Author: V L Peters

I close my eyes upon feeling Lucien’s lips on my skin, I know he's not going to tell me anything else that he’s withdrawn himself, and at this moment in time, he's told me what he's willing to. Even though he was trying his hardest to convince me, I still felt uneasy. There were too many obstacles for us to overcome. Aria wasn't about to let him go so smoothly, no matter how much he tried to convince me differently, and no matter what, he’s told me I knew he had feelings for her even if he denied it.

I just didn't know if I wanted to be known as the other woman, I wasn't that kind of person. I didn't share, to me, if you are where seeing someone, you only saw that person, you had one partner, and I wasn't one to agree to have an open relationship. Hearing that she had once meant so much to him, would he decide he'd made a mistake and put me to one side.

Was it a chance I was willing to take should I take, and I knew that once she found out that we were together, she was going to go ballistic, and not all of his people were going to be happy upon hearing the news. Then there was my family to think about, they would freak out when they found out. If I gave in and went into a relationship with him, everything would be turned upside down. I still hadn't told him about being an Omega that would put the cat amongst the pigeons. If I don't tell him, then I know any trust that is building between us would be gone with a click of his fingers. Why was life so difficult? At some point, I am going to have to tell him.

As if feeling the conflict that is raging inside me. Lucien's hands move up, cradling the sides of my face, kissing my cheeks to my eyes. As if trying to soothe me as if to convince me that everything was going to be alright. At the touch of his hands and the feel of that mouth, chills erupt over my entire body.

I want his mouth on my body, I want more of that gifted tongue.

I let him pull me into his embrace, shutting out the rest of the world around us.








I stood viewing myself in the mirror, wondering if I should change. I was feeling reckless. After Lucien had left me in my bedroom the other morning, somewhere along the line, I'd stopped thinking of it as my cell. Before he'd left, he had kissed me on the top of my head and told me that he'd be busy and so not to worry if I didn't see him. I still didn't know how I felt about any of this. No mattered what he had told me. Could I trust him? The bigger question was, should I? Was I his bit on the side? His dirty secret? I hated not knowing. No matter what he had promised me the other night, I still wasn't convinced.

Through Alex had been keeping me updated, I still felt…. off. Alex was a sweetie. In the time we had been spending together, we had gotten close. He had told me a bit about his life. His parents were still alive and that he had three older brothers and two younger sisters. They lived with Jacobs pack. Jacob being their Alpha and the Leader to all the other's in his territory and his region. From what I could gather, Jacob was like Human royalty. I had heard of him, as we all had. I'd been right about Alex being a shifter. A wolf, in fact. He'd agreed to shift in front of me after I'd begged to see his wolf. He was beautiful. His fur was pale White in colour, I'd thought his coat would match his hair, I'd been entirely wrong. He had been like a big puppy in wolf form. It was a sight to see. Now, he wasn't with me. Lucien had sent him out on some sort of mission, it was all hush, hush. So, I didn't know what was going on. Alex had told me he'd be back in a few days. So, at the moment, Logan, another of Lucien's men, is watching over me. He wasn't as friendly as Alex and is much older, but I don't mind. He was polite in a gruff kind of way, and after a short discussion with me, he'd told me he had my back. Which was a relief in itself? Through we never joked around like myself and Alex did, I felt that I could trust him.

Pamela, Ava, Emma, Mia, and Abigail would be arriving tomorrow. I wondered if Lucien would greet them when they arrived. When I'd asked Logan where he was. I was told that he was busy with business and was doing all he could to find out where Megan was. I felt as if he was avoiding me, I didn't know if I felt relief in that or not. I had the feeling that as well as being my weakness, I was his as well. Neither of us was totally happy about it. The way my mind and body reacted to his throws me at every turn. Even a look could have me reeling; part of me wanted to see him and see if the feelings I had felt towards him were just a fragment of my imitation. It was so maddening I hated where my thoughts took me, the dreams where much stronger through I couldn't always make them out. Some had involved Aria, which freaks the hell out of me. They were bad enough with just myself and Lucien in them, but for Aria to appear, it was just too much. The very thought of it made me shiver in repulsion.

I'd heard whispers that she was back and couldn't help wondering if Lucien was with her. Just the thought made me sick. When I had questioned Logan, he'd been vague on the answer. As if he thought my questions were taking him down a slippery slope. I knew something was up, and I had that gut feeling that Lucien was spending time with her. If my gut feeling turned out to be true. I knew it would rip me apart, we'd been internment, and that was a big deal to me. Yet I still hadn't told him about being Omega, part of me felt relief that I hadn't. Until I knew a hundred percent certain where I stood, I wasn't going to tell him. I just hoped that while my family was here, they didn't run into Aria. If she tried anything. The outcome wouldn't be pleasant.

After our own confrontation, I knew there was more to her than meets the eye and if she tried to attack me again, I’d retaliate.

Why was I the only one who seemed to see it? Did they not realise that she was a few sandwiches short of a picnic. To me, it was plain to see; maybe they were just too close to her. Though Alex had come right out and told me to be on my guard, especially if I happened on the off chance to be alone and if I heard she was on one of her visiting sprees. So, they definitely knew she wasn't what you could call normal. I knew it had been his way of telling me she was dangerous. I still had no intension of seeking her out. The further away from her, I was the better. I didn't want a repeat of the other day. I just wanted to find Megan and find out who was taking the other Humans and Naturals. The thought of what Megan could be enduring made me sick to my stomach. I knew she was still alive. The idea of anything else was…. No, I wouldn't let lose those type of thoughts I didn't want them entering my mind. She was still alive; she was out there somewhere, and we would find her. Any other outcome wouldn’t be acceptable.

Hearing a knock upon my door, I shout out for them to come in. I watch in the mirror as the door is pushed open, and Logan appears in the doorway.

"You've got some visitors. Their waiting in the meeting room," he tells me, taking in my appearance with a raised eyebrow.

"My sisters?" I questioned. Turning around to face him. Strange, they were a day early.

"Well, there's about seven women down there demanding to see you, and I think they're all witches. So, I guess they must be," he replies, with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Seven women?" I questioned him frowning. Something must have happened? The other two women could only be Melissa and Evelyn. I couldn't see either of them turning up, though stranger things have happened. For one thing, Melissa didn't like to leave her home. Unless requested, which was more times than she liked. If someone wanted to see her. An appointment had to be arranged in advance where possible. She loved living in the vast woodland she'd managed to buy. She preferred living in the wilderness than a town or city, plus her wolves could roam more freely. She never left her home unless it was necessary. Evelyn was much the same though she lived on the outskirts of the village she lived near, "what did they look like?" I asked.

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