Author: V L Peters

His eyes narrowed, what does he see when he stares at me so intently? I am nothing extraordinary to look at, or is he trying to see inside of me? To see what's inside, to see my very soul. I shudder. Of course, that's impossible you can't see inside someone.

"Don't believe everything you hear, told or see,"

"I don't. I only go by what I've seen with my own two eyes, and I've seen plenty", I remark, crossing one leg over the other, commenting on what I saw from my window that day and in the TV monitor room.

'As I said. Don't believe in everything you're told, see or hear. Looks can be deceiving,"

Really, is he trying to say to me in a roundabout way he's not with her? I'd almost believe him if I hadn't witnessed it with my own two eyes, not only in front of me but also in my visions. Which are never wrong, and rumours or gossip always has some sort of truth in them.

"So, are you trying to tell me that she isn't your partner, wife, or girlfriend?" I question him, does he think I am delusional?

He tells me as he pours himself another drink, sitting there watching me, "it's more complicated than that." Bringing the glass to his lips, he takes a long sip, before telling me "what Aria is to me, doesn't affect my unwanted feelings for you,"

I sit there in stunned silence; did I hear right. No, I must be hearing things. It must be a dream, just one of many that I've had. I hate those dreams, I long for them to stop torturing me any longer. Lucien sits there for a good five minutes watching while I take everything in. I sit there, trying to still my hammering heart. I know I can't avoid what he has just told me. It needs to be addressed. I watched as he places the unfinished drink onto the desk in front of him, then stands and makes his way around to where I'm sitting. I swallowed hard as he moved closer, and I tried to focus on anything in the room around me, anything, but there is a need that's building inside me.

Standing in front of me, he tilts my face up to his, "why can't I get you out of my mind? Why are you constantly there? No matter what or who I do?"

I fill my legs shake as his scent fills my senses. Breathing him in. His touch is melting the barriers I had built. It takes all the strength that I had not to give in. "I'm not going to be your plaything or a trophy that you show off to all your men or anyone else who bows down to you." I tell him, removing his fingers from my face.

"Is that what you think? That I want to use you? You couldn't be more wrong,"

"Your feelings for me are unwanted, you just told me that," I replied, fighting back the tears I can fill gathering inside me. I look down, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Look at me," he demands his voice rough with what sounds like desire.

I give in, even as I curse myself in doing so. Looking up, I meet Lucien's gaze. Seeing the want in those very eyes, I knew that if I'd been standing, I would have tried to flee. His eyes usually are so guarded, and now everything is so plain to see. This man, for that, is what he is, is so damaged he is almost broken.

He shakes his head, "unwanted yes. I've never wanted any female as I do you. Not even Aria, do you know what that even means? I have done everything I possibly can for her not to seek you out. I have been fighting myself and my Demon. He's even gotten a thing for you. Do you know how rare that is? For him to fight me. When we are near you, he fights me to come out. He wants to be in charge. He wants me to take you as our mate,"

I hold my breath; I must be imagining what I'm hearing. This is madness.

"Do you remember that first night when I questioned you and made you give me a promise? You stood there before me, scared shitless but so brave. You looked like an angel passing through the fires of hell. Not giving in. I knew then that you were there for me, and no matter how much I keep denying it. No matter what has brought you here. It was fated. I can't deny or fight it anymore. Fuck I can't fight myself anymore. Yes, we have a business agreement, you know it goes beyond that. I know you feel it too, whatever this is between us. I see it in your eyes every time,"

I almost can't breathe as I listen to what he's saying. The words hitting home. Could I believe him, trust him with my heart? Believe in what he is saying. I know what my dreams have been telling me repeatedly. That this man, this demon standing in front of me, is my destiny. It was up to me to have enough courage to grasp it in both hands. Did I have enough to do so? He could hurt me not only physically but mentally. This man could break me. He takes my hand and kisses it as if it the most precious thing on this earth, and I know I am lost forever. Who is this person before me? He's no longer the hard, dangerous deadliest human demon I've heard of. This man is more powerful. This man is everything I've ever wanted. This is the man I see in my dreams.

What shall I do? Walk away or believe what he's telling me. So many questions float through my mind. If I let this thing between us happen, what happens then? What happens with Aria? I'm not willing to be his dirty secret. Then there is my family and their reaction. With a start, I realize I said my fears aloud.

"You'll never be that. Let me deal with Aria," he tells me, pulling me to my feet, till I'm standing within his arms and folding me into his chest. "We will sort out any problems that arise. You're mine from this moment on. No one will take you away from me,"

I could smell him. It engulfed me at once, making my thighs clench. All I could think about in my fog-filled mind was having his lips and hands on my body, all the promises I'd made myself where ignored. As I watched his head descend towards my own, I met his lips willingly. This kiss was so much more than the one before. This one wanted to devour me, I was his for the taking, and there was not anyone or thing to stop what was about to happen. I knew I should put up some sort of fight. Even a protest, also though he'd told me that he was no longer going to be with Aria. I still felt that I should get that guarantee that it was over between them. Part of me was telling me to put a stop to this madness, the other part was telling me to shut the fuck up. I listened to that part. I fisted his dark hair into my hands, pressing my body against him to sink into his hardness. No matter what promises fall from his mouth, there's no stopping the thought that enters my mind.

I am his but is he truly mine!?





I could smell him as I stood there in his arms. It engulfed me at once, and my thighs clenched. All I could think about in my fog-filled mind was having his lips and hands on my body, any protests and promises I'd made to myself where ignored. I watched as his head descended towards mine, I opened my mouth willingly as his lips touched mine. The kiss was so much more than the one before. This one seemed to devour me whole. I was his for the taking. There wasn't anyone or thing to stop what was about to happen. I knew I should put up some sort of protest, but deep down, I didn't want to. I fisted his dark hair pressing my body up against his as if to sink into his hardness. I felt his rock-hard cock against my stomach. He swallowed the moan that rose from my throat in surrender while wrapping a hand around my throat, he directed me towards the wall behind me. Pushing me up against it, he took hold of my thighs and pulling them upwards towards him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, I whimpered, feeling his hardness rub against the heat in the centre of my thighs.

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