Author: Katie Dowe


He lifted his head to look at her. “I feel like such a damned coward….!”



She shook her head. “I know how close you are to your parents and the prospect of losing them is pretty daunting. We will find a way to get around our troubles darling. I believe that.” She straightened her shoulders. “Now let’s finish the meal and go to bed. I am not going to be here for the next two days, so I want to make use of tonight.”






“Are you sure you have everything?” Alan wrapped the scarf around her neck and pulled up the collar of her cashmere jacket. He had bought her a number of clothing items from his Romano’s account and she was wearing the coat as well as the cashmere scarf she was wearing. She was going to a Caribbean island that did not require a jacket but the weather at home had been stiff for the past couple of days. He had spent last night making love to her as if he was telling her goodbye and had not let up until he had allowed her to sleep early this morning. A car was picking her up in a few minutes as she had refused to have him drive her to the airport. “It would be too risky.” She had told him firmly.



“I have everything,” she brushed her fingers over his chest and felt the warmth of his chest through the t-shirt he had put on as soon as he got up. “You are worrying unnecessarily.”

He did not deny it. Pulling her closer to him, he touched the platinum necklace and the wedding ring at her bosom. “You are mine.” He growled. “Promise me that if that guy tries anything….”


“I will kick him in the nuts.”


He burst out laughing. “I was going to say that you should let him know that you are taken but that works too.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “I wish you had time for a quick bout of lovemaking.”


“The all-nighter was not enough?” She teased.



“Never enough where you are concerned.” He kissed her. “Be safe.” He whispered, reluctant to let her go. “And call me as soon as you land.”


“I will do all of that. Stop worrying my darling.”


“I will as soon as I know you are there in one piece.” He took her lips and devoured it, his fingers clinging to her. She drew away as she heard the ping on her phone indicating that her ride was waiting.


“I love you.” She was also reluctant to let go of him as well. “What do you plan on serving your parents?”


“They are bringing something over.” He walked with her to the door, carrying her carry on for her. “I will watch the monitor to make sure you are safe.”


“I will be,” she kissed him on the lips, her hand touching his face. “Try and get some sleep before you go in.”


“I doubt that will happen.” He held her hand and brought it to his lips. “Take care my wife.”

She nodded and blew him a kiss before leaving to get on the elevator. He closed the doors when she disappeared from view. Touching the button, he watched as she handed her case to the driver and got in. She turned and looked into the direction of the camera and waved at him before getting in. he did not stop looking until the car had left. Standing there for another few minutes, he took in her exotic scent that lingered in the foyer before going back into the bedroom. A smile touched his lips as he stood by the large king-sized bed. Her clothes were strewn all over it as she had been undecided on what she would be wearing. She was messy which had been a surprise to him. She had an endearing habit of putting her clothes out from the night before and then changing her mind the next morning. The closet was massive, and he had felt strange stepping into it and seeing both their clothes hanging inside. He had spent that first night she had moved her things in and had enjoyed putting them away. Over the weeks, he had bought her so many items of clothing that she had started to protest. “Where am I going to wear them to?” She had asked him.

“I could not help myself. I went online and saw them and could not resist.”


Now standing by the bed, he took up a silk blouse and sniffed, closing his eyes as her scent wafted into his nostrils. He sat on the side of the bed, the material clutched into his hand. Her stuff was all around the room. Her creams and makeup kit; her lotions and body spray; everything that was her - was strewn on the top of the armoire. He was going to have to take up everything and put them away until after tonight. He knew his mother and knew that she was going to insist on getting the tour. She would then peek into the closet and into the bathroom. Athena hung up her bras on hangers, refusing to let them stay in the laundry room. With a sigh, he got up and went to work, removing all traces of his wife.






Athena leaned her hand back against the padded rest and closed her eyes. She missed him already. She had started boarding as soon as they had arrived at the airport, the small twin engine plane seeming to be too crowded for the amount of them traveling and she could not help but compared it to her husband’s private jet and the luxurious setting.



“Tired?” Miguel’s deep voice interrupted her reverie. She had deliberately chosen a section as far from him as possible and bit down on her impatience as she opened her eyes and saw him hovering.



“Yes. Are you supposed to be out of your seat?”


He grinned at her, showing white teeth against his swarthy skin. He was handsome, with olive complexion and thick dark hair. His body was well-built and not too bulky, and he knew that he was attractive. Even if she was not married to and in love with Alan, he would never be her type. His attraction was too obvious, and he was a slut as she had mentioned to her husband. “No but I wanted to come and check on you.” His eyes wandered over her face and lingered on her bosom slightly revealed by the cut of her sweater. “I was thinking that we should sit together and go over our lines.”


“I want to be by myself, it is a chance to get things settled in my mind. And the lines are not that hard.” She pointed out.



“Do you mind if I sit next to you?”


“Did you hear the part of my wanting to be by myself?” she asked him impatiently. “Go back to your seat Miguel.”




She gritted her teeth and prayed for patience. “I am positive. Now leave.”


He stared at her for a moment and then nodded, leaving to go to his seat. She closed her eyes again and fixed the pillow at her head. She had barely gotten enough sleep last night and was feeling the weariness invading her body. The good thing was they would not be shooting today, and she would get some time to rest. But her mind was too filled with thoughts of her husband to allow her to do even that simple thing!



Chapter 7

“You did not have to bring all this!” Alan protested as his parents marched past him and into the tidy kitchen.

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