Home > A Little Lost(8)

A Little Lost(8)
Author: CJ Bishop

Cory blinked and sniffed. “I know. It breaks me, too. But it’ll hurt him more to keep it inside. Opening up may cause him to break down, but you’ll be there and that’s what matters. You keep him together—up here.” He tapped his head. “I know sometimes you downplay your effect on Clint, but you are his refuge, and no one can take better care of him than you.”

Axel stared at the cowboy, aching to hold him right now.

Clint shifted as if sensing eyes on him, and turned his head, catching Axel’s stare. Across the short distance, Axel felt the despair in the cowboy. He needs me.

“I think, uh…” Axel cleared his throat, holding Clint’s stare. “I think I’ll give you a rain check on that game.”

Cory smiled small and nodded. “Yeah, no problem.”

Axel crossed the yard and climbed the porch steps. The men around Clint parted and Axel went to the cowboy, hugged him, and kissed him. Neither spoke a word, just held on to one another as the conversation between the men resumed.







The guests gathered around to watch the football game, such as it was, as rules were abandoned, and others made up. Chris had arrived at the last minute and joined Noah’s team. When Noah’s leg began to give out on him on the “field,” Chris scooped him up on his back, scoring a touchdown together.

No one objected, citing it a foul play.

They weren’t out there to score points as much as they were there to have fun.

Taking inspiration from the unique play, Cory suggested piggyback football as the bigger boys hoisted the smaller/younger ones on their backs. Jax took to the field, partnering with Manny, John and Donald with Noel and Tae. Luke sat out of the game, content to hang out on the sidelines with the littler boys and laugh at the awkward players.

Arriving late, Dane and Angel had joined the game, trying their damnedest to recruit Clint and Axel—to no avail. Axel was willing—the cowboy, not so much.

When the game finally ended and the food was served, Kane took to the center of the porch, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Before we dig in,” he said. “I’d like to make a toast.” He looked at Cochise and Clint. “To our beloved men. You are so much more to us than you know. More than just friends and companions, you are our protectors… our heroes. I know you don’t feel like heroes, but true heroes rarely do. You are everything to us and we thank God with everything inside us that he brought you safely home.” Kane cleared his throat, his eyes damp. “And if you ever leave us like that again—we will join forces and kick your asses.”

A cacophony of “hear, hear!” exploded through the guests.

Cochise nodded silently.

Clint tightened his arm around Axel. “Fair enough.” He kissed Axel on the mouth, then stepped out front and center. “I’m not much for speeches,” he mumbled. “But there is something I need to say… in honor of a friend and true hero.” He rubbed his mouth, eyes drifting to the ground. “I met him in prison. His name was Ishmael…” Clint raised his eyes and sought out Carmen and baby Camille. “… and he gave his life protecting that baby and the other children imprisoned in that hell.”




Long after Clint’s speech was over, the pain and emotion in his voice continued to resonate within Axel. Ishmael’s story was heartbreaking, his final sacrifice a divine act of selflessness. By the time Clint finished speaking, tears streaked Axel’s face. In fact, there was hardly a dry eye among the guests.

Clint’s armor was cracking, chipping away piece by piece as the afternoon waned. Though everyone was having a good time, Axel wondered if maybe they should’ve waited a few days before throwing a party for the men. Allow time for them to face the aftershocks. The strain was visible in both Clint and Cochise, and though neither said so, Axel suspected they were ready to just be at home with their families.

The party came to a gradual end by late afternoon, some of the guests having left a little earlier.

Though Clint had held Axel’s attention for most of the day, he hadn’t been oblivious to the sweet development between Noel and Tae. Noel hadn’t left Tae’s side all day. When Abel and Devlin announced it was time to go, Noel reluctantly said his goodbyes to Tae.

“I’ll come visit again real soon,” Noel said softly and squeezed Tae’s hand. “Maybe sometime, you… you can come visit us?” He gazed at the other boy hopefully.

Retaining some shyness, Tae ducked his head and smiled. “Maybe.”

Axel pursed his lips as he glanced at Abel who was holding back a huge smile.

If it was up to Noel, Axel was convinced he would’ve kissed the other boy goodbye. But he didn’t. When Noel was gone, a quiet tremor swept through Tae. “I-I’m tired,” he mumbled. “I’m gonna go to bed.”

“It’s still early,” Kane said.

Tae shrugged, eyes averted. “I know, but I’m tired.”

“Hold up.” Donald grinned. “You’re not getting away that easy.”

Tae licked his lips and shifted in place, hands flexing. “What… what do you mean?”

John chuckled. “Like you don’t know.”

“I’m… I’m really tired.”

“Oh, leave him alone,” Zoe intervened on Tae’s behalf. “Let the boy get some rest before you grill him.”

Donald sighed, smiling. “Oh, all right. Go to bed, little brother. But tomorrow…” He pointed at him. “Tomorrow, we are going to chat.”

Tae smiled small and pressed his lips tight, nodded and left the room.

“Wow,” Zoe breathed. “That is going to be such a cute romance.”

“They’re still young,” Kane said. “It may only be puppy love.”

“What’s cuter than puppies?”

Sebastian chuffed and everyone laughed.

“Okay,” Zoe relented, ruffling his ears. “The old boys are pretty cute, too.”

The dog “grinned” and swished his tail.

“This has been fun,” Axel said. “But I’m beat, and I think we better get our little cherub home and tucked in.” Hope lay nestled in Clint’s arms, her little eyes heavy as she drifted toward slumber.

“Me, too.” Luke yawned.

Axel chuckled and drew the boy against him. “Yeah, you, too. It’s been a long and active day.”

“But fun.” Luke smiled tiredly.

“Indeed.” Zoe ruffled his hair and kissed his head. “So fun.”

After saying their goodbyes, Clint and Axel walked to the back door, accompanied by Cochise who stepped out on the porch with them. Clint passed Hope to Axel. “Go on and take the kids home. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay.” Axel adjusted the infant in his arms, drawing the baby blanket up over her head to shield her from the bitter air. “Is… is everything all right?”

Clint kissed him. “Yeah. Now, go on, get her inside out of the cold.”

Wrapped in a thick, warm jacket, Luke headed off with Axel across the backyard toward their house. He glanced back once, brow pinched with worry. “Did you believe him?”

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