Author: V L Peters

It took exactly two minutes before all hell broke loose. I stood there listening to all reasons that I couldn’t do it and wouldn’t do it. In my eyes there was not a single good reason that they came up with. Megan had disappeared. It was three days since she’d last been seen, the last sighting was at the Fallen Angel. It was a well-known notorious nightclub. It was rumoured that if you wanted to find a certain type of pleasure then that was the place to find it. It was said that the higher the floor level you entered the more extreme the experience. Anything from Dancing to Sex. Even Blood feedings if you so desired. Of course, everything came with a price depending on your desire. You named it and it was available…. At a price and it wasn’t always with money. It was also owned by no other than Lucien Sinclair sexy as hell, dangerous with a capital D and if rumours were true, a Demon and he wasn’t too fond of humans. If you were a witch, then you were definitely fucked and not in a good way! He was someone you did not want to cross and if you did, well rumours were that you would be lucky to be alive or in one peace when he caught up with you. Anyone with any sense stayed away from his clubs and out of his way. He ruled with an iron fist and if you stayed out of his radar then you didn’t have anything to fear.

Why Megan and her friends had decided to go there we didn’t know. Megan’s friends hadn’t been any help, all we had gotten from them was a vagueness of remembering Megan first going to the bar for a round of drinks then to the bathroom. Each had thought she had told the other that she was going home. She hadn’t, she’d disappeared. The human police had been useless; they were just a waste of time. They tended to stay away from anything Supernatural even if any human had been involved. They tended to leave it in the hands of the Enforcement which was the Supernatural’s own police force. The Enforcement was apparently owned by a group of the most powerful of the Supernatural’s or Naturals as they liked to be known. Of course, the councils weren’t much help either. They normally left it in the hands of the Enforcement to deal with any matters they thought beneath them. With no real help we realised we had no choice but to deal with her disappearance ourselves.

Up to now I had never had the pleasure of seeing Lucien Sinclair in the flesh, which I knew was going to change in the next 48 hours. I was the only one that could go, I know I had never really gone against their advice before but this time there wasn’t any choice, no matter what they said or how much they tried to convince me. I knew without any doubt I had to be the one to go to the Fallen Angel.

I waited patiently, though I felt like screaming. Didn’t they realise that they were wasting time and time was something none of us had. Megan was missing and we needed to find her no matter the cost. She was the one who looked out for us, the one who anchored us when we needed that extra help. I had already spoken to our cousin Melissa and had gotten the herbs that we would need for the binding spell to work along with the instructions. I had passed them onto Pamela earlier on in the day before this discussion had happened.

Pamela Stepped forward taking my hand into her own ‘Scarlett why do you feel it’s got to be you that must go and not one of us?’ Even though Pamela asked me the question I felt as if she already knew the answer. The next question directed at me only confirmed it ‘Have you been dreaming again?’

I knew the reaction my answer was going to cause. I wasn’t going to lie, but I needed to put a stop to their response. Placing a smile across my lips hoping that they didn’t realise that it was forced I gave her a quick nod. ‘I know she was there. We all do,’ I sighed. I knew them too well; they were getting ready to protest. To tell me that I couldn’t go. I knew why, it was my age.

‘Stop.’ I ordered shaking my head, stopping the words from falling from their mouths before they could even fall ‘You’ve got to hear me out. It must be me. My dreams ……. I have to go’ I paused trying to find the right words to express my emotions without frightening and freaking them out. It would be hard to admit to them what was really in my dreams. It would cause them to blow a gasket, so I was going to tell a little white lie. I was going to hold back on the truth and that included the lethal Lucien Sinclair. If I even mentioned his name, they would completely flip out. They would lock me away until I came to my senses. If they stopped me from going it would not only put Megan in danger but the rest of us as well. Something was coming, something that was going to cause so many changes. Changes that had already been set in motion long before Megan had gone missing. With her disappearance it had upped the ante and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Dangerous times where coming, and it frightened the fuck out of me. They all knew, they could sense it maybe not in the way that I could, but it was still there just not as strong.

‘’None of you can go, it has to be me.’’ I told them. I knew they each saw the fear and the determination written in my eyes and even if they didn’t like what they saw, they each knew that if they didn’t help me, I would find another way. They had to trust me and let me be the one to try to find out what happened to Megan.

They all knew my dreams always came to fruition. The ones I’d had been getting recently were something different. They were more intense and felt more realistic. It was as if I was there. We all felt the dread overwhelming us, it had been materializing inside us for the last few weeks.





Knowing these dreams where something else entirely, I just hoped that none of us would regret letting Scarlett go. We all felt guilty, I could feel the relief that was whelming up inside every one of us. That Scarlett was willing to go in our place. None of us had really wanted to set foot into Fallen Angel and especially didn’t want to set eyes on Lucien Sinclair. I doubted she would see him let alone run into him but there was always that small chance. Just the thought sent shivers down my spine. He was bad news in more ways than one. Everything we had heard and found out about him was true. Dangerous and deadly didn’t cover it. Scarlett would have to be on her guard the entire time with none of us there to cover her back. We all had been trained over the years in self-defence, so we could easily protect ourselves. I and Megan had carried that on after our parents had died. Being witches did not mean we couldn’t get hurt or be killed, we could. We were like any other human in the world we were just lucky we had a little extra zap. We each had our own powers whether it was healing, the gift of seeing the past or future, or moving objects, the list went on.

Scarlett had a mixture seeing into the past and future it was a hell of a burden. One I knew she carried heavily on her shoulders. She had seen many gruesome deaths in the past and I knew she knew that there were more to come. She also could see events that where going to happen. The other was touching an object. Though touching something or someone she could see and tell what they were feeling, what they had experienced or seen. She had once told me the one gift she did love out of them all was the healing touch. She had learnt at an early age that she could not only heal the earth’s soil with a touch of her hands, but the wounded as well. These two gifts she shared with Megan. They were both powerful in their own right, but if combined together it was tenfold.

I could feel my sisters fear, it was so powerful it was overwhelming me. Fear for not only Scarlett and Megan but ourselves as well. We had other family members we cared for and loved, every single one of them were all in danger.

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