Home > Came Back Haunted (Experiment in Terror #10)(60)

Came Back Haunted (Experiment in Terror #10)(60)
Author: Karina Halle

But I’m here now. I’ve made it this far.


It’s early afternoon and, even after sleeping so much, I feel exhausted to my marrow. Coffee doesn’t help, nothing helps. I’m held together with unraveling string.

“Have a seat,” Lana says to me softly, as she closes the door.

I gingerly sit down on the couch, wringing my hands together, as if that will help me stay whole.

“Perry,” she says gently. “Look at me.”

I look up from my hands as she takes the seat across from me, leaning in close, her elbows on her knees.

“Something has happened to you,” she says after a moment, her expression strained as she takes me in.

For a horrible moment I think she’s going to tell me that I’m crazy, that I’m beyond her expertise, that I should be committed just like my grandmother was.

Then she holds out her palm in offering.

I stare at it for a moment, then up at her warm face, then gingerly lift my hand and place it in hers.

She grasps it, just tight enough, and I feel a hot current flow from her palm to mine, warming me to the core.

“Let me in,” she says softly, her eyes imploring mine. “Let me in your head, in your thoughts. Let me help you.”

I’m afraid. I’m afraid that she’s going to see everything, even the ugly bits I never tell her. I’m afraid that she’ll see my soul and what I’m made of and find out that I’m not made of much at all.

But with the last ounce of strength that I have, the last thread of hope, I push that fear to the side.

I close my eyes.

And I mentally move back the walls. They’re heavy and they don’t want to move and I have to keep pushing at them, so used to trying to keep people out.

I let her in.

I feel her too, this presence, like the black has lifted just a bit, and a beam of light and warmth has been able to sneak past. It settles inside my head, pushing things around, not unpleasant, but not quite comfortable either.

This goes on for a few minutes, my body tense, wondering when she’ll find what she’s looking for.

Then suddenly it all withdraws.

I open my eyes to see her staring at me with a pained expression, swallowing hard.

“I’m so sorry Perry,” she says to me, squeezing my hand. “No one should have to go through any of that.”

I clear my throat, feeling strangely emotional over that experience. “What did you see?” I ask, noticing her eyes are watering. She’s emotional too, first time I’ve seen her like this.

She pulls her hand out of mine and looks up at the ceiling, delicately running her fingers under her eyes to make sure the tears aren’t falling. “I saw everything.”

“I think you know me better than my husband does now,” I comment.

She gives a slight shake of her head and looks at me, a soft smile curving her lips. “No. He knows you better than you know yourself. That much is true and will never change.”

“But he can’t protect me now,” I tell her. “No one can.”

Lana sighs and sits back in her chair, looking me over. “This isn’t quite true. But we’ll come back to that. First, we have to look at what’s really happening here. Where this all started…the want for a child.”

My heart beats heavily in my chest, feeling waterlogged. “Is it so wrong to want that?”

“No,” she says. “It’s natural. It’s normal. Maybe not for everyone, but for most people I would think.”

“Do you want kids?” I ask.

She waves her left hand at me. “Got to find a man first. But I’m not looking for either right now. And as much as I would love to tell you all about my personal life, we have to focus on you. We have to work through this. And in the end I think I might be able to help you, if you keep an open mind and do as I say.”

For the first time in weeks, I’m properly intrigued.

Dare I say, hopeful.

“Perry, you wanting a baby as much as you do is normal. We’ve talked about this before. But you are not normal. You know this. I know this. Dex knows this. You are a very powerful woman, yes just as Samantha has said. She wasn’t lying to you about that. In fact, she’s never really lied to you…just purposely twisted the truth to suit her own needs. But we’ll come to that later. I have a lot to say about her.” She pauses, crossing her legs.

“How do you know that about her?”

“I’ll get to that. There’s so much to unpack here that we have to move quickly. We don’t have a lot of time.” I nod, vowing myself to shut up. She continues. “Back to the baby. Back to your abilities, your power, your energy. You can manifest and create things with ease, and you don’t even know it. Your need and want for the baby attracted so much energy to you because you feel things so incredibly deeply. You’re not just a magnet for your husband, you’re a magnet for others. Samantha took advantage of that need. Everything that happened was because of her.”

She’s right about that. Even poor Harry was compelled by her from beyond the grave to bring us into the house.

“Your need made her seek you out. She has a need too, to be free of her curse. It attracted Maximus to the house. He has a similar need, to be free of the Veil.”

“But Jacob brought Maximus back.”

“Did you ask him why now? If he’s been dead three years, why now? Jacob was fulfilling something, brought on by your need. It’s all connected. All of it. Even we’re connected.”

“How?” I ask her, but then I fill in the blanks. “We’ll get to that later, right?”

She gives me a quick smile. “I know Dex thinks that this will happen every time you want to have a baby. I don’t think that’s the case. I think things got out of hand because you kept it bottled up inside for too long, and when you were finally honest with him, it was too late. It was all in motion.”

“You’re saying this all happened because I didn’t tell Dex?” I ask incredulously.

“I’m saying that in normal people, it’s harmful to keep things bottled up. In your case, it has extreme consequences. Food for thought going forward.”

“He’s the one who kept something from me,” I point out indignantly.

“This isn’t a competition, Perry. You know why he kept it from you. Doesn’t mean it was the right thing to do. His actions have consequences too. This was something he was stewing over ever since you first stepped into that house. Having that worry at the back of his head constantly, well it’s no wonder that all that shit started happening to you. The two of you both have a power, and between the two of you…well, you know what happens, what that feels like.”

Oh god. She had a good long look at our sex life, didn’t she?

“Sorry,” she says, looking sheepish. “When I say I saw it all, I saw it all. But believe me when I say it was more than helpful.”

I scrunch up my nose, giving her an odd look. “Okaaaay.”

She folds her hands in her lap. “There are three things happening right now, and with a little luck, we can fix them all. One is that you want to get your friend out of the Veil. It sounds like your sister will be able to help with that, and no it doesn’t matter if you want her to or not, because she’s her own person with her own will and she will do as she likes.”

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