Author: V L Peters

We sat there as listening to her reasons. Knowing how much danger she was willingly putting herself in. We could understand were she was coming from but didn’t have to like it. None of us wanted to step a foot in his night club but we would be there for Scarlett, standing if need be behind or in front of her if she called. We were not going to lose another sister! Mia and Abigail were not happy, being twins they thought one of them should be going in. They were the strongest of us all. With their powers combined they were invincible, the reason they couldn’t go was they were still in training and were still schooling their skills.

We would have to pull forward our powers and combine them together entwining them as if it were a jigsaw sliding into place. Along with our Cousin Melissa’s binding spell and herbs. We had agreed that we were going to take the chance that it would be powerful enough to protect whoever was going to go into The Fallen Angel before Scarlett had stepped forward. Now we needed it to be powerful enough not to only to hide any markings but also to provide her with a concealment spell along with a protection spell.

Placing a protective shield around someone was a big enough problem on its own, combining the three together was an even bigger one. The main problem we had. We had no clue how long it would last, if at all it would even work. What stopped one person in seeing the truth, didn’t mean it would work on the next person you encountered, it came down to them taking a huge chance. Talking well into the night until finally we all agreed that we had to take that chance and there was no option, no matter how we felt. It had to be Scarlett who went in.





The next evening


The Winters household



‘’Are you ready for this?’’ Emma asked me with a slight smile, worry in her blue eyes.

‘’Ready,’’ I let out a light laugh, as I felt Emma sitting down next to me. I had stayed awake most of the night wondering what the hell I had done and regretting every second. ‘’nope, I am nowhere near ready and I’m so nervous, I think I’m going to be sick,’’ I told her as we sat there watching as Pamela and Ava rearranged the furniture.

‘’We are one hundred percent behind you Scarlett and if you want to change your mind that is fine. One of us can go instead,’’ she reassured me, placing her hand upon my own, gripping it tightly.

I knew she meant every word and I knew any of them would step into my shoes from just one word from me. Even if one of them came forward now at this precise minute, to announce that they wanted to go in my place it just wouldn’t work. I would not allow it; I couldn’t allow it. I and I alone was the only one who could do this. Too much was at risk. They didn’t know what was in store for us and what was waiting in the shadows.

‘’I know,’’ I whispered, placing my head on her shoulder, ‘’I know every single one of you would take my place.’’ Signing I lifted my head and turn to face her ‘’but I can’t let you. What’s happening is bigger than any of us realise. Any of you realise! We have to stay strong because if we don’t the consequences ….’’ I think of how to put this without frightening her, there wasn’t any other way, I had to be blunt, ‘’It will not only bring devastation to us but everyone we love and know. Even to those we don’t.!’’

She signed, her eyes down cast and a frown appearing as if she was taking in what I was telling her ‘’I’m terrified Scarlett,’’ she confessed, raising her eyes to meet mine, ‘’Truth be told, We all are. Worried that Megan isn’t going to come home in one peace, if at all. We are terrified that you’re going to end up the same way,’’ she admitted to me with teared filled eyes.

I squeezed the hand that was tightly holding onto my own, while with my other I gentle pushed the white blonde hair that had fallen, hiding one side of her tanned face. Even though I was younger at that moment for the first time, I felt our roles were reversed. ‘’I have to go,’’ I told her placing my hand onto my chest, trying to get the point across. She had to understand, to make this work, they all had to understand and accept that it had to be me. No other. ‘’There isn’t any other choice Emma. It. Has. To. Be. Me.’’ She shook her head, opening her mouth to protest when Pamela walked over towards us, she stood there looking down with concern placing one of her hands over our joint ones. We both knew from her face that she had heard overheard our conversation. I’m sure she had the ears of a bat ‘’Emma’s right any of us are more than willing to go in your place all you have to do is say the word,’’

‘’Pamela we all had this discussion last night. You all know that I must go. There isn’t any other choice,’’ I insisted. This was ridiculous, I knew they were petrified that something bad was going to happen to me, but I had thought we had sorted this out last night, obviously that wasn’t the case!

‘’She’s right,’’ came an unknown voice from the corner of the room, ‘’It has to be her.’’ She turned her head as if looking at someone or something behind her. She frowned. A figurine of a beautiful woman appeared in front of us. Her long silver hair appeared like a halo around her head, a small dark mole upon her right cheek. Her skin was smooth except for around her eyes, they alone told us she was older than she first appeared. Her figure slightly wavering as if trying to establish a stronger connection, she turned her head as if looking at someone or something behind her. She frowned saying something to whoever she could see before swinging her head back towards us, ‘’I haven’t much time.’’ She tells us, ‘’ Scarlett must be the one to go. If she doesn’t then everything you know will no longer exist. You will all have to learn to trust each other, you will have to put your trust in………’’ her voice started to fade, she was still talking as her figure gradually faded until it was as if she had never been there.

All hell broke loose, the first question that entered our minds. Who the hell was she? None of us recognized her, though for some reason I felt as if I should. We should know who she was. The next was how had she managed to even get in here? It was obvious that she had some sort of projection but how had she even managed to get around our spells and were the heck did she come from? We all stood there wondering what the fuck had happened and how we were going to deal with it.

‘’Whoever our mystery guest was, it seems she and whoever was there with her wants Scarlett to go,’’ Mia said, breaking the silence ‘’she was quite persistent in that it should be her,’’

‘’We need to try to find out who she was. I don’t know about any of you, but I felt as if we should know her?’’ Emma said, we all but one nodded our heads with agreement.

‘’I don’t like it,’’ Pamela’s replied, biting her lip while shaking her head, crossing her arms over her chest, ‘’we’re about to do a confinement, protection and binding spell and some strange woman somehow manages to get into our own home! It doesn’t feel right,’’ she turns to face us all ‘’we need to think again, work out another plan,’’

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