Author: V L Peters

"Nothing's happening, not really," I tell Pamela with a shrug of my shoulders as if it wasn't that big a deal "we had a kiss or two, that's about it,"

I roll my eyes upon hearing the scoff behind me but chose to ignore it. Logan's been by my side since Alex left to go wherever the hell he's gone, so he's been attached to me like a limpet basically twenty-four seven. I can hear the sniggers coming from the men that Lucien had left behind. With one look from Logan, the smirks are wiped from their faces. I wasn’t sure if they all know that something happened between Lucien and me. If they knew, they didn't acknowledge the fact.

Pamela looks at me with disbelieve, looking me up and down as if trying to see inside me, shaking her head, "you expect me ….. Us to believe that's all that's happened. Scarlett, do you think I was born yesterday!" she tells me, "with the sexual tension between you. I'm surprised you both didn't go up in flames,"

God damn it, why can't Pamela just leave it alone. I listen as she goes on and on. I listen as the rest of them start joining in. I fill like pulling my hair out in frustration, "Nothing happened between us that I didn't want it to." I yell at them all, my temper getting the better of me. "If anything, anything else happened, then that's my business. It's between Lucien and me,"

Did I shock them? I must of as they all stop talking. The look that crosses their faces. I fill like celebrating by doing a little dance. I do not, of course, that would be childish. Instead, I do it inside my head. I watch as each of their mouths full open, was it shocked surprise? Yes, I think it is. Even though I'm a redhead, I don't lose my temper that often, and I don't tend to answer back. Yes, I have a temper what redheads don't, it comes naturally, but I have learnt over the years to wield it in to control it. Being a witch with a temper isn't a good thing it can lead to a lot of disasters, problems galore if you weren't careful. Tears well up into Pamela's s eyes, it's understandable that she's hurt and shock at my outcry. Sometimes I fill like they try to control me. Why I'm not really sure.

Melissa steps forward, pulling me into her embrace, kissing me on top of my head. I fill the calm sweeping through me. "Pamela’s worried. As we all are," Melissa whispers into my ear "what with Megan gone. We're all feeling it."

I sigh, I know she is properly right but that doesn’t mean that any of them can try to control me, “I know they all mean well, but it's so……"

"I know more than anybody, how you're feeling," Mellissa tells me, her voice catching. Tightening her arms around me, she reminds me, ''Those brothers of mine, can drive me up the wall at the best of times,"

Melissa had three older overbearing brothers. They kept a close eye on her even though she didn't really need it. Melissa’s wolves always protected her. Even now, her wolves were with her. If they felt Melissa was being threatened, then they wouldn't think twice in protecting her. They all shared a close bond, one they had with Melissa they had had since they were cubs. Melissa had found them when they'd been, but a few days old. If Melissa had not come upon them, they would have starved to death. She classed them as her babies, her family. The rest of their pack had been killed, and they had been left for dead. How someone could be so wicked was beyond us all. They had also been Melissa’s salvation at an awful time in her life.

"How are your fur babies doing?" I whisper back, not wanting to bring up painful memories of another time and place. I knew they must be dying to get out and run, "and the little ones?"

"The little ones are good up to mischief as normal. You must come and visit soon. My fur babies are all going crazy," she laughs, rolling her eyes with a smile "especially Kalidas,"

"There's an outside garden. It's huge; actually,'' I tell her. Knowing they would need a good run, and it would be the safest place.

"Do you think it would be safe?’’ she asks a frown appearing on her face. ‘’It would be fantastic for them to have a run, but if it’s not going to be safe, I’d rather wait," she tells me, the safely of her wolves was always on her mind.

At her question, I ignore Pamela and Lucien's men. Even though I'm still feeling angry with Pamela I knew the feeling wouldn’t last. I couldn’t stay that way for long, ‘’I’m sure they will be fine. Even if it only for ten minutes.’’ I turn to Logan '' do you think Lucien would mind if Melissa goes to the garden? She's…." damn, what am I going to call them? Not wolves, though that's what they were, it's not down to anyone else to tell them about her or her extended family. That is down to her. "She needs a break, a bit of fresh air,"

Logan stared intently at Melissa. I'm not surprised, she's beautiful after all. I knew he was trying to suss her out; he stared at her tattoos with narrowed eyes. Each symbol was a picture of a wolf. There were five on each arm, both sides reached up towards her shoulders, and the other two went down to her lower back. I knew he was trying to make out if he saw something that his mind couldn't adjust to, and if her tattoos were really moving. If he asked her outright, she might tell him straight. As only the selected few knew what the 'tattoos' were. It's up to Melissa to reveal her secrets. I had a feeling he was trying to make out if she was a Shapeshifter, and if so, what kind. Of course, she wasn't. Melissa was a Witch and an Omega like the rest of us. She was the one we tended to turn to for certain spells, healing agents, and the more potent herbs that we need might need to make up the more powerful spells.

Logan was a shifter; I hadn't entirely made out if he was wolf or not. I suspected that he was. I hadn't come right out and asked him, but he had kind of hinted at that fact. Alex had told me that even though there are quite a few shifters like himself who were loyal to Lucien. They were and still are part of their own Alphas pack. He'd told me that his Alpha was Jacob and had spoken of him with complete respect and admiration. I suspected that Alex, Adam and Logan were from Jacob’s pack as they all had a similar marking on their forearms. I had been told that there were a few other shifters that were loyal to Lucien. Including Bears, Foxes, various large cats as well as Rats, Mice amongst them. After what seemed like an eternity, Logan gave a slight indication of consent.



I look at the woman that Scarlett’s just asked me to help. She was a beauty to look at. All the woman in front of me stood out in one way or another. I couldn’t see a problem with her going to the garden area. It was free to all who lived or was staying here.

"Will half hour be enough time?" I question the women they call Melissa, at her swift nod I called over one of the men standing to one side.

"Luke. Take Melissa to the garden." I order, "You don't have to enter with her. Give her half an hour or so then bring her straight back here. Don't let anyone else go in after her and make sure she comes back in one piece. Do. Not. Forget that she's Lucien's guest."

I watched as Luke nodded, then turned with Melissa walking behind him.

Turning my attention back to Scarlett I tell her, ‘’She’ll be fine with Luck, hes on of the good guys,’’

I watch as Luke and Melissa walk out of the room together. Is she the woman that’s been gossiped about? I could help wondering to myself.

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