormenting me. I couldn’t fully understand my reaction, I knew it was partly to do with what had happened between us the other night. The rest was to do with the dreams and visions I was still getting. They had gotten more frequent since I had been held here. Through, I hadn’t seen him, somehow, I had been able to sense him, every moment of every day. I couldn’t understand why I could tell when he was pissed off, angry or filled with passion. It was as if he had some bloody pull over me, I didn’t like it and it made my skin itch. That is how, even without witnessing what was playing out in front of my eyes, and I’d known when he was being intimate with someone. It had made my skin crawl and I had no doubt in my mind the person he’d been with these last few days, was the woman with him now. The very thought of what he’d been doing with her made me want to throw up. Plus, there was something about that woman that was sending off a bad vibe. Even from this distance I could feel the darkness that was rooted inside her. My witch and omega had started going crazy the minute they had clapped eyes on her. There was something off about her. It was as if a bad omen was being sent our way. Oh, I knew as we all did that Lucien was dangerous, there was a darkness, a blackness that was deep inside him. I had felt it the minute he had touched me, but it had felt different, it didn’t feel as if it had wanted to hurt me, not in the way I knew that the black haired woman would. He didn’t try to hide it. There was something off about her, it was that bad that it felt like a premonition. I knew I would have to avoid her at all costs, or it would come to the point that I would have no choice but to defend myself and reveal my powers. It was something I didn’t want to do; it could put the whole coven in danger.

I watched as the passionate kiss ended. Fuck, I needed to leave before I went completely out of my mind. It was plain as day that I didn’t mean a thing to him. Then again, why would I? I didn’t mean a thing to him. I was a witch after all. I couldn’t, wouldn’t wait, any longer. Either he hadn’t played his part on our bloody agreement or he had been trying to find Megan, but looking down at what was going on in front of my very own eyes, it was plain as day, he hadn’t been bothering his ass. Either way I had to find out. I wouldn’t stay locked up in this room any longer, it was getting beyond a joke. I couldn’t get a proper mental link with any of my family which was freaking me out.

‘Maybe sticking your head out, the window would help, plus the fresh air it would do you good,’ I heard my witch tell me, while clapping her hands in excitement, chuckling to herself.

‘Stupid witch. It would be crazy to do such a thing. Bringing attention to ourselves isn’t a good idea’ I could hear the omega telling her, ‘not a very wise thing at all,’ I ignored them both, shutting them out. I could not deal with their bickering.

I had not tried to use my powers since the other evening. I couldn’t afford to reveal my true self, just being a simple witch was bad enough in Lucien Sinclair’s eyes. If he ever found out who and what we really were, then shit would really hit the fan. If anyone found out that out there, were also the last of the Omega’s, then they would have another thing to fear. The last Omegas hadn’t been seen for two hundred years. Everyone thought that they had died out. A small group had gone into hiding and that group of Omegas had been our ancestors.

Omegas could be male or female. Full blooded Omegas had been highly sort after. The supernatural’s had been able to breed with them without any problems. Any child that was created between an omega and a supernatural had been believed to be a powerful being. There had been a legend, that one such being, would be able to control all supernatural’s, this had caused an uproar between humans and supernatural’s. Many Omegas had been murdered out of fear and hate, by the humans. The supernatural’s had wanted to cage them, believing that the Omegas they had captured could be the one who would give them the child that was mentioned in the legend. There had been a handful of humans and supernatural’s who hadn’t agreed with what was happening and had decided to come together to help. They had fled in the night; some had been captured and killed. Many had succeeded in getting away. The witches, well they had been a different thing entirely.

Being a witch and the last of the Omega’s would cause havoc, not only in the supernatural world, but the human world as well. Once he found out the kind of power we held, there would be no way that Lucien wouldn’t want to let me go. He’d do everything in his power to keep us here, which would include our cousins, and the others we classed as ‘family’. All our ancestors had been either been witches, Omegas or supernatural. So, we had double the power of a normal witch or omega. The first children who had been conceived from the combination of human, witch and sometimes a supernatural, hadn’t been able to control their powers. Those times hadn’t been pretty. A lot of mistakes had been made. As each generation had passed, it had gotten easier to control their new powers. These powers from both parents when combined could turn a child into a force so powerful they could destroy a city without lifting even lifting a finger.

The mere thought of anyone, let alone Lucien Sinclair, learning what we were, terrified me. The thought of what could happen made me sick to my stomach. Once I found out what happened to Megan, I was out of here, even if I had to use my powers to-do so. I was finished with being messed around either he had found something out or he hadn’t, either way it was time I found that out. I couldn’t waste time. The witch in me was getting restless, the omega not far behind.

My gaze drifted back to Lucien and his lady love. Bloody hell, they were back at it. Fucking hell, go and get a room why don’t you. Where they going to have sex there in front of anyone who could see them? It was plain they didn’t give a fuck. There was no way in hell I was going to let him touch me again, no matter what my visions or dreams told me, I wasn’t one to have someone’s sloppy seconds, no matter how my body or mind responded to his, it just wasn’t going to happen. Someone should really tell them to get a room, I knew it was the witch in me as a wicked thought crossed my mind, I sniggered. I wasn’t going to stay in this room than I had to, which come to think of it, I didn’t have to. If he wouldn’t take any notice of the requests of meeting up, then I was through with the begging and being ignored. I was fed up with asking to see him and being kept in this bloody room. I knew, without a doubt, I was going to regret what I was about to do, but I ignored any reasoning I had. Pulling up the latch of the window, I pushed it upwards. Sticking my head and shoulders out of the window, I let out a loud high-pitched whistle, trying to gain his attention, when that didn’t work, I started shouting down at him. Not very lady like I know but bugger it.

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