Author: V L Peters

‘’Boss?’’ came the questioning voice as the wooden door swung inwards. Revealing Alex. ‘’sorry.’’ He apologized as he walked in ‘’she wanted to talk to you,’’ he told me, indicating to Scarlett who was standing behind him.

She moved from behind his back to stand to one side. She boldly stood there as if she had every right. Meeting my gaze, not flinching as she would have done but a few days ago. This wasn’t the human standing here in front of me. No, I expected it was the witch. I took in her dark auburn hair which she’d piled high up onto her head making her look taller than she was, a few curls hanging down where they had escaped from the bun Tight black jeans clung to her legs with low heeled black boots her top was jade in coloured completed her appearance.

‘’What can I do for you Scarlett?’’ I questioned her easing back into the chair, crossing my ankles while taking another sip of my drink. I had a feeling that she had heard of the meeting. I had no doubt she wanted to be at it along with her sisters. I couldn’t allow it. It was bad enough that it was going around my own people. If there was even a whiff that I had witches living freely in my territory, all hell would break loose. There would be panic. Every single natural and human would be under suspicion, and there were enough problems to deal with, without another added on.

‘’If I hadn’t happened to come upon what was bloody happening last night, you wouldn’t have even told me, would you? What the hell is going on?’ she replied, sauntering over towards him the swaying of her hips, drawing his attention, ‘’Are there any updates? Have you found that soul keeper yet?’’ she paused a look of suspicion forming on her face. Standing directly in front of my desk, she leaned forward, placing both of her hands on to the desk and leaning forwards, ‘’your men…… were fucking attracted, killed, and injured. What else are you holding back on Mm?

What kind of protection will my family have when the do arrive?’’ she fired the questions, not giving me a chance to open my mouth to answer her.

I sat there, sipping my drink, taking in the woman in front of me. I knew the longer it took for me to reply to any of her questions, the easier it would be for her to lose her temper. Her green eyes narrowed in irritation; I could see her trying to hold on to her anger. I wondered what it would be like to see her explode, no doubt it would Light up those green of her eyes as if a fire was blazing inside her. They seemed to see deep down into my soul as if she could see my demon. If she thought I would let her get away with how she talked to me, she had another think coming. If I had to put her in her place, I would do so. New Intel was now in. Information about the soul keeper. After what had happened to my men, I hadn’t yet gone in search of her to give her any information.

Standing up from my chair, placing my hands onto the desk in front of me. My fingertips almost touching her own. I leaned towards her, my breath fanning her face, telling her through gritted teeth, ‘’as you helped to tend to my men’s injurers, I’ll overlook your insolence. Don’t think you can come in here throwing out your demands,’’

‘’I’m not throwing out any so-called demands as you put it. What the hell happened to your men? Hell, do you even know who even bloody attacked them?’’ she spat out, Standing her ground. Not showing once ounce of fear. For that reason alone, my respect for her grew. Though there was a ‘cat in hells chance’ in me ever telling her

‘’My sisters will be arriving soon,’’ she pointed out, as if I needed to be reminded that I Lucien Sinclair was allowing fucking witches not only to carry on living in safely and secret to be in my territory, but here in my club. Word would eventually get out someone would let slip about the witch I was letting live and stay. That she was under my protection. I had no doubt there would be shockwaves and a hell of a lot of trouble upon the news. ‘’So, there had better be some sort of extra protection in place. They will want to be updated. If there is even a whiff that you are not being honest, our agreement will be null and void!!!’’

‘’Watch that mouth of yours Scarlett,’’ I tell her, I felt the stirring of my beast. I could feel his excitement building, rising once again until it became part of me. My demon wanted to play. I give in ever so slightly, letting her see a flash of my beast. My black eyes flashed red, my voice changing. Deeping, rising from within me. I felt my skin flicker, the texture changing.

I saw the flash of shock in her beautiful eyes, her mouth hanging open, the shocking surprise causing her to stumble backward. From the corner of my eye, I saw Alex step towards her, my demon growled, sending him a warning to stay away. My beast wasn’t going to harm her, nor was I. It was the last thing either of us would do. ‘’Don’t overstep boundaries. I will only let you go so far before I retaliate,’’ I warned her, I mustn’t show any weakness. If I did, it would be a disaster for everyone, especially for Scarlett, ‘’your sisters will be safe while they are in …… my care. What happens to them outside of that I have no power over,’’ I tell her with a shrug easing back down into the seat behind me. My beast was still near, I pushed him back, fighting my control. I turned my attention to Alex, who had been standing there the whole time watching and listening. ‘’Alex, Jacob is coming to the meeting. As you personally know him, I’m leaving the meet and greet to you. Make sure that all weapons they carry are left in the store next to the meeting room. They can collect them when they leave, ‘’He did not show once ounce of surprise. I didn’t expect him to I had told my men that a meeting had been called and when it was taking place. ‘’Jaden will be dealing with Nathan and Ben the Fae if they accept the invitations. Also, both councils had requested to attend the meeting. Six from each council will also be attending, along with some of the smaller region’s leaders,’’ yes if you hadn’t got it yet. I ran one of the more significant territories. With my permission they ran smaller regions within mine. Aria was one. They still answered to me, and you see that region that they held. I could take back with a click of my fingers. Nathan, Jacob, Gil-Galad and Reid had a similar ruling. Archer was another matter entirely.

I again turned my attention to Scarlett, who was sitting in the chair that stood in front of the desk. She’s looking between myself and Alex. As if trying to gauge Alex’s reaction. She wasn’t showing any real emotion on her face about the news of the meeting I could tell she was trying to take everything in. I made up my mind there and then that she and her sisters would have to be at the meeting whether anyone else agreed. Yes, it will cause a lot of issues if they found out. After the shock of finding out that witches were still in existence, they would not be welcome. There would be a lot of questions, demands, and threats from all sides. I had to see if they could hold their own, it was something I heavily doubted! She still looked irate but had calmed down somewhat. Good, I know the shock of hearing about the meeting taking place had seemed to render her speechless. She had to put that bit of information I had revealed to her to one side. I needed to talk to her about the information I had gathered about the Soul Keeper. I now know where he might be holding up. Though I had, had second thoughts. I’d decided to allow a small group of my men to gather the little shit and bring him back. They had all been informed of the danger they would be in, that the Natural they would be seeking out was a Soul Keeper. They all knew what was at stake and had to be on their guard at all times. I had given them a choice, and they had volunteered. I wanted him to be captured and taken back to base. I needed him here to be questioned. For them to be able to so. He’d need to be knocked out for their own safety. If he got his hands on any of them, then the outcome for them personally would be disastrous. It would be nearly impossible to be able to require their souls and place them back into their bodies. The same Soul Keeper had to do it, or I’d have to find another Soul Keeper willing to do it, or someone who had the power to carry out the task. Even though my men knew the score as did I. I didn’t want any of them injured or dead. I had lost enough of my people in the last twenty-four hours. I did not want to lose anymore.

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