Author: Katie Dowe



“That’s two sets McGregor,” the older man slapped him on his back as he tossed him a towel. “Your mind is elsewhere.”


“I suppose,” he muttered as he mopped his brow. The temperature was humid and even though the dark clouds were scudding across the sky, the heat felt stifling. He had wanted to sit at the bar with some friends and have a couple of drinks, but he had been roped into the match, something he had no interest in right now. “I think that’s it for me. Besides, I am parched and soaking wet. We should have had the game inside.”


“I have twenty years on you, and I am managing.” Blaine Wesley, the investment banker told him with a grin as he chugged the bottle of water that had been set out for them. “You are sweating like the proverbial pig, my friend.”


“The humidity is off the charts.”


“Here, re-hydrate.” Blaine tossed him a bottle of water. “Are you sure you are not good for another set?”


Alan shook his head firmly. “I am hitting the shower - then getting something to eat!”


“I will be coming in shortly. I hope you don’t mind me running some business deal by you?”

Alan shook his head. “Not in the least.” He responded before heading indoors. He made his way to the communal showers, stopping every few minutes to have a conversation with an acquaintance or two. He finally reached the shower area and was relieved to see that he was the only one there. He stripped out of his wet tennis clothes and took the stall nearest to him, welcoming the sting of warm water on his body. Ducking his head beneath the spray, he closed his eyes and allowed the water to beat down on him. He had to see her again. He was contemplating calling her and setting up plans but first, he had to sort out how he was feeling. He had spent the night with a woman he had just met, a black woman who had managed to turn his world inside out! A woman he could never go up to his parents and say: “Hey! Meet Athena. I think I have found the woman who I am going to spend the rest of my life with!” his eyes snapped open and he turned off the shower and stepped back shakily. He had not meant to think that, and it had just popped inside his head. What the hell! Surely, he did not mean that. He just met her last night and in no way was she suitable! He pushed the glass aside and reached for a towel to wrap around his waist and another one to rub the water from his hair. He would be with her until it was out of his system and then he was going to move on.






“Let me,” Athena waved a hand as her mother was about to get up. “You did the cooking and I will do the cleaning.”


“Let me help.” Jeff said.



“No. Sit here and talk to Mom while I go and put these in the dishwasher. It was wonderful as usual Mom.”


“Thanks darling.”


Athena was loading the dishwasher when her phone rang. Even before she answered it, she knew that it was him. She had been anticipating his call since she woke up this morning and had been on edge as she waited for it. “Hello…?”



“Hey, it’s Alan.”





“Cute….” He chuckled. “How are you?”


“I am fine and you?”


“I want to see you.”


“We saw enough of each other last night and this morning. I think that’s enough.”


“Not even close. May I come over later?”




“I want to see you Athena and I pretty sure you feel the same way.”


“You don’t know anything about me and my feelings. Look Alan, it was amazing, and I am pretty sure I am going to treasure the time but….”


“Don’t!” his sharp tone gave her pause and for a moment they were both silent. “I need to see you and I cannot stress that enough. Please.”


“I am at my Mom’s for dinner.”


“After that…. I am at the club right now and I can head straight to your place. I really need to see you.”


“You mean you really need to have sex.” Athena felt her palms getting clammy and her heart racing. This was ridiculous! She should not be feeling this way.



“Not just that. We did not get a chance to talk last night and when I was leaving this morning you were still sleeping.”


“There is nothing to talk about.” She lied.



“There is plenty to talk about Athena and we both know it. I will text you when I am near.” He hung up before she could say anything more. Athena punched the button to start the machine and leaned against the counter, willing her body to stop trembling. The man had a profound effect on her and that was something she could not deny. She had never lied to herself and was not about to start now. A sound in the doorway had her turning to look.



“You okay?” Jeff asked. “Debra is talking to the neighbor and I decided to come and check on you.”


“I am fine.” She forced a smile.



“Sure?” he came further into the kitchen. “I could not help but overhear a little of the conversation. Are you back with Jason?”


“Not a chance.” She let out a short laugh and went to get a glass of water. “It’s just some guy I met.”


“At the party last night…?”


“Jeff you are being annoying. What’s with all the questions?”



“I am just being your friend Athena, the same way you are mine.” He looked at her curiously. “Who is this guy?”


“Drop it.” She finished the water and rinsed out the glass. “I have to leave shortly so let’s go back out.”




He had taken her right there at the door as soon as she let him in. He had done so without a word spoken between them. She had come home and showered and changed into a loose t-shirt without putting on anything under it, because of what she expected to happen between them. He had dragged off the shirt and groaned when he saw her naked flesh exposed. Making short work of taking his clothes off, he had taken her right there at the door, his body pounding into her, his fingers hard on her hips as he kept her steady for his frantic thrusts. He had come inside her again without protection but was too far gone to think rationally. He had taken her to the bedroom right after to start all over again, exploring her body with a thoroughness that had her almost out of her mind. Now he was staring up at the ceiling and contemplating what they were going to do. Obviously, this was not something that was going to disappear, and he had to think about that.



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