Home > The Donor(17)

The Donor(17)
Author: Sandi Lynn

I knew that question would come eventually, and I was fully prepared to answer it. I sat up, grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed and wrapped myself in it as I faced him.

“I chose this pregnancy on my own with the help of a sperm donor.”

“I see. Do you personally know the donor?”

“I only know him as Donor 137665.”

“You went through a cryobank?” he asked.

“Yes. The only thing I ever wanted was a family. After my parents died, I never had another family. My aunt never wanted me because she was too selfish to ever think about anyone but herself and her alcohol. She was my mom’s sister and they hadn’t spoken in three years.”

“What about your father’s side of the family?”

“My father was originally from Germany and left when he was twenty years old. Him and his parents had some kind of falling out and he left and never looked back. He told me that he’d tell me the story when I was old enough to understand, but he never got the opportunity. So, CPS tracked down my aunt and shipped me off to her.”

“I’m sorry,” he spoke as he grabbed my hand and held it.

“My relationship with men never really seemed to pan out. And as for my last relationship, my fiancé ended it three months before our wedding.”

“You were engaged?”

“I was. Then he told me he wasn’t sure that he loved me enough to spend the rest of his life with me.” I looked down as the words I spoke still hurt.

“What a bastard. But it was better that you found out before you married the asshole.”

“I know.” I gave a light smile. “So I decided that I was going to raise a child on my own. It wasn’t something that I just decided one day when I woke up. I’d given it serious thought for about a year. This baby means the world to me.” I placed my hands on my belly.

He stared at me as he ran the back of his hand down my cheek.

“I think you’ll make an amazing mother.”

“I hope so.”

He leaned forward and softly brushed his lips against mine.

“I should get going. It’s late.”

“You can stay,” I spoke with the hopes he’d say yes.

“I need to be at the office early tomorrow. Perhaps another time.” The corners of his mouth curved upward as he ran his thumb across my lips.



Chapter 21




I climbed out of bed and slipped into my clothes. A part of me wanted to stay but I knew I needed to leave.

“Are you coming to the office tomorrow?” I asked her as I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped into my shoes.

“Yes. Mondays and Wednesdays like we agreed.”

We both walked out into the living area and I realized we didn’t finish cleaning up.

“Shit. We didn’t finish cleaning up. I’ll help you before I leave.”

“No.” She placed her hand on my chest. “I can do it. There’s not that much.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind staying and helping.”

“I’m positive. Go and I’ll see you in the morning.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I brought my lips to hers.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” I spoke.

I walked down to the lobby and exited the building just as a cab was pulling up to the curb.

“Are you available?” I asked the driver through the window.

“Sure. Get in. Where to?”

“829 Park Avenue.”

The moment I got home, I poured myself a bourbon and sat down at my piano. Holding the glass in one hand, I stroked the keys with the other. I’d sealed the deal tonight and had Harper right where I wanted her. I finished my drink and went upstairs to take a shower. The smell of her was all over me and as much as I loved it, I couldn’t give anymore thought about what happened between us. I was only in this to get my company. Nothing more. I was sorry for what she went through with her fiancé, but she was pregnant now and getting what she always wanted.

I lay in bed and tossed and turned for a majority of the night. I’d finally fallen asleep when the damn alarm went off. My eyes flew open, and I rolled over and turned it off. I needed to get up and get to the office before Harper did. After all, I told her I couldn’t stay the night with her because I needed to be in early. Climbing out of bed, I let out a long yawn and stepped in the cool shower with the hopes it would wake me up. I had Damon make a detour to Starbucks so I could grab a coffee that I desperately needed.

“I take it you didn’t sleep well,” he spoke.

“Not really.”

“Too much Harper Holland on the mind?”

“No. I’ll be right back,” I said as I climbed out and went inside.

Thankfully, there were only two people ahead of me. Looking over at the glass case, I spotted a cranberry muffin.

“Good morning. What can I get you?” the barista asked.

“A Grande Flat White with three shots of espresso, a Grande dark roast and a cranberry muffin.”

“Name for the order?”


I pulled out my wallet, handed her some cash and waited for my muffin and coffees. I grabbed the bag and drink carrier, climbed in the back of the Escalade and handed Damon his coffee.

“Thank you, Grayson.”

“You’re welcome. Now tell me why you said what you did earlier about Harper.”

“Because you had dinner with her last night and I’m assuming it went well.”

“It did. She’s an excellent cook.”

Damon wasn’t stupid. He’d known me for years and he always had my back where my grandfather was concerned. He was the only other person besides Julius that I would trust with my life.

“She almost sounds perfect.” He smiled.

“Listen, Damon, you’ll be seeing Harper a lot. But I want you to remember that not everything will be as it seems.”

“What are you doing, Grayson?” he asked as his eyes darted at me through the rearview mirror.

“My grandfather gave me a year to find someone and fall in love or else he’s signing the company over to someone else.”

“So you’re using her?”

“In a sense, yes. And there’s something else you need to know. She’s pregnant. She used a sperm donor from the cryobank.”

“The one where Julius works at?”


“I see.”

“I don’t want or need your judgment. I need to do what’s best for me and my future. Harper just happened to fall in my lap at the right time.”

“There’s more to life than a high-powered company and money, Grayson.”

“Not for me there isn’t.”

He pulled up to the curb of my building and I climbed out.

“I’ll see you later, Damon,” I spoke as I shut the door and walked inside.

Stepping into my office, I turned on the light, set my briefcase down and took a seat behind my desk. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent Harper a text message.

“Good morning. When you get here come straight to my office.”

“Good morning. I’ll see you soon.”

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