Author: V L Peters

I could just about make out what he was saying. From what I could hear he wasn’t making any fucking sense. From what we could make out they had gotten to the pickup point, and all hell had broken out. It didn’t take long to realise that Tony and Duncan had arrived back with them but not in one peace. While Damien tried to make sense on the rest of what Ben was telling us. I decided to ring the one person after Damien that I trusted and knew could help. He would be pissed off that I’d even had the audacity to also ring him. He had asked for leave, well bloody had demanded it, and I wasn’t so must of a bastard that I would have refused, he doesn’t take any shit from me he was one of the few who dared to tell me what they thought and not giving a shit if I didn’t like it. Chamuel came and went on his own accord. Having been gone for the last six months, I hadn’t even attempted to get hold of him, but that was about to change.

Who else could you trust if you could not trust your own flesh and blood?









I did not know what had caused me to waken from my slumber, I had woken with a jump. As if someone had given me a hard shove. There wasn’t another soul in the room with me. No sounds in or outside my room reached my ears. I did not feel scared, I knew I should have. If something had been there, it was now gone. I lay there. For how long, I didn’t know. Looking out at the dark night sky. The moon was high and bright. Shining through the window bay, seemingly to light up the room and all that was in it. The longer I stayed lying there, trying to get back to sleep. Something was telling me to move my ass and to go downstairs. You might think I was stupid and should have told myself to ignore those feelings; instead, I got out of bed, dressed, and followed my intuition. How I got to my destination, I honestly don’t know.

Looking around me, all I saw was carnage and mayhem. Men were around me, some I recognized, and some I didn’t. They were either standing or lying down. Injured. There was a handful of people who were attending to them. Orders were being thrown left, and right; I scanned the vast area looking for Lucien. Finally, I saw him to the left of me, standing in a small group of men deep in some sort of discussion. I had thought I’d seen him angry before. This was something else. I decided then and there now wasn’t the time to approach him, to ask what the hell had happened. I looked around at the injured. So many were hurt to different degrees. I grabbed some cloth and other medical supplies that were lying on what seemed like a medical trolley. I walked over to one of the men lying on the floor. I could see two gashes, one on his left forearm the other his right thigh. Blood was pouring out of both. I could see down to the bone of his thigh. That was the one I would attempt to fix as much as I could first. I could tell as I approached him, he was wary of letting me get anywhere near him; it didn’t matter that he was in pain or that his wounds weren’t healing as they should be. I saw the flash in his brown eyes as if warning me to stay away. It wouldn’t stop me from helping him.

I crouched down, meeting his gaze with a small smile. ‘’I only want to help you…. Please,’’ I begged him holding up the supplies I was carrying, ‘’let me help you. Even if it’s just to clean and sew your wounds.’’ It seemed like forever before he gave a nod of his head. I sat next to him with a sigh of relief. Pulling on the disposable gloves and tearing open the black trouser leg, revealing just how bad the injury was. I barely stopped myself from gagging, it was worse than I had first thought. I didn’t know if I could help with the healing of the injury without giving myself away. Thoughts played through my mind as I set about cleaning out the wound. Could I do what was needed, more of these men would die if I didn’t help them, using the healing power inside me would tire me out somewhat, but I was willing to take that chance. I opened the antiseptic bottle, pouring it over the wound. A flash of pain flickered briefly across his dark face. It didn’t matter what sort of supernatural he was, I had a feeling he was vampire. Since I’d been here, I had come into a lot of contact with all types of supernatural’s or, as I know, knew they preferred to be known as Naturals. If I hadn’t been looking closely, I would have missed it the flare in his eyes, the lengthening of teeth, yep defiantly vampire. I needed to stop the blood loss, if he lost too much, he’d need more and quickly, and I didn’t want to be his next meal. I knew that vampires like any other supernatural’s heeled automatically. Depending on injures obtained. I looked down at his wound, he wasn’t healing quickly enough, and I’d have to move rapidly. Grabbing a needle and thread while with my other hand, I laid the tips of my fingers at the edge of the open wound. Praying that no one would hear me above the chaos that surrounded us. I called forth the Omega, I knew the minute she left my body, but still standing as one with me. She knew that she couldn’t use the full strength of her healing. A heat starting from my head travelled down to my shoulders then to my fingertips. It was like we were two entities in one body. Together we started whispering the healing spell. Making sure it never rose more than a slight whisper. What we were doing was reckless and stupid. I was putting not only myself in danger but my whole family and friends. I couldn’t stand there, not helping to try to heal as many as I could. Even if I couldn’t completely heal them by closing their wounds, at least I could start their own natural healing progress. I watched as his injuries began to knit together from the inside out. I wouldn’t be able to complete the progress, but if I could get it to the point of carrying on the healing on its own in a short time, he would be a lot better off. I couldn’t go on, if I did, I wouldn’t be able to help any of the others. I had done as much as I possibly could without bring attention to myself than I had done. The Omega knew that we couldn’t go on and proceed to go back into my body. As I came out of the healing process, I realised that the vampire I’d been helping was looking at me, a funny look upon his face. There was this look in his eyes, a look of recognition as if he knew what had just happened. His next words would confirm that suspicion.

‘’Your secret is safe with me, girl,’’ he told me in a low gravelly voice, his gaze meeting mine ‘’Not all of us mean your kind any harm,’’ he said, laying his big hand over my smaller one. ‘’I’m Jaden, and I thank you for your help,’’ lowering his head as if showing me a mark of respect, before bringing it back up to carry on talking to me. ‘’If you ever need anything. Ask Alex to take you to me. Now go and help the others as much as you’re able,’’

‘’You need blood and soon,’’ t told him as I looked down at the hand he’d placed over my own. I didn’t know what else to say. I was in shock. How did this man, this vampire know of us? What did he actually know? Shit, how many knew we were out there existing amongst them. Question after question ran through my mind. I didn’t know if this was a good thing or not. How would my sister, the rest of my family and friends, react? The questions were endless. I couldn’t let myself panic. I knew I wouldn’t be able to bluff my way out of what he knew, and I’m sure he saw something as we were healing him that made him confirm his beliefs.

‘’I will be fine. As you will be. Except for your fate, embrace it.’’ I felt his fingers tighten for a briefest of moments before placing his hand onto the ground. ‘’Hard times are coming for all. Now go. Your work here is done. The others need you,’’ he told me, nodding to the other injured men, shooing me away with a flick of the hand he’d been using to hold mine. Part of me wanted to stay. I needed answers to the questions I had. I should wait and demand to know how he knew about my coven.

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