Home > It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(23)

It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(23)
Author: Erika Kelly

“Hang on. Let me tell you the whole story. He said you and I were on different paths, that lots of people dreamed of being football players or rock stars or whatever, but that you and I had the raw talent to back it up. He said we could realize our dreams—as long as we didn’t hold each other back. He asked me to give you a chance to fulfill your potential. And if I couldn’t make that promise, he’d have to stop working with me.”

“You should’ve told me. I would’ve talked to him. My parents—”

“He was right. That night, at the party, you said you’d go to Michigan.”

“Yes, because it’s a good program. We could have been together. I mean, obviously, you wanted to be free to have your fun. I’m sure I scared you…but you could’ve just told me the truth.”

“You’re damn right you scared me. Because that was the first time I realized you felt the same way about me. And that drove it home, what your dad was saying. The way we felt about each other…we would’ve made the wrong decisions. You needed to go to Julliard or Berklee. And, even though I wanted to be selfish and have you come with me, I couldn’t let you do that.”

“You wanted me to come with you? I figured you wanted to be free to hook up with every girl on campus.”

“You couldn’t be further from the truth.” You’ve got one shot here. Take it. “I…honestly, I didn’t think I’d survive without you. After…”

“After you slept with my best friend?”

He gave her a look that said, Come on. “I didn’t sleep with her. But I was going to say, after I pushed you away, I thought about blowing off Michigan and just going wherever you went. And I’d have done it, too, but…what would that have accomplished? What, I’d follow you around the world as you wrote and played your music? You’d lose all respect for me. And I just didn’t see a solution that worked.”

“Well, kissing Ashton wasn’t it.”

“I know that. It wasn’t planned.” He cracked the window, just for some fresh air, because he was burning up. “I don’t think you know how hard it was for me not to touch you. Every time we were together…it killed me. And then to finally kiss you…it messed me up.”

“You’ve obviously recovered.”

“I’ve never recovered.”

“Really? Because it looks like you’re having the time of your life.”

“Well, I’m not.” Keep going. “But you should also know that Amie’s not my girlfriend.”

“Oh, my God.” She shook her head, looking disgusted. “You’re obviously together. I saw you two all cozy on the plane. Not to mention the picture of you two that went viral.”

“It hasn’t gone live yet, but…wait, I’ve got the security footage right here.” He swiped the screen of his phone and opened his email. When he found Dean’s video, he handed it over.

Gigi sat quietly, watching the whole thing. It was only a few minutes—Amie doing a strip tease, him leaping onto the diving board, and then taking the towel from Dean. The video ended after Cassian handed her the shirt.

She gave the phone back. “So, no threesome?”

“No threesome.”

“Because a Cassian and Dean sandwich…” She tried for humor, and he knew it meant she was relieved. Everything she’d believed had turned out to be untrue. “I’m just saying.”

“There’s nothing between me and Amie. She runs my football camp, that’s it.”

She didn’t look convinced. “She touches you like you’re her boyfriend.”

“That’s Amie. It’s her personality. But if you pay attention, you’ll see I’m not touching her.” He wanted to spell it out. “I’ve never slept with her.”


“Okay, you forgive me? Or okay, you don’t give a shit?”

“Honestly? I don’t know what I feel. Everything you said just now…you shook my world and…and now I have to see where all the pieces land.”



Chapter Seven



Times like these, Gigi loved Lollipop songs. They were upbeat and positive, and no matter how silly the lyrics might be, every single person in this wing of the hospital was smiling, bopping their heads, and having a good time.

She scanned the faces of the kids, and a rush of happiness hit her so hard she stumbled over the next chords. Laughing, she got her focus back and continued on.

But right then, Cassian came around the corner, his hair tousled from the convertible Mustang. Those broad shoulders and bulging biceps, along with that easy grin…no wonder women stuffed their numbers into his pockets everywhere he went.

He looked happy, confident, like he was on top of the world.

She finished the song. “Well, that’s it for me.” The room burst into applause. A couple people whistled. “Thanks so much. I had a blast with you guys.”

A young girl came rushing over, thrusting a T-shirt at her. “Can I please have your autograph?”

“You sure can. What’s your name?”

“Marissa. I’m named after my gramma. I have a brother. He was born so I could be alive.”

The world screeched to a stop. Gigi looked at this little girl who couldn’t be more than ten, with her freckles and gangly arms and legs, just bursting with positive energy.

Emotion, rose, crested, and crashed over her. “Well, he’s a very lucky boy.”

“Why’s he lucky?”

“Because he gets such a brave and strong older sister.” She signed the shirt and handed it back. “Can I have a hug, Marissa?”

The girl threw herself into Gigi’s arms. Cupping the back of her head, she said, “Thank you for making my day, Marissa.”

She should be heading down to the van, but she couldn’t resist watching Cassian hold court with his fans. As always, he was totally in the moment with them, looking each person in the eye, talking to them like they were old friends. He immersed himself in the experience.

A boy, who had to be around thirteen or fourteen, stood in front of him, talking a mile a minute. “I’m gonna play football, too. I’m trying out for the team when school starts, and I get to tell everyone I got to meet you. I’m going home tomorrow. I’m in remission.”

“Proud of you, man.” Cassian did some kind of fist bump handshake thing with him.

Another boy stepped forward, wearing Cassian’s jersey. He was a little more reserved. “I never miss your games.”

Cassian crouched to get eye-level with him. “Yeah? That’s cool. Let me know your name, so I can shout out to you during the season.”

“You’d do that?” The kid looked like he couldn’t believe it.

“You bet.”

“That would be the coolest thing ever. Thank you. It’s Paul. Paul Thomas.”

Out of nowhere, Cassian’s gaze shot over to her. Cymbals crashed, reverberating throughout her body. Heat flooded her. Their conversation in the long car ride, revealing that he’d had real feelings for her, that Amie wasn’t his girlfriend—it had changed things.

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