Author: Katie Dowe



She answered on the second ring. “You are supposed to be enjoying the party.” Her sexy drawl always had the power to set him off!



“Without you here, it is not much of a party.” He admitted as he leaned back in the seat. He had told one of the employees that he did not want to be disturbed as he took possession of the room. “What are you doing?”


“I am halfway through the closet and I am exhausted. Two people should not have this many clothes.”


“You are the clothes horse.” He reminded her indulgently.



“I am a model darling, that’s what we do.” She paused. “Where is she?”


“Somewhere out there in the ballroom. I told you there is no need for jealousy. I belong to you alone.”


“I am not jealous. Well maybe a little bit. Did you dance with her?”


“No,” he told her with a laugh. “I have mostly been talking business. I just sneaked away from a conversation about SEC rulings and property boundaries.”


“Were they a group of lawyers?”


“You would think that considering the trend of conversation.” He told her dryly. “Are you going to bed?”


“Without you to tuck me in?” she scoffed. “I am on the sofa with a glass of Chardonnay and watching an episode of Friends. I just finished watching Chicago PD again, so you see I have been keeping busy. And I am not going to ask what time you will be home. I am determined to be a very progressive wife….”


“I am coming home now.” He said abruptly. He had been sitting and listening to her voice and realized that all he wanted to do was to be with her.



“Darling you don’t have to!”


“I will be there in half an hour and I want you naked.” He was so hard right now that it was difficult for him to sit still.



“Alan, I did not mean….”


“I am hard.” He told her tersely. “Listening to your voice and picturing you on the sofa is making me crazy with need.”


“What are you going to tell them? Tell her?”


“I don’t give a damn,” he got up abruptly and headed for the door. “I will be there shortly.” He hung up from her and strode back towards the ballroom. Rachel deserved to know he was bailing, and she was the only one he was telling that he was leaving. He scanned the crowded room, deliberately ignoring the business associates trying to get his attention. Taking her aside he told her that he was going back to his place.


“Are you okay?” She whispered urgently.



“I am. I just need to get out of here. I am sorry.”


She stared at him shrewdly. “There is someone.”


He started to deny it but decided against that. “Something like that….!”


“Why is she not here?”


He gave a mirthless laugh. “I am wondering the same thing myself.” He squeezed her hand lightly. “I will talk to you.” Without waiting for a response, he left the room and headed to where he had left his coat.






He got there in less than half hour and barely took the time to take off his jacket and hung it up on the coat tree before bounding up the stairs. He found her lounging against the pillows, completely naked, the light from the lamp illuminating her slender curves and the ebony skin. He realized on his way home that he would walk through fire for her and it scared him how much he loved and needed her. It was also gratifying to know that something like this existed.



“I took a bath even though I had taken one when you were leaving.” She passed a hand over her flat stomach, edging down and hovering at the top of her pubic. “I figured that my husband was rushing home to be with me, I might as well put in some effort.”


“What did you use in the bath?” he asked her hoarsely as he started shedding his clothes from the doorway.



“I think strawberry and peach – something new from Romano’s and I think I added a touch of vanilla and I had enough time to shave.” She opened her legs for him to see. “It’s completely bald.”


His cock was painfully hard by the time he reached the edge of the bed. “I can see that. Why didn’t you let me do the honors?” One hand was wrapped around the thick length of him, his fingers pulling back the foreskin, his eyes on her bare flesh.



“Next time,” She inched forward and nudged his hand away. “Let me do it.”


He released his cock, his fingers clenched into fists at his sides as she took her time exploring the thick length of him. “So beautiful and big….” She murmured as she trailed her fingernail over the hot flesh. “It fills me up and satisfies me in ways I never expected.” Her finger was busy at the slit, the nail tormenting him as she forced it into the opening. “Did I tell you before you I never experienced an orgasm?”


He was finding it difficult to breathe much more talk!



“You mentioned something like that. Baby….”


“When I experienced the first one, I thought I had died but then I was thinking that it was a beautiful way to go. Do you want me to try and tell you how I felt?”


“It does not matter. Athena….” He was breathing through his clenched teeth as she circled the tip with her finger.



“It was exhilarating! Like being on a cliff and watching yourself free fall.”



He went rigid when the tip of her tongue replaced her finger.



“Please darling. I can’t….” He broke off with a groan when she closed her mouth over the head of his cock and sucked gently, her tongue swirling around the flesh. His hands moved forward, and he had no idea if he was about to push her away and grab onto her shoulders! But his fingers bit into her skin as he moved his hips towards her mouth desperately. His skin was hot to the touch and his heart was thundering inside his chest. He endured the exquisite pleasure for a few more minutes before he pulled her away from him, his fingers biting into her shoulders as he hauled her up against him.


“I want to come deep inside you, bathe your womb with my seed,” his face was harsh with intensity as he gazed at her. “I want you to have my baby!”


“But I thought we decided to wait!”


“I don’t want to. I want you swollen with my child!”


She pushed at him. “What brought this on?” she demanded.



“I don’t want to lose you.” He told her hoarsely as he held her arms tightly.

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