Home > Tempt Me(19)

Tempt Me(19)
Author: Mia Monroe

“Not that you had to tell us that,” Briar says, glaring at Genesis.

“He’s right. Sorry. Anyway, it’s mid-range for prices.”

“It sounds perfect. Thank you, Gen.”

“No problem, boo. Also, I think you and Apollo would make a great couple.”

My cheeks immediately heat. Damn them. “Merci, but he is just a friend right now. I do not know if he will be more.”

“Never hurts to try.” He glances at Briar. “This one here married his best friend. His straight best friend.”

At that, Briar actually giggles. “I’ll have to tell you that story sometime.”

“I will look forward to that.”

When I finally arrive home, I take a quick shower then join Maman in the kitchen to help with dinner. She’s been making all my favorite childhood favorites, and even though it is mostly French food, there is nothing as good as her French cooking.

“How was work, mon amour?”

“Good, Maman. Really good. Everyone is so nice. I made macaron, madeleines, and fifty cupcakes. Briar, my new manager, seems to really like my style. He said my buttercream tastes like heavenly clouds.”

She smiles. “Magnifique, Felix. I am so happy for you.” She rubs my hands. “Did you have a nice time with Apollo?”

“Yes. Try not to embarrass me tonight with silly childhood memories.”

She laughs softly. “No promises.”

As I boil water for tea, I notice her still watching me. “What, Maman?”

“I like him for you. His whole face lit up when he saw you. It was beautiful.”

I nod. “I like him too, but I have to take it slow. He has only just realized he is open to dating men. Of course, we have the added obstacle of Lucien.”

She nods, eating a cookie. “But Lucien would be supportive, no?”

“Yes.” I smile. “Maman, I have dreamt of Apollo since I was still a boy. I never thought I could have a chance with him.”

“Why? You have a beautiful heart, a kind soul, and a pretty face. Why would he not want you?”

I laugh softly. “He was straight. He thought.”

“I understand. What a glorious revelation for you that he is not.”

“D’accord, Maman.” I nod in agreement. “I asked him to dinner Thursday. I have a plan.”

“Will you tell your maman or is it things I would not like to know?”

I laugh. “Maman.”

She smiles.

“It is fine. My plan is to sweep him off his feet. I am going to woo him.”

Her eyes widen with amusement. “What a romantic plan. How will you woo him?”

“I don’t have all the details yet, but my goal is to make him feel how special he is to me. I want him to know if he gave me his heart, I would treasure it forever.” I smile. “I am excited.”

“So, am I. Perhaps I can get a wedding out of one you kids.”

I laugh. “There’s hope, but let’s not start planning just yet. I am not one hundred percent sure he feels the same about me.”

“I am. I saw his face.”

“I do not think I could want for anything else if it were true. I would never wish on a star or blow on the dandelion or throw the coin in the fountain if Apollo were mine. It would be greedy to ask for anything else.”

“Mon fils, do you love him?”

“No, Maman. It is too early for that. I hope though, someday, it will be love. For now, we have much to learn about each other.”

“It is a start, no?”

I nod. “I am going to start looking for my own place though.”

She wrinkles her nose. “I know. You are a man now. It has been nice to have you here.”

“Good news. I live in Miami now. You can see me all the time.”

“Yes. Your father cannot wait to return home. Tomorrow.”

“I know. I am so excited to spend more time with him. It feels so good to be back here, Maman. France was an amazing experience. I am so glad I did it. I learned so much and saw so much beauty. I will never forget it.” I smile, gripping her hand. “But I learned that home is not always where you are born. Home is where you want it to be. I want it to be here.”

“Good. Convince Lucien he wants it too. Claudia is a lost cause.”

We both laugh.

After chatting with her over a cup of tea and tidying the kitchen, the doorbell rings, and a flurry of nerves wash over me.

“I will get it.”

I hurry to the door, smiling as I open it. Apollo smiles, handing me a bottle of wine and some flowers.

“This is sweet.”

He steps inside, leaning close to my ear. “Don’t tell your mom, but the flowers are for you. We’ll just say they’re for the table.”

I know my cheeks are bright red right now, but I don’t care. “Merci, Apollo.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Come with me.”

I watch Apollo greet my mother as she dishes dinner onto a platter. Apollo carries it to the table, and we sit.

After filling my plate, I put my head down to focus on my meal, a beautiful potato galette with roasted chicken, instead of the gorgeous man next to me. I sip my wine, trying to avoid Maman’s curious gaze.

“Apollo,” she begins. “Are you dating anyone?”

I give her a hard look.

“No,” Apollo answers. “Thinking about it though.” He glances at me, grinning. “For now, I’m enjoying getting to know Felix again.”

“Is there anything about him that surprises you now?”

“Everything. He’s still Felix, but intensified. In a good way.”

I glance away again. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“What is your work like?” Maman asks.

“Busy.” He sips his wine. “The place I work is quickly becoming a celebrity favorite. We have more business than we can handle. I was brought in to help run things, but I’m working on upgrading all the systems and filing and stuff. It’s a lot of work, but it makes me happy.”

“What’s the best thing about working there?” I ask, finally finding my voice again.

“Besides the people, it’s being able to be myself. “

“That’s important,” Maman says.

“Very,” I agree. “I feel like I will be able to experience that at Dulce too.”

“Totally,” Apollo agrees.

“I am surprised, Apollo, that you are not tied down yet. You and my son, Lucien, are perennial bachelors, no?”

“Maman,” I complain, but Apollo pats my thigh. My brain scratches like a needle on a record from his touch, and I almost forget why I was annoyed seconds ago.

“Not by choice, Mrs. Marchand. I would very much like to be married. I’ve just had trouble finding the one.”

Her face softens. “I do not understand. My boys, all three of you, are such amazing people. So good of heart, handsome, kind. Maybe, fate has a plan we are not aware of yet, no? She is conspiring to bring you someone who is worth the wait.” Her eyes shift to me in a not so subtle gesture, but thankfully, Apollo is looking at his meal.

“I believe that,” Apollo says softly, slowly turning to me. “I’ve learned in my years on this planet, life is unexpected. You can try all you want to make things go how you want them to, and sometimes it works out. Other times, you just have to believe that you’re in the right place at the right time, and that your person will be there when the time is right.”

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