Home > A Little Lost

A Little Lost
Author: CJ Bishop


Just Go With It



“Clint!” The twins burst through the back door and onto the porch, plowing into the cowboy. “You’re home!”

Clint grunted and caught the two boys and hugged them tightly. Noah and Noel choked back tears as they clung to him, forcing the cowboy to battle his own emotions—these boys were like his own sons.

The twins finally released him and stepped back, wiping their eyes—eyes that widened when they got a good look at his face. “What happened?” Noah asked.

Clint smiled. “Nothing to worry about.”

Noel sniffed and glanced at Cochise as if he wanted to hug the Egyptian as well, but hesitated. Cochise was no stranger to the boys, but even those familiar with the man tended to keep a healthy distance, unsure how to interact with him on a personal level.

“It’s okay,” Clint whispered to Noel. “He won’t bite—go ahead and hug him. He needs all the hugs he can get.”

Noel remained hesitant and shy. Noah took the initiative and approached the other man. “We… we’re really glad you’re home.”

Cochise stared at the boy, his expression seemingly neutral—to the untrained eye. Clint’s eye was fully trained when it came to his Egyptian brother. Cochise was touched by the twins’ care and affection.

Noah glanced at Clint, then quickly moved in for a hug, wrapping his arms around Cochise’s waist. Noel slipped in beside his brother and hugged the Egyptian.

All eyes on him, Cochise was not at all comfortable, but he hugged the boys and mumbled that he was glad to be home, too.

“Aw.” Abel grinned and snapped a picture with his phone, provoking laughter among the onlookers.

Cochise scowled but didn’t pull back until the boys withdrew of their own accord.

“It’s good to have you both home, safe and sound.” Devlin shook their hands. “A little worse for wear,” he added with a quick scan of their faces.

“It’s nothing,” Clint assured.

After Abel greeted them, Kane requested that Devlin examine Zoe’s hand. The young woman had yet to make an appearance after going into the kitchen.

“What happened to Zoe?” Savannah asked with sudden concern. “Where is she?”

“In the kitchen,” Kane said. “And she… uh…” He looked at Cochise and sighed. “Maybe you should let her tell you.”

Abel looked around. “Is Axel here?”

Clint nodded. “He’s with Zoe.” He followed when Kane led Abel and Devlin back inside. The twins trailed along behind them.

Zoe remained at the counter, ice pack on her hand, and Axel beside her. They both looked up when Kane entered with the others.

“Oh my God.” Savannah hurried over. “What happened?” She gasped when Zoe removed the ice pack to reveal her bruised knuckles and swollen hand. “What did you do—punch a brick wall?”

Zoe and Axel exchanged a look, and Axel smiled. “Nah, just a brick head.”

Dick head, Clint silently corrected.

Maddy, who had arrived with Abel and Devlin as well, moved up next to Savannah. “What do you mean?”

“I…” Zoe licked her lips, still feeling the effects of the betrayal. “I’ll tell you later.”

Devlin walked over and the others made room for him to examine her hand. He gently tested her finger bones and knuckles, apologizing when Zoe winced. “Can you move your fingers at all?”

“I… I don’t know,” Zoe murmured. “It hurt too much to try.” She released a shaky breath and tried to make a fist—and squawked in pain. But her fingers responded.

“I don’t think anything’s broken,” Devlin said. “But it might not hurt to come in and have it x-rayed, just in case.”

“We’ll do that,” Kane assured. “First thing tomorrow.”

“For now,” Devlin suggested, “I can wrap it up for you.”

Zoe smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

A slight movement in the back of the small group drew Clint’s attention. Tae crept in from the hallway, glancing uncertainly from face to face. He hadn’t yet met many from the extended family, having hardly left the home property more than a couple times since coming to live with Kane and Cochise. And though the twins had visited a time or two since Tae had arrived, the boy had kept to himself.

Clint suspected that Tae suffered insecurity issues and possibly feared rejection from the extended family, not only for having been used as a “whore”… but for his nationality as well. The sick fucks in the Blue Grotto had taken every opportunity to debase the boy for being Asian, favoring the derogatory term gook. He’d been submerged in a negative, abusive atmosphere—even before coming to the States. It was no wonder he “tiptoed” around strangers, often shying away completely.

He caught Clint’s eye and the cowboy smiled encouragingly. Tae was comfortable with Clint, Axel, and Luke—they were practically part of his immediate family.

Cochise approached from the rear entry hall and laid his hand on Tae’s shoulder, providing safety and comfort that the boy needed.

Clint’s smile stretched. The Egyptian was assimilating nicely into his fatherly role.




Tae inched closer to Cochise, practically leaning against him—feeling more like a little kid than sixteen years old. His eyes darted anxiously through the bodies crowded into the kitchen. Everyone was focused on Zoe. Tae still didn’t know what happened with her boyfriend. He was too nervous to think about that right now.

Tightness invaded his chest and made him lightheaded and a little queasy. It seemed foolish to feel this way, but he didn’t know how to make it stop. He didn’t really know why he felt like this. These were good people—he knew that. So, why was he scared?

He still felt like a stranger in a strange land. Coming to America hadn’t been the “dream” he’d often imagined while rotting away in the Korean orphanage. It hadn’t been a dream at all—but a nightmare. Having been adopted, he became an official citizen of the United States, but he knew nothing of this country. He’d come straight from Korea to the brothels of New York.

What if they ask about the club… and what you did there?

Did the others know he’d been Earl’s whore? That Earl pimped him out to multiple men every night? Would they think he was dirty… and not want to be around him? He knew that Luke had been sexually abused and used… and everyone seemed to love him. But he was younger than Tae—and a white kid born in America. The men who came to the Blue Grotto had made sure Tae understood that his kind—gooks—were only good for one thing and, apart from that, they weren’t wanted in this country.

Cochise gently squeezed his shoulder but didn’t force him deeper into the room. The man seemed to understand Tae needed to proceed at his own pace. Tae was grateful. Just having Cochise beside him eased his fears. Even if no one else loved him—his new family loved him and accepted him. Clint, Axel, and Luke accepted him, too. Even Hope lit up when she saw him. If they were the only ones to ever care about him… it was enough. It was more than he’d ever thought he would have.

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