Home > An Unexpected Temptation(18)

An Unexpected Temptation(18)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Then why was she so eager to leave his company moments ago?” Foxborough asked.

Charles snorted. “Because she doesn’t understand her feelings. Athena has always been a force to be reckoned with, only now, she has become the victim of something more powerful than herself. Her instinct will likely be to fight it, and when she discovers she can’t, she’ll finally surrender to the truth. Or at least, that is my theory.”

Robert wondered if his friend was right and if so, how long Athena’s surrender might take.

“Have you considered being direct with her?” William asked. “I’m thinking it might make everything a lot simpler.”

“Perhaps with someone besides Athena,” Robert said. “When it comes to her, instinct tells me she needs time to acquaint herself with the idea of having gained a man’s attention. From what I understand, she’s not used to it, so too strong an advance on my part might push her away.”

“Well, you have our support,” Lord Roxley said. “We are all of the opinion that you would be good for her.”

“Provided your intentions are as honorable as you claim,” Charles said.

A wave of anger rolled through Robert, pushing at his nerves. Of course, it made sense for Charles to still doubt him. All Robert could do was continue to offer assurance.

“I promise you they are.” Robert held Charles’s gaze for a moment before giving his attention to Viscount Roxley. “My lord, if you would please follow me to my study, I’ll show you my ledgers and whatever else you need to see in order to form an accurate opinion of my finances.”

Two hours later, Robert’s guests took their leave. He’d not had a chance to converse with Athena at greater length, but he had obtained her father’s approval along with permission to call on his daughter whenever he pleased.

“Watch the steps,” William said as he escorted his wife toward one of three awaiting carriages. “It’s a frosty night. There could be ice.”

The rest of the Townsbridges moved forward with care, the ladies allowing their husbands to offer support.

“Wait here a moment while I help your mother,” Lord Roxley told Athena. “It won’t take but a moment.”

“You need not worry over me, Papa,” Athena replied as she started to follow her parents. “I have excellent balance.”

“Athena,” Robert said, grabbing her arm before she was able to take one more step. “I know you’re sturdy on your feet, but there’s no sense in being reckless.”

“Of course not,” she quickly agreed. “I just—”

“Allow me to walk you to your conveyance.” He drew her nearer to his side and was pleased to feel her relax against his hold.

“Thank you, my lord.”

Robert answered her with a smile, then guided her down the stone steps, pausing here and there in order to test them for slippery spots.

They reached the carriage, but rather than hand her up, he turned her toward him. “If you will permit, I should like to call upon you in London.”

Her lips parted, but this time, instead of glancing away, her eyes held his with unblinking alertness. She sucked in a breath and for a moment she seemed to stand at the edge of a cliff, unsure of whether or not to jump. But then she raised her chin and something changed. Her expression softened, and a smile captured her lips as she said, “Nothing would please me more.”

Joy filled his heart to the point of bursting. Not caring if it was appropriate or not, he took a step closer and lowered his head, brushing her cheek with his lips. “I’m glad.”

She clasped his hand, squeezing it gently as if to convey her accord. Without saying anything further, he helped her up, unable to stop from grinning when she raised her hem and he caught a flash of brown buckskin leather. Even in her evening finery, Athena was every bit the hoyden he’d fallen in love with.



KEEPING A FIRM HOLD of her niece’s and nephew’s hands, Athena helped them keep their balance while skating the length of the Serpentine. They were both improving. She wasn’t nearly as worried about them falling as she’d been last year when they’d tested their skates for the very first time.

“There’s a vendor over there selling roasted chestnuts,” she said. “Would you like some?”

“Oh yes,” Lilly exclaimed.

“Do you think he’s got mince pies too?” Lucas asked.

“I don’t know,” Athena told him. “We’ll have to see.”

They skated toward the embankment and took a seat on the benches to remove their skates. As it turned out, the vendor had not only mince pies and chestnuts, but squares of Christmas cake too. Deciding to ignore Charles’s warning about not spoiling the children’s appetites, Athena bought one of each item for them to share. Aware they needed to keep their hands free for eating, she grabbed their skates and started escorting them back toward Hyde Park Corner.

Keeping busy was the only way for her to retain her sanity these days. As soon as she stopped moving, her thoughts would return to every conversation she and Robert had shared. Especially the last one. Her heart raced when she recalled his words and the kiss he’d bestowed upon her cheek. Everything made sense now. She finally understood the misery she’d experienced after returning to Foxborough Hall and why her spirits had been renewed when she’d seen Robert again. She also knew why she’d felt so out of breath in his presence, why her skin had heated with prickly awareness, and why her stomach had tied itself into knots.

She longed for him, and yet his nearness had made her unspeakably nervous. Because she loved him, and for once in her life another person’s opinion – his opinion – mattered. She was terrified he might think her a fool, that she’d be her usual self and say something rash – something that would remind him she wasn’t suited to be a wife, never mind a marchioness.

And yet, the way he’d looked at her left no doubt in her mind. He genuinely liked her, just the way she was.

“Aunt Athena?” Lilly’s voice penetrated her thoughts. “My laces are undone. Can you please tie them?”

Athena blinked. “Of course.”

She crouched before her niece and proceeded with the task. As she finished tying the bow with a double knot for good measure, she heard footsteps approach. Glancing sideways, she spotted the gleam of expensive men’s boots, instinctively looked up, and froze. Every emotion she’d gone through during the course of the last month exploded inside her.

“Miss Townsbridge,” Robert murmured. “Your family butler said I would find you here.”

He held his hand toward her and as she took it and he helped her rise, she could have sworn she saw sparks fly between their fingers. It felt like the air had been squeezed from her lungs and as though her heart had taken flight. “Lord Darlington.”

“Robert,” he insisted, his eyes bright with a hint of mischief.

She swallowed and managed a quick polite curtsey. “My niece and nephew, Miss Lilly and Master Lucas.”

“Charles and Bethany’s children?”

“Indeed,” Athena said, suddenly apprehensive of the introduction.

If Robert harbored any lingering regrets, he showed no sign of it. Instead, he smiled at Lilly and Lucas. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances.”

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