Home > Guarded (The Everyday Heroes World)(30)

Guarded (The Everyday Heroes World)(30)
Author: Rachel Leigh

Then his mouth crashes into mine. Or mine crashed into his. I’m not really sure. What I do know for sure is that whatever spark we had before, it’s multiplied by the thousands. This kiss is everything I’ve been dreaming about for the last month. It’s soft but hard, sweet but savory. The way his tongue intertwines with mine, moving at just the right speed to awaken a sensation inside of me that craves more. His lips perfectly connected to mine like they were molded just for me.

When he pulls back, I pull him right back in. Savoring every moment of this out of fear that it won’t happen again. His hand grazes under my shirt as his palm presses to my back, forcing my chest to his.

“Are you two hungry?” Aunt Lori hollers. We laugh simultaneously into the air between us, sucking it back in. Kissing one more time then stopping what has started, before it goes too far that neither of us is able to resist what comes next.

“Be down in a minute,” I yell back to stop her from coming any closer.

Nash adjusts himself in his pants and laughs. “Well, that’s a buzzkill.”

“You have no idea.” Aunt Lori is great, no doubt. But she is so clingy and nosey. She asks more questions than a four-year-old child. She means well, and I love her for it.

“So, how long are you staying?” I ask, as I pick the journal back up and set it on the nightstand. Looking down, I realize I’m still in my work clothes and I probably smell like greasy food and whiskey, considering I spilled a shot of it on me when I first started my shift today.

Flopping down on the bed, he folds his hands under a pillow beneath his head. “Figured I’d stay until Christmas. I’ve got a week off from work and spending the holidays alone is a drag.”

I take a seat on the edge and tuck one leg underneath the other. “What about your family? You don’t want to go see them?”

“Actually, that was the plan. But plans changed last-minute and I wanted to come see how you were doing.”

The fact he’s here should ring bells in my head. He’s actually fricken here. He drove all this way to see me. He could have called, but he didn’t. He came. Yet, I still want to pinch myself to make sure this is real. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. Contrary to the way I acted. I was just taken by surprise.”

“I thought you liked surprises.” He winks with a sheepish grin plastered on his face. One that I’m sure mimics mine, because I can’t shake this giddy feeling.

“I do. And I love this surprise. I guess I just instantly put my guard up when I wasn’t sure what your intentions were.”

His hand slaps over his chest. “My intentions are pure. I swear it.”

The scent of lasagna begins drifting into the room. “Smells like Aunt Lori cooked us dinner.”

Nash springs off the bed. “Smells good. And I’m starving. I’ve also got the perfect beverage to go with an Italian dinner.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

Grabbing my hand, he leads me out of the room. “You’ll see.”

Aunt Lori has already set the table, only it’s not set for three, it’s set for two. A tall pillar candle is lit in the middle and the lights are dimmed. I’m not sure if it’s the heat rolling off the oven, or my embarrassment about how Aunt Lori is playing matchmaker here, but I know darn well that my cheeks are as red as the sauce on that lasagna.

Wiping her hands on her apron, Aunt Lori’s eyes dance from Nash to me. “I’m going down the road to the neighbors for our annual Christmas cookie baking. You two enjoy.”

“Thanks, Aunt Lori.” I slap a hand to my forehead.

Once Aunt Lori is gone, Nash excuses himself for a minute. Taking a seat, I begin scooping some lasagna onto my plate along with a piece of garlic bread.

Nash returns with a shit-eating grin and his hands behind his back.

If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was about to drop down on one knee. But I do know better and that thought is ridiculous. “What do you have back there?” I peer around the side of him, but he turns his body.

“I have something that you are either going to love or you’re going to hate. Depends on how much you’re sticking to your rule of never having blackberries again.” He pulls one hand from behind his back that holds a bottle.

“Demon Berry Blood.” I gush with excitement. “I can’t believe I forgot about that. Has it really been that long already?”

“Forty-five days exactly. I picked this baby up on my way here.”

I stand up and grab two wine glasses from the cupboard. “I know I said I’d never eat a blackberry again, but drinking is different. Besides, my stomach has finally settled from the six thousand pounds I ate that day.”

“So I guess that means we won’t be having these for dessert.” He pulls his other hand out that holds a container of blackberries.

Regardless of the sudden wave of nausea at the sight of them, my heart melts into a puddle. “Oh my gosh, you brought berries, too.” I laugh.

Opening the container, he takes one out and holds it in front of my face. “Do you forgive me for being an ass?”

“If you forgive me for being a pain in the ass.” I open my mouth and he pops the berry in.

“I actually like when you’re a pain in the ass. You keep me on my toes.” His arms wrap around my waist again as he pulls me in. “Besides, this makes it worth it.” His lips press to mine as the berry still lingers in my mouth. I swallow it down, when his tongue sweeps over my bottom lip. “Mmm, so sweet.”

“I’ll eat a thousand more berries just to have you do that again.”

“I plan on doing this for a very long time. No berries needed. Promise me you won’t leave me again,” he mutters into my mouth.

Raking my fingers into his hair, I pull his face to mine. “I promise.”






One Year Later






Leaning against the living room wall, I watch from afar as Rowan adjusts the centerpiece on the kitchen table. Guests will be arriving soon, and I want just this one moment before the room is flooding with people who will be offering their warm holiday wishes.

As if she sensed my presence, Rowan lifts her head, biting on the corner of her lip and practically begging me to come in there and devour her body while we still have five minutes of privacy. Her hand rests on her growing bump and she couldn’t be more beautiful than she is at this moment. Pointing her finger at me, she bends it repeatedly, calling me to her.

Slow and steady steps eat up the space between us as I place one hand on our little girl, and my lips on my fiancées.

“Are you ready for this?” she asks when our kiss breaks. Buster begins whining at the door and it’s our queue that the first guest has arrived.

“Nope. But you wanted a holiday party, so a holiday party is what you’ll get.”

I proposed five months ago and the night after I proposed, we found out we were expecting. Yesterday we found out it was a girl, and today we decided on a name. Gemma Ann Whitmore. It seems fitting considering Gemma is the one who brought us together. They say you can’t love more than one person, but they are wrong. I’m more in love with Rowan than I ever knew possible. My love for Gemma will never fade. And the love I have for my unborn child is indescribable.

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