Home > First Bite (A Bite of the Past #0.5)(5)

First Bite (A Bite of the Past #0.5)(5)
Author: Laura Greenwood

Instead of coming up with any kind of witty retort, I stand there, unable to find words.

He disappears away from me.

Fine. It seems like I'm simply going to have to go through with collecting the things he's asked me to.

Despite the risks, excitement thrums through me. It's going to be worth it, of that I'm sure.



Chapter 5


Nerves flutter in my stomach as I make my way out onto the roof of the main den building. What if Benedict doesn't show up? Perhaps he's thinking about the best way to make a fool out of me? And even if he does, is it really possible the roof won't have other people on it too? As far as I'm aware, there's a couple of hundred vampires living in the den. We can't go out during the daylight hours, so we tend to stick together. Personally, I find it too constricting, but no one will listen to the thoughts of a woman, let alone one of eighteen years.

"You appear to be lost in thought again, Kitty," Benedict says, pulling me from my musings. He walks towards me, stopping once we're face to face.

"I hope it doesn't disturb you that I have them." I know what his answer to that one will be, even before he says it, but I still want to hear it. I need him to prove that he's the man I think he is.

"It doesn't. I very much hope you have thoughts, if you didn't, then our conversations would be rather duller than I intended." He leans in and takes the blanket from me. "I've saved us a spot over here."

He leads me to a small alcove that's sheltered from the rest of the roof. If someone else comes out here, they won't see us straight away, and we'll be able to hide from them, which makes it perfect. I'm glad he's thought about things like this.

"Aren't you worried someone will ask where we've been?" I ask. It's the middle of the night, and everyone will be going about their day. Most of them will probably be sitting down to lunch soon, like we are.

"I suppose it depends who is going to ask. Some of my friends might, but then I'll tell them I've been with a woman. They'll assume something scandalous and not press for more information..."

"This is scandalous," I point out.

An amused smile plays on his lips as he whips out the blanket and lays it down for the two of us. "Trust me, there's nothing scandalous about this according to my friends."

"Even talking to you goes against what's proper," I counter, taking a seat on the blanket despite my words.

He lit the candles and placed them off to the side. I'm glad I thought to bring a holder for them too. Hopefully, no one will notice they're missing between now and then.

"Then why are you here?" He sits down beside me, close enough that our legs are almost touching. Maybe it's an accident. My gown is spread out, hiding where my legs are. I'm reading more into it than there is.

"Perhaps I like danger."

He snorts. "Try again."

"Fine. I'm hungry."

He pulls the basket sat by the edge of the blanket towards him and flips the lid. "I don't think that's it, either."

"All right, I'm rebelling against my Father and what he wants from me." Even as I'm saying it, I realise there's some truth in that one. I hope he doesn't pick up on it.

"Closer, but I don't think so." He hands me a goblet.

I take it from him and wait as he pours wine into it. The scent of the ruby red liquid reaches me. There's no doubt it's a good vintage. Hmm. I may need to do some asking around about Benedict to find out more about him. I should have done it anyway. Then again, there's been no time. The ball was only last night, and I could hardly start asking people then.

"Then maybe it's because I like you, for some unknown reason," I admit.

I lift the goblet to my lips and take a sip. The taste matches the smell. He's pulling out all of the stops.

"I'm glad to hear that. You're not alone."

"You don't know me well enough to have decided you like me," I point out, taking another drink just for something to do. I hope he brings the food out soon so I can eat instead of drinking too much.

"We can call it a gut feeling. Clearly, you feel it too," Benedict points out.

"You should work on your flirting."

"You told me that last night too. But you also promised to teach me how to do better at it," he counters smoothly.

It's easy to get lost in his easy manner, even though I know I shouldn't. "I'm fairly certain you're a lost cause."

"Come on, Kitty, you know you want to try and teach me..."

The way he says my name sends a shiver down my spine. This may be dangerous, but it's also thrilling at the same time. I've never spent much time alone with a man before. For good reason. There's a chance I'll be ruined if we're discovered. Though I suppose it depends who comes across us and whether my family can hush it up in time. I'm not sure if it makes it worth the risk, though it may get me out of the marriage Father has planned.

I push that all from my mind, wanting to focus more on the situation at hand.

Benedict unpacks the basket of food as we talk and lays out a veritable feast in front of us. He's gone all out with trappings from the kitchen.

"How did you get hold of all of this?" I ask as I pick up one of the sweetmeats and bite into it. Delicious, and just as I like them.

"I make sure to flirt with the cook regularly." He winks at me and I let out a laugh.

"In which case, my assessment of your flirting skills may be incorrect. It appears you've done a good job."

He dips his head in mock submission. "Perhaps I learned more during our dance than you think."

I shake my head in bemusement and take another sip of wine. The action gives me a moment to drag my gaze along the length of his body as he lounges on the blanket.

It's odd how easy it is to sit here with him, the two of us so close together beneath the stars. It's almost enough to make me wish we never had to leave. Unfortunately, we both have commitments we can't get out of.

"Are you going to be at the ball tomorrow night?" Benedict asks after a moment.

I nod. "It's one of the only reasons Father will let me out of our rooms without much supervision." I grimace.

"Except now?"

"It's the middle of the night," I say with a shrug. "Everyone is about to keep an eye on me. He'd never think I'm sneaking about to meet a man for a clandestine picnic under the stars."

"You make it sound so romantic." He leans in slightly, his face coming close to mine.

My tongue darts out to wet my lips. I want to close the distance between us and kiss him, even if I know I shouldn't.

"You mean, I make it sound so forbidden," I whisper.

"We're not doing anything wrong if we don't act on it," he murmurs.

His words are useless though. I know it's only a matter of moments before we break from what's proper and kiss.

He shifts so we're more in line with one another, then leans in and presses his lips against mine. My eyes drift closed as I relax into the sensations. Benedict's arm wraps around me, pulling me close.

His touch is heaven. And even better because it's something we're not supposed to do.

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