Home > Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One)(7)

Tap Out (Reaper's Den Book One)(7)
Author: Nikki Mays

“Great.” Is all I can manage as Jameson and I slowly make our way towards the entrance.

“Holy shit why do you look like you’re about to keel over?” Sage exclaims as she hits the bottom of the stairs by the juice bar.

I just stare at her. “Because my blood sugar is low.” I deadpan. It’s obvious that my arm is fucked up considering the awesome angle that it’s out and how I’m cradling it.

Her eyes do that squinty thing but luckily she just takes my attitude in stride. I mean it’s not like I’m sweating bullets or anything. “Right.” She looks me up and down. “Need a ride to the hospital?”

I shake my head, immediately regretting that decision. “No,” I choke out. “I had the guys call an ambulance.

Her eyebrows practically reach her hairline. She knows that I wouldn’t call an ambulance if it wasn’t serious. “Okay, I’m going to go get my crap and I’ll meet you there.” She goes to run back up the stairs before she pauses and turns. “Want me to call the girls?”

“Nah, no sense of them just sitting in the waiting room doing nothing.”

Her snort is overly loud. “Yeah, I’ll just give them a call. I’m not dealing with their attitudes for not calling them.” Sage states before climbing the stairs.

She has a point. They would probably give her shit for not calling them.

I look over at Jameson and wish that I hadn’t. The kid looks like someone kicked his puppy. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen anyone look as sad or as sorry as he does. “Will you quit it?” I growl. “I’m going to be fine.” I leave out the eventually, probably after months and months of physical therapy. No need to kick him when he’s down.

“I am so damn sorry.” He runs his hands through his hair. “I don’t know what the hell happened.” He begins pacing while still eyeing me like I’m about to fall over and die.

“Don’t any of you have anything better to do than stand around gawking?” I look at all the nosy asses just standing around. “I sure as shit know that at least four of you sorry asses have fights coming up that you should be preparing for.”

They all slowly walk to the weight area of the gym instead of the training one like they need to. I’m sure that it has something to do with the fact that in the weight area, they still have a clear view of the front. I swear, these guys are nosier than any woman that I’ve ever met. And that’s saying something considering the women in my life.

I turn back to Jameson and roll my eyes. The kid is still standing near me like he’s ready to catch me if I pass out. Thankfully, he has no idea how close that is to actually happening. If it’s the last fucking thing that I do, I’ll make sure to stay conscious until I’m in the ambulance and already far away from here. There is no fucking way that I will pass out in front of all these guys. That shit would be a fate worse than death. I’d never hear the fucking end out it. I’d be the laughing stock of this place for years.

Maybe I should find some smelling salts and discreetly sniff some just to be on the safe side. Although judging from the look on Jameson’s face, I don’t see him walking away from me at all. Dammit, no way to go and get those without him knowing.

The next hour is a whirlwind of activity. Most of it was a blur once I was inside the ambulance. I managed to stay alert until they shut the doors and started driving thankfully. Once we got to the hospital, they took me right back for a bunch of different scans and bloodwork. I can’t remember the last time that I was poked and prodded this much.

I’m just glad that they gave me some really good drugs. I can still feel the pain but I’m feeling really nice right now as I wait for the doctor to come back with my diagnosis. I already know that it isn’t good, especially with how the radiology technicians kept looking at me.

I hear a chuckle and turn my head to the side. I see the three girls and Sage smirking at me like I’m the most amusing creative in the world.

“What?” I slur out. Damn, this is some good shit, I smile mentally.

Becca snorts. “You mean besides your goofy, drugged up smile? Nothing Daddio…nothing at all.” They all giggle but I don’t care. It’s one of my most favorite sounds in the universe, even if it is at my expense.

“I wonder how much longer until the doctor comes in?” Missy questions from her seat at the end of my bed.

I’m in one of those semi private cloth cubicle things in the Emergency Department. The area is tiny. But I’m guessing that I’ll be in an actual room later on. I sure as shit know that I won’t be leaving here today.

“He’ll get here when he gets here.” I say slowly. I smack my lips together. “Can you get me something to drink? My mouth feels like a cotton ball.”

My new favorite child, Paige, gets up without making a snarky comment like the twins and pours me a cup of water. She puts a straw in it and holds it up to my mouth. Yup, definitely my new favorite child.

“Good?” She asks with a small smile.

“Yeah, thanks. You’re officially my favorite child.” I tell her.

I hear a round of snorts. “That doesn’t mean much since I was your favorite yesterday for bringing you lunch.” Missy laughs.

Paige pets me on the top of my head like I’m a dog. “It’s okay, I’m happy to be the favorite today.” I’m too drugged up to be able to tell if she’s patronizing me or not. Her smile just gets wider when I narrow my eyes at her. “Never mind, I have no favorite child.” I mutter sullenly.

“You’re such a damn drama queen.” Sage says without looking up from her phone. “Which is sad considering how many women are in this tiny ass cube.”

“Knock knock.” Is said before I can respond. Brad pushes the curtain back and walks through. I guess he’s working right now since he’s wearing bright green scrubs. “How’s it going in here?”

He looks at all of us and then down to my right hand. He doesn’t hide his wince fast enough and I see it. Damn, there goes that tiny sliver of hope.

“So, I heard that there was an incident at the gym. How ya doin’?” He asks.

“The drugs are nice.” I reply.

I ignore the giggles and focus on Brads smirk. “I bet they are. Has the doctor come in yet?”

“Not yet, I’m…” I start before the curtain gets pulled back again. This time my doctor, as well as another one who introduces himself as an orthopedic surgeon walk in.

After a few pleasantries and making sure that everyone, including Brad, could stay, they get to business.

“Mr. Sobihan, you have two broken bones in your forearm. You’ve managed to break the radius as well as the ulna.”

I already knew that it was broken, but I was hoping that it was only one. Two bones definitely make this more complicated.

“Okay, so what happens now?” I ask, even though I already have an idea.

“Because the ulna and radius rely on each other for support, it’s important that they are properly stabilized. Surgery is going to be your best option according to the scans. If the bones aren’t accurately aligned during healing, it may result in future problems with your wrist and elbow movement.”

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