Home > The Donor(21)

The Donor(21)
Author: Sandi Lynn

I gulped and suddenly, I started to profusely sweat.

“That’s great. I can’t wait to see it. Did Curtis send you those projects?”

“He did and I’m working on one of them as we speak.”

“Great. You can fill me in tomorrow. Listen, I just got home, and I have a few things to do. I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick you up.”

“Looking forward to it.”

“Me too. Goodnight, Harper.”

“Goodnight, Grayson.”

A picture. She had a picture she couldn’t wait to show me of her baby; my baby. Shit. That’s the last thing I wanted to see. I sighed as I finished off my drink, went upstairs to change and then headed down to my study to check my emails.



Chapter 25




I awoke the next morning by my phone dinging with a text message from Laurel.

“I hope you’re up. I’m on my way over for a bit before I have to go to work. See you soon. If you’re not up, I’ll be pounding on your door.”

Rolling my eyes, I messaged her back.

“I’m up. I’ll unlock the door. Just walk in.”

After going to the bathroom, I was brushing my teeth when my phone dinged with a text message from Grayson. Instantly, a smile crossed my face.

“Good morning. I can’t wait to see you tonight. Have a good day.”

“Good morning. I can’t wait to see you either. I’ll have a good day only if you do.”

“I’ll have a perfect day knowing I’m going to see you later.” He sent the winking emoji.

“Me too.” I replied with the blushing smiley emoji.

I heard the door open, so I slipped on my robe and walked out of the bedroom.

“I bring gifts.” Laurel grinned as she held up a carrier containing two coffees and a brown bag from my favorite breakfast place: The Broken Yolk.

“I hope there’s a Jack’s scramble bowl in that bag.”

“Of course there is. I know it’s your favorite.”

I grabbed the coffee cup that had a “D” on it for decaf, grabbed two forks from the drawer, two napkins and took them over to the table.

“Thanks, Laurel. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Yesterday was rough, and I wanted to give you some space. You know Charlotte means well. She’s just worried about you, especially now with the baby coming.”

“She need not worry about me. What is your feeling about everything?”

“I’m happy if you’re happy. I do think things are moving rather quickly, but for some couples it happens.”

“He sent me a text message this morning telling me he can’t wait to see me tonight. Do you know how that makes me feel? After Kevin, I questioned everything about me. What I did or didn’t do. What I could have done differently but didn’t.”

“Harper, Kevin was just a straight up asshole. There was nothing you did besides love him. He broke up with you out of his own insecurities. It had nothing to do with you.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

“I am right. I know guys like him. I am the woman version of him.” She laughed.

“True.” I laughed with her.

“Just take a piece of advice, or not. It’s up to you. Don’t rush things with Grayson. I know he pays attention to you, buys you beautiful flowers and muffins, and all that’s great, but don’t forget who you are as a person. You’re one of the strongest women I know, and you’ve been through so much since your parents died. Don’t lose that strength and become dependent on a man who may or may not ultimately stick around for the long haul. Everything is rainbows and fairy dust right now. It always is in the beginning and you know it. As soon as the red flags pop up, take a step back and really think about things. Don’t wait until all the flags are out and trying to wave some sense into you.”

“I know.” I sighed.



I’d spent the day working and getting ready for when Grayson came to pick me up. I packed a small overnight bag with a piece of sexy lingerie I wanted to wear before I couldn’t fit in it anymore. I knew tonight would be perfect because any time I’d spent with him was.

“I’ll be at your apartment in about ten minutes. Are you ready?”

“I am. See you soon.”

I smiled as I threw my phone in my purse and set my bag on the table. Running into the bedroom, I took one last look at myself in the full-length mirror and gave my hair one last brush before I heard a knock at the door. He was right on time.

“Hi.” I grinned as I saw him standing there looking as sexy as ever in his dark gray designer suit.

“Hi.” He leaned in and kissed my lips.

“Come in. I just have to grab my purse and my bag.”

“I’ll grab your bag. Is that it over on the table?” he asked.


While he took my bag, I grabbed my purse and got out my keys to lock the door. My heart was racing as we took the elevator down to the lobby. I couldn’t wait to spend the night with him.

“Have a good evening, you two.” Sammy smiled as he tipped his hat.

“Thank you, Sammy. We will.” Grayson smiled.

I turned around and gave Sammy a small smile and wave. He returned my gesture with a wink.

“Hello, Damon,” I spoke as he held the door open for me.

“Hello, Harper. How are you this evening?”

“I’m great. How are you?”

“No complaints.”

I climbed into the Escalade and Grayson slid in beside me, grabbing my hand and holding it.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“It was good. I got a lot of work done. How was yours?”

“Not bad, but certainly much better now.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

Damon pulled up in front of a tall brown building in Lenox Hill. Grayson opened the door, slid out first and then extended his hand and helped me down. The best part was he didn’t let go while he held my bag in his other hand.

“Good evening, Mr. Grayson.”

“Good evening, Charles. This is Miss Harper Holland. She’s to be put on the list.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Holland. I’ll add her now.”

“What list?” I asked as we walked to the elevator.

“My guest list of people who are allowed to come right up to my penthouse.”

“Why Mr. Rhodes, I’m feeling a little special right now.” I grinned.

“Good, because you are special.” He leaned in and kissed my lips as the elevator doors closed.

As soon as the doors opened, I was greeted by a magnificent foyer that consisted of white marble flooring and a beautiful oval curved staircase.

“Wow, Grayson. This is magnificent.”

“Thanks. I’ll give you a tour. We can start upstairs since I’m taking your bag up.”

I slowly walked up the stairs, noting the gray painted walls and the dark cherry wood floors that greeted me. The hallway was long with guest bedrooms and bathrooms on each side, and all the way down at the end was the master bedroom that sat behind two large wood carved white double doors.

“Wow. Look at all these windows.” I smiled. “This view must be breathtaking at night.”

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