Home > An Unexpected Temptation(17)

An Unexpected Temptation(17)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Indeed I have not,” Robert said. He shook Brunswick’s hand. “A pleasure.”

“Likewise,” Brunswick said. “I’ve heard a great deal about you. Especially during the last few days.”

Robert nodded and turned back to Athena. “I’m hoping you might be willing to partner with me for the next set.”

“I, um...” Her lungs didn’t seem to be working properly. She was having trouble catching her breath. And yet, there was no denying the pure delight he’d instilled in her by asking. So she forced herself to say, “Yes. I’d like that.”

Appreciation lit his eyes. The edge of his mouth lifted. “Excellent.”

Her brother, Charles, danced past with Bethany, and for a panicked moment, Athena feared an impending altercation. But rather than scowl in response to Robert’s presence, Charles acknowledged him with a tilt of his chin before moving on past. Perhaps then they’d already had a chance to speak when Robert was last at Foxborough Hall? If so, Charles hadn’t mentioned the encounter.

“I think I’m beginning to figure out what might be ailing you,” Sarah whispered close to her ear.

“Really?” Athena met her sister’s gaze and was instantly caught off guard by her secretive smile. “What’s your theory?”

“I think it might be best if you figure that out on your own,” Sarah said with a smirk.

Irritated, Athena prepared to argue that logic when Robert drew her attention. “How long has it been since we last saw each other?”

His voice was low and sensual. Awareness rippled through her. “Four days.”

“Is that all?” He leaned in slightly, brushing her arm with his sleeve. “It feels like weeks. Months. Perhaps even years.”

She turned her head just enough to meet his gaze. The fire there stole her breath and weakened her knees. Surely he could not mean what she thought he meant. It wasn’t possible. She wasn’t the sort of person a man would miss, but rather the sort he’d be eager to get rid of. Wasn’t that what he’d wanted from the beginning? To get her out of his house as quickly as possible?

Yes. But later, after failing to accomplish that, they’d talked. And as they’d become reacquainted, something had changed. He’d forgiven her. More than that, he’d seemed to accept her.

No. What she’d witnessed was greater than acceptance – a genuine appreciation for her as a person. And while he might have chastised her on occasion, he’d never tried to change who she was. Instead, he’d told her he liked her.

Before she was able to figure out what all this meant, he was leading her onto the dance floor. She took her position across from him, her mind a muddle of contradiction. And then the music was playing and somehow her feet were moving in accordance with the rhythm. A hand caught her waist and spun her around. Heat seared the skin beneath her gown at the point of contact. She drew a shuddering breath and did her best to remain upright.

“You look stunning this evening,” Robert murmured, his eyes snaring hers with intense focus. “No other woman compares.”

A fluttery feeling spiraled through her. She couldn’t speak, could barely think. She certainly had no chance in hell of returning the compliment with panache. And then she lost her opportunity completely as they were forced to switch partners and move in opposite directions. When she returned to Robert’s side, he asked if she still liked roast duck, preventing her from returning his praise without risk of sounding utterly daft.

“I do,” she said instead. “It’s still my favorite food.”

“Along with sugar-glazed potatoes and boiled apples filled with red currant jelly?”

A smile curved her lips. “You have a remarkable memory, my lord.”

“I’ve been reflecting,” he said with a wink that nearly caused her knees to give way.

They were swept apart once more and before she’d managed to gather her wits, the dance was ending. Robert clasped her hand, spun her gently around one last time, and guided her into her rightful place before stepping back. The final notes faded and he gave her a bow, then led her from the floor in silence.

When they reached the periphery, he drew her toward a vacant corner and raised her gloved hand to his lips. “Until we meet again, Miss Townsbridge.”

He was gone before she remembered to breathe.



Chapter Six


EVERYTHING HAD BEEN perfectly thought out. Robert made sure of it. He’d personally overseen the dinner arrangements, ensuring Athena would be seated directly to his left and her mother to his right. After their dance the other evening at the assembly hall, he’d scarcely slept a wink. He’d been horribly nervous and unsure when he’d arrived. After all, it would be clear to anyone paying attention that he’d come solely to dance with her. And yet the moment he was in her company, he had relaxed and found the right words. Whether or not she knew it, she had responded to his flirtation with rosy cheeks and an uncharacteristically timid smile. Both allowed him to hope.

“Is the duck to your liking?” he asked Athena once she’d had a chance to savor the food.

“It is delicious.” she assured him, her gaze not quite meeting his while she ate a bit more. Her low voice and high color, however, told him she wasn’t indifferent. Something else was causing her to shy away. Perhaps the dawning realization that they could be more than friends?

“I believe it is your favorite,” Lady Roxley said.

“It is.” Athena set her knife and fork aside and reached for her glass. She took a sip and, without another word, continued eating.

“How fortuitous,” Lady Roxley said. She gave Robert an assessing look, added a wry smile, and swiftly changed the subject.

Half an hour later, Robert had been fully informed of the Townsbridges’ plans for the rest of the holiday season. They would depart for London three days hence so they could return in time to attend the yearly Christmas concert at the Theatre Royal. Christmas itself would be celebrated at Townsbridge House with a large family dinner and a variety of games. According to her ladyship, New Year’s Eve was generally spent there as well, but this year they intended to head to Vauxhall and watch the firework display. Provided the weather permitted, of course.

“Tea has been prepared in the parlor,” Dartwood announced once the meal was over.

Athena leapt to her feet, nearly knocking over her chair in the process.

“Dear me,” her mother exclaimed. “Do be careful.”

“Forgive me,” Athena murmured while everyone else stood. “It seems my eagerness to enjoy a hot beverage has made me forget my manners.”

Deciding it was best to remain silent, Robert simply inclined his head and watched her hasten away. The other ladies followed, until he was left alone with her father, her brothers, the Duke of Brunswick and the Marquess of Foxborough.

“I’ve never seen Athena so out of sorts before,” James said with a grin. “It’s refreshing.”

“Do you suppose she knows she’s in love yet?” Brunswick asked.

Everyone turned to stare at him. Robert’s heart slammed against his chest. “In love?”

The duke gave him a knowing smile. “She has not been herself since she returned from your home, but rather quiet and distant. According to what she told my wife, she felt unwell. Until you showed up at the assembly hall and she started to glow. If I were to hazard a guess, being apart from you caused her distress.”

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