Author: V L Peters

When I'd felt our minds briefly touch and I'd thought …… MINE. It was simple, primal, and it was a natural instinct kicking in. The feeling didn't seem to be going anywhere, it was getting stronger. I knew as did my Demon that Scarlett belonged to me; it didn't matter that she was a Witch or that she was Human. She was simply mine. She was meant for me, us as my Demon thought along the same lines. I would do everything to protect her, and if it meant that she wanted me to help find her sister and yes put up with these Witches, then I'd try, for her. I will give them all a chance, but if any of them wanted to hurt her or anyone, I protected. I'd retaliate in the only way I knew how.

"We don't know where Megan is being kept or who now has her," I heard Lucien tell them. Turning my attention to the conversation going on around me.

"We want to be there when you question him," Melissa announces to Lucien, showing no fear with her arms placed on the table.

I chuckled at the woman's request. Who from the description I'd been given was Melissa. Running my index finger over my lower lip. I replied, "Not going to happen. The Soul Keeper was found dead with a Soul Eater standing over him,"

I stood there watching their reactions, to my news, their expressions gave them away and it wasn’t long before the questions started. I took in their appearances. They were all dressed differently. I am sure the one they call Melissa was the woman I've heard about on the grapevine. I have a faint memory of Jacob mentioning her in passing. It was rumoured that she ran with a pack of wolfs. I didn't know how true it was but by the tattoos I could see running from her slim arms to her shoulders, I had a feeling there was more to this woman than meets the eye. No one would confess that they had even seen the woman in the flesh. It was like she didn't exist. Then again not too long ago, no one would have believed that I, Lucien Sinclair, would let a handful of witches anywhere near my people or me? It would have been unheard of. The ring of protests and questions increased. I didn't give a shit; they could throw questions and objections as much as they liked. How were they going to react when I told them that the Soul Eater was also dead? That his head had blown up in front of my very eyes. That was something none of them needed to know about. Yet.

"Stop," I head Scarlett's shout out, "just stop it… you all seem to be forgetting this is a Soul Eater. You know full well how dangerous they are. If it gets close enough. Even to just touch someone by its fingertips, they would take your soul forever. We need to let Lucien deal with it,"

Yes, I, little Scarlett Winters, had once again stood up and told them what I felt. I knew by the shocked expressions on their faces that they were shocked by my outburst. Lucien was the best bet in getting information out of the Soul Eater. The chances of him getting hurt weren't as likely. I had a filling that he'd dealt with them in the past and knew what to expect.

"Scarlett's right. It wouldn't take much for a Soul Eater to snatch one of our souls from our bodies they are crafty little shits who'll do anything to get what they want. It's not as if it's a Soul Keeper at least with them you have a chance of getting your soul back," this was from one of the twins. They were so identical; it was like looking at a reflection. Making it hard for anyone to tell the bloody difference.

I could see the wheels turning in their heads, their little brains going over what had just been discussed. As long as Scarlett was safe, I personally didn’t give a fuck. It was up to them if they wanted my help.

"What about your soul? Aren't you worried about that?" the other twin asked me.

"My soul?" I couldn't help but laugh, '' did you hear that Damien?" I called out, turning slightly towards the Demon standing behind and to the left of me "Bless her, cotton socks, she thinks Demons have souls. That I have a soul," I turn my attention back to the Witches before me, "Ladies, if I ever had one that was lost a long time ago," I hear the murmured chuckle leaving Damien's mouth. It amused him for me to let them know I didn't give a shit and telling them what we were.

"Fine Lucien, we'll let you question the Soul Eater without any of us being there," Pamela agrees with a huff her eyes wide open on hearing this tip bit of information, "but the minute you know anything about Megan then you tell us,"

"You have an agreement Pamela," I shoot back, "you can stay here till I come back. I should know more by then. The club will be opening in another few hours. You all welcome to stay." Turning to Damien, "give them each a VIP pass. Make sure all our people know that they are here as my guests and to be treated with respect," I turn to my men standing behind me. I direct half to stay with the Scarlett and her family and the others to come with me.

Damien lifts an eyebrow at my order, a look of, do you know what the hell you're doing passes between us. Having a bunch of Witches in my club was totally unheard of and dangerous to boot. I knew he thought I must be totally off my mind, but wasn't about to question any of my orders. You don't question Lucien Sinclair if you knew what was good for you and wanted to stay in one piece.

"I'll get on that boss," Damien replies, taking his phone from his jacket pocket.

"Get Alf to do it." I demand, he needed to get off his sorry ass without moaning about it "I need you with me." I turned to the group of women before me meeting their gazes as I tell them, "ladies, I shall see you all later." I turned to face the woman I was finding completed me "Scarlett," nodding my head towards her. I didn't say another word; I let my mind brush against hers, letting her know my thoughts. I knew by the slight widening of her eyes that she felt me.

"Logan, don't let her out of your sight," Logan acknowledged me with a slight nod. He's one of the most loyal of my men. There's only a handful of people I'd trust he's one of them.

I leave with Damien, with a satisfied feeling in my gut. Now I just have to make sure everything was being put in place for the meeting.







I watch as he leaves with half of his men with Damien walking beside him. It doesn't take long for the question to come.

"What the hell was that Scarlett?” Pamela demands, walking over to where I'm standing. Closely followed by the others.

I decide it's in my best interest to play dumb "what?"

"Don't what me," Pamela scorns, standing in front of me with her eyes narrowed and hands on her hips, "Did you think I wouldn't see those little looks out of the corner of your eye? What the hell is going on between you and Lucien Sinclair?" she demands, her voice edged with anger, "Please, don't tell me that there's something between you. He just admitted that he hasn't a soul for fucks sake!"

I felt like telling Pamela to mind her own business. I knew no matter what I'd say, she wouldn't leave the issue alone. She could be like a dog with a bone when the occasion arose. She would go on until she was satisfied with the answer or outcome she wanted. I don't believe Lucien hadn't a soul, I think he just loves to fuck with people's minds on occasion. I know they're all going to be shocked when they find out that I've slept with him, I don't know what their reaction is really going to be to that news. They can tend to be overprotective. Forgetting that I'm an adult and have a mind of my own. I don't need anyone to rule my life. No matter how good their intentions are. I'm going to have to tell a few porkies, just something that will keep Pamela and the others happy. When they eventually find out the whole truth. Shit will hit the fan. Then there was this meeting taking place. Their reaction to that wasn't going to be pleasant.

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