Home > My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8)(29)

My Maddie (Hades Hangmen #8)(29)
Author: Tillie Cole


 Smiler’s attention drifted down the hallway. He shrugged. His face went bright red. He looked pissed. “Him too,” Smiler said. “But no. Someone else.” He pointed his thumb in Maddie’s direction. “Someone like Maddie. She was to me, like Maddie is to you.” I didn’t understand who he meant. Smiler had no bitch. Maddie was my everything. I didn’t know Smiler had a bitch who was everything to him too.

 He pulled a piece of paper from his cut. “Directions.” I took hold of them. “I gotta tell Styx they’re whereabouts in the morning. Figure, that’d give you a night’s head start, before we all ride to join you.” I read the directions and felt the evil lock into place inside me. Felt the darkness injecting my blood with the need for revenge. The flames rose high inside me, burning through flesh. I’d tried to keep them away for so long. Fought the demons for so fucking long. Fought them for Maddie, for Ash… there had been no point. They both got hurt in the end. I was weak. I couldn’t fight them this time. I was going to kill. I was going to rip apart the bastards who had done this to Maddie.

 Smiler threw some keys at me. “Take the club’s truck that’s parked in the hospital lot. Get your fucking bike from home, and get gone, before I tell the Prez.” I looked to Maddie through the window. “I’ll stay here with her. I’ll protect her,” Smiler promised. “I’ll call Bella and Rider to come over. Tell ‘em you had to go somewhere for the club. Rider knows shit about club business. Might not question it. Even if he does, you’ll be long gone. Bella will watch Maddie, get her home. You get the fuck gone.” My blood pumped fast. I felt on fucking fire with the need for revenge.

 I pushed through the hospital room’s door and went into see Maddie. I fucking stood and watched her. She was sleeping. Even in sleep, her hands were over her stomach, protecting the baby. I felt a fucking lump grow in my throat. I didn’t want to leave her. But the cunts that set the fire had been found by Smiler, and I had to kill them. They needed to die so they wouldn’t hurt her again.

 I walked closer. Her free hand was on the bed. I put my hand close to her’s. “No,” I snarled, pulling my arm back. Maddie stirred. I froze. Turning her head, she went back to sleep. The flames told me to touch her hand. I pulled out my knife and sliced along my arm. The cut was deep. Blood dripped onto the floor. I hissed, eyes closing as the flames crawled down my arm. But they were back within a second. They were fucking choking me, wrapping around my neck and lungs and heart. They squeezed and squeezed, until all I saw was fucking darkness—pure hate and revenge.

 I pushed through the door, moved down the hallway, holding the directions in my hand. “Flame!” I whipped my head in Smiler’s direction. My breathing was hard and fast and laced with fucking death. Smiler smirked. “Kill them slowly. Make the fuckers pay. Make it messy. Make them fucking scream.”

 I turned, ran down the stairs and outside toward the truck. Blood dripped from my arm the whole way. But the fire inside my veins still burned. It fucking burned so hot I felt only heat on my skin. I jumped into the truck and headed for the compound. I burned rubber all the way there. I took the back roads to the cabin, parking out of sight in the woods. I ran through the trees to the cabin and kicked open my cabin’s door to get inside. I grabbed a gun and knife. I didn’t need anything else.

 Jumping on my bike, I pulled out of the compound and onto the back roads. No fucker had seen me. And even if they had, I didn’t care. I was going to kill the cunts who hurt Maddie. I was going to kill them all. No one could stop me.

  Wind smashed against my face as I burned rubber on the road. The whole time I thought of Maddie. I thought of the baby. I thought of my mama. I thought of Isaiah. I’d killed them. My touch killed them. I couldn’t touch them again. But I would kill these cunts. I would release the flames of hell in their hearts and snap their spines. My cock got hard at the thought and I needed to cut my arm. I needed to fucking come. And I needed to stab my skin. But I couldn’t stop. I had to get there before Styx and my brothers. These assholes were mine to kill.

 I roared into the night. I couldn’t fucking stand the heat in my bones. I screamed as I pulled harder on the gas. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum. Then I heard the sound of someone behind me. I turned my head, seeing a bike catching me up.

 “They’re mine!” I warned, accelerating. But the bike behind went faster too. I pulled out my knife, ready to kill, if someone attempted to stop me.

 “Flame!” I heard a voice calling my name, the sound travelling on the wind. But my pulse was too fast, the blood in my ears was too fucking loud to find out who it was. “FLAME!” Roaring out in anger, I looked back. I recognized the bike. Ash, it was Ash. Clenching my jaw, I slammed on the brakes and spun the bike around. Ash stopped too, right in the middle of the road.

 “Go home,” I ordered, and pointed my knife at his face. “Get the fuck home. You can’t stop me. I’m going to kill the bastards who hurt Maddie. No one can fucking stop me!”

 “I know,” Ash said, and lowered my blade away from his face. I slashed the knife down my arm. My eyes closed as the blood spilled on my thighs. I gripped my cock under my leathers and squeezed until it hurt, until it made me bite my tongue so hard it bled. I drank the blood down. “I’m not here to stop you,” Ash said. My eyes snapped open. I had to move. I had to leave. Ash kicked his bike into fucking life. He pulled out his knife, moved his cut to the side and showed me his gun in a holster. “I’m coming with you.” Ash lifted the sleeve of his shirt and sliced along his arm. Blood ran down his arm, and to the ground. “I’m your fucking brother, Flame. Those cunts tried to take Maddie from us. Tried to take your kid.” Ash licked at the blade, blood covering his tongue. “I’m coming with you, to kill them. I swear, on this fucking blood, we’re gonna kill them and avenge Maddie.” Ash stared at me, keeping his knife in hand. “I’m not leaving, so don’t ask me to.” His head dropped slightly; eyes fixed on the road. “You’re my brother, Flame. You’re my blood. I ain’t letting you go in there alone. I’m coming. I’m a Cade. I can kill alongside you.”

 Looking just like someone we both knew, brother… My head twitched as I remembered his words from the woods. He fucking hated me. Ash fucking hated me.

 “Let me fight beside you, Flame. Let me…” His voice cut out and his eyes lifted. They shined with tears. I didn’t know why. He thought I was like our poppa. He thought I was evil. That I would hurt him like our poppa hurt us both. “Just let me come, okay?” His voice sounded different. Something broke through the anger and poison in my veins. A fucking ache in my chest—something I got with Maddie. I used to feel it with my mama and Isaiah. Now I felt it with Ash.

 “We need to go, now” I said and slipped my knife back in my cut. I kicked-started the bike and my engine fucking roared. “We ain’t stopping ‘til we get there,” I pushed. Ash pulled beside me. I looked over at him. He had flame tattoos on his skin. We had the same black eyes and the same black hair.

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