Author: Katie Dowe


“I can’t.” She whispered as she dug her fingers into his shoulders.



“You can.” He bit her bottom lip and sent jolts through her body. “Let go darling.” She did and he swallowed her cries, driving into her as the orgasm took over. He was close behind her, the climax unending and draining his body of life and energy, leaving him weak but far from sated. He dragged his lips from hers, his breathing strangling his throat. His body was shuddering and could not stop. His hands trembled as he used it to frame her face. “I love you.” He said sincerely. “I know that we are going to work this out.”


She combed her fingers through his hair gently. “I believe we will darling.” She whispered huskily.



Chapter 6

“I have to take this.” Alan did not wait for permission as he scraped back his chair and walked out of the conference room and into his office, closing the doors behind him before punching the green icon.



“Hi wife….!”



“Husband.” It had been two days since they had been married and they were still in the honeymoon stage. “I hate to spring this on you so suddenly, but I have to go to the Bahamas in the morning.”



He paused as he stopped by his desk, a furrow on his brow, his joy dwindling. “Why?”



“A photo shoot.” She hesitated a little bit. “The creator of the product has come up with a line for males as well. I am going to be shooting the commercial with a well-known model.”




Miguel Lambert.”


Alan walked over to the large window to look out at the parking lot. It was almost November and the weather had changed. “He will be going on the shoot.”


“Yes. Look darling, I am a professional and more than that, I am a married woman who is in love with her husband. You have nothing to worry about.”


“I want to come,” he heard himself saying.


“You know that is not possible.”


“Our company is heavily invested in the ad agency. We have a vested interest in what is going on.”


“Alan, there is no way you could be there and remain unaffected by what is happening. One look at you and at me and everyone would know that you are more than an investor. It’s just two days and the reason I call you was to tell you that I will be cooking dinner for us at the loft. I wanted to know if you could come home early today.”


He bent his head and massaged his neck. He had a ring but could not wear it and neither could she. They slept in the same bed – well, sleeping was not something he would call what they did. He made love to her every night as if he was going to lose her. He was guardedly happy when he was with her because he knew that one slip and their entire lives would start tumbling down. “I will see what I can do.”







“I love you.”


He closed his eyes at that and felt the fear again. “I am not afraid to play the husband card.” He told her half-jokingly.


“You don’t have to. I don’t have eyes for anyone else but you.”


“Make sure.” He massaged his neck some more, feeling the tension settling there - “I am crazy about you Athena and I won’t lose you.”


“There is no chance of that happening. See you later darling.”


He hung up from her and turned just as his doors were pushed open and his father stood framed inside the doorway. His green eyes went to the phone in his hand. “Is everything okay?”


“I just had to take a call.” Alan shoved the phone into the pocket of his tan dress pants and strode over to his desk. “Has the meeting ended?”


“Yes.” Daniel walked further into the office. “Your mother wants to come over to see where you live. She misses you and so do I. You have not been over for dinner since you left the manor.”


Alan felt the pressure increasing inside his chest. He could not allow his parents to come over. Everywhere you looked, there were evidences of his wife. They would know that he was living with someone and would demand to know why they were not aware of it. But Athena would be gone for two days so maybe he could use that opportunity to invite them over for dinner. He had not hired a maid because of the secrecy and had found himself in the unusual situation of having to help Athena with housework. They ordered takeout with him always going to the door to accept the food and pay for it, but they were managing as best they could. It had only been three days since they had tied the knot but living with her was something he loved. “How about tomorrow night…?” He asked casually as he walked behind his desk. “I have to warn you though that I have not gotten around to hiring anyone yet so we will have to make do with take out.”


“We could bring something over from the manor.” Daniel had taken a seat and crossed his legs at the ankle, his gaze quizzical. “What is the real reason you moved out? I thought you had met someone or had made up with Rachel and that was why you needed the privacy.”

“I just want to be on my own.” Alan fiddled with the paperweight on his desk before looking at him. “I am an adult dad and need the space. It is that simple.”


Daniel stared at him for a moment longer before getting to his feet. “What time tomorrow?”



“Around 8.00pm. I have those meetings with some investors tomorrow and then I have to go and inspect the buildings downtown.”


“The city still dragging on the permit?”


“A lot of red tape to unsnarl…..”


“Okay son. I have a meeting myself with the bankers. I will let your mother know about dinner. There is also the annual charity ball to raise money for children with cancer this Saturday.”


Alan bit off a sigh. He had forgotten about that! “Do I have to be there?”


His father looked at him in surprise. “It is your favorite charity and one that you have never missed. Are you worried because you don’t have a date? Surely you can make things up with Rachel? She is usually there as she is part of the planning.”


“Yes.” Alan forced a smile. He and Athena had been married for only a few days and so far he had not been anywhere but home with her. But this was the part he was dreading. He could tell her to come to the function and they pretend that they were two strangers as hard as that would be or he could tell her that she would have to stay home which was even worse. It was usually a televised event with countless reporters there to record everything as well as countless celebrities. He would have loved to have the woman he adored on his arm and declaring to the world that she was his and his alone.

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