Author: Katie Dowe



She leaned into him. “You have it.” She whispered, her breath mingling with his. “I swear I am not insecure, but it is frustrating….”


“I know.” He brushed her lips with his, the movement feather light but sending tremors through her body. “I have something that is going to ease all that.”





But he was already peeling away her clothing, leaving her in little doubt as to his meaning. Lifting her slender body, he eased her down so that she was straddling him. “Like that baby,” he told her with a groan as she sucked him in. “Just like that.”





“You look scrumptious.” She told him quietly as she ran her fingers over the satin lapel of his suit jacket His blond hair was brushed back from his forehead and gleamed in the recessed lights of the ceiling. They had not mentioned the function again, not wanting to spoil the time they had together. It was exciting being his wife and preparing meals for him for when he got home. She had gone on Pinterest and found some very good recipes which she had experimented with. She would have dinner waiting for him when he got home. Apart from the secrecy, she could almost pretend that it was a normal marriage. He was very considerate about her feelings and her needs and several times had brought her flowers. A sprig of rosemary as well as daffodils and oleanders were inside a vase and placed on the dresser. She had done some cleaning and put her touch on every room by ordering things online and had them delivered. Jeff had called her just yesterday and asked her to lunch and it had been on the tip of her tongue to tell him her changed status. Her Facebook page still said ‘single’ and she wanted so much to change it.



“I won’t stay that long.” He looked at her anxiously, wondering what she was thinking. “I promise!”


“It’s just fine darling.” She took a fortifying breath, determined not to be a downer. He had to be there, and she did not want him going and feeling guilty. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she went on her toes and rubbed her lips against his. “You don’t have to tell her that you are taken but subtle hints will do. She can put her hand through your arm but that’s as far as I will allow. No kissing at all.”


“I promise that there will be no kissing or inappropriate touching.” He wrapped his arms around her small waist. “I will definitely try and get away as quickly as I can.”



“Okay,” She nuzzled some more and moved out of his arms. “Go before I change my mind and demand that you stay.” He had made a quick trip to his club at his father’s insistence because an associate had flown in from out of town and wanted a meeting. But he had gotten back as fast as he could, and they had spent most of the afternoon in bed.



“I love you.”


“I know darling.” She framed his face and stared at him for several seconds. “You are so beautiful that I am afraid….” She shook her head and stepped back but he dug his fingers into her waist.



“There is nothing to be afraid of. I am yours.”


“I know that as well. Okay, it’s really time for you to go.”





Athena wandered around the loft restlessly, picking up cushions from the sofas in the living room and rearranging them. The electronic fire was burning inside the hearth, giving the place a cozy feel to it. He had called her while he was in the car and they had talked until he reached the hotel. “Go and have a good time and forget about your wife languishing at home.”


“Will you be languishing?”


“Maybe.” She had told him with a smile. “Or I might be rearranging our closet. You know how untidy I get when I am searching for an outfit.”


“We should hire someone to clean the house.”


“I don’t mind doing it for now. We cannot afford to have anyone in here that is going to blow our secret.”


“I don’t want you doing housework.” He had told her grimly. “Really Athena, I hate it.”


“I don’t mind it darling. And you happen to be a very neat husband. I am the messy one.”


“You are right. I constantly have to pick up after you.”


“There you go.” She had told him with a laugh. “I have nothing better to do right now so indulge me.”


“I will call you….”


“No darling. Please enjoy yourself. I will be fine.”


“I love you.”


“I love you too.”


That had been fifteen minutes ago, and she had come downstairs to get a glass of water. She had started to sort the closet out and was getting somewhere but she could not help but wonder what was going on now. With a serrated sigh, she headed back upstairs to finish what she had started.






“You look dashing.” Rachel murmured as she took his arm and led the way into the crowded ballroom. “I was beginning to think you were not coming.”


“I would not miss it for the world.” He said lightly as they made their way into the room. He nodded to a few associates and several friends and realized that the charity was well supported. Leesa Wellington and Kelly Takahashi headed the group of ‘wives’ that were separated in their own clique and he felt the twinge of envy that those men who were members of his club could be free to parade the black women they had married without fear of repercussions. He felt the longing for Athena piercing his very soul and he almost turned and walked out but his parents were bearing down on them.



“It’s good to see you son.” Daniel clapped him on the back with a smile.


“Hi darling!” Deidre McGregor leaned in to kiss his cheek before turning to greet Rachel. “Darling that dress!” She gushed.



“Do you really like it?” Rachel asked her with a pleased smile. “It’s a Romano’s original. Pricey but worth every penny.”


His father steered him away from the women and beckoned the waiter over. “Let’s mingle. There are a group of men I would like you to meet.”



Chapter 9

He sneaked away in the middle of the function to call her. Excusing himself from the group of men that he had been having a business discussion with and went to find an empty room to afford him some privacy. All through the function, his mind had been on her, wondering if she felt left out or if she was having second thoughts about the marriage. He was the one who was enforcing the secrecy, so it was all on him that they did not get to go anywhere together or that he had to hide the fact that they were married. He wanted to take a full-page ad in the paper, telling everyone that he was married to the most beautiful woman in the world.

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