Home > Make Me Forget(39)

Make Me Forget(39)
Author: Anna Brooks

Deciding confident is the only way to go, I answer her. “Hi.” I give her a big smile, partly to show her that I’m really a nice person, but mainly to display the fact that I don’t see her as a threat. Women are weird like that. “I’m here to see Travis Parker. Do you know where he is?”

“Yeah, they’re all out back playing basketball. Come on, I’ll take you.”


I fall in step behind her and try to look at the pictures and articles hanging on the walls. The general consensus of the headlines is lives saved, but some of the newspaper clips are also the firefighters donating their time to various charities throughout the community.

We arrive at a door, and she pushes it open. I’m momentarily blinded by the sun, but step to the side where the shade protects my eyes. My mouth falls open, and I’m suddenly hot.

“Holy crap,” I whisper.

There are about eight shirtless men playing basketball. They’re all sweaty and built like calendar models. I can’t help but stare. I mean, who wouldn’t?

A throat clearing makes me jump, and I turn to look at the girl I followed. I forgot she was even here.

“Shit, sorry,” I put my hand on my heart in an attempt to relax. “That’s just…”

“I know, trust me. When I first started, I looked just like you, but now it doesn’t even faze me. Besides, these guys are like my brothers, so it’s kind of gross.” She scrunches her nose and shakes her head.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Stacey. You?”

“I’m Charlotte.”

Her eyes widen and she laughs a little. “Ahh, the famous Charlotte. Travis and I have spent many-a-night talking about you.”

My shackles rise, and my back stiffens. She must notice my reaction because she immediately grabs my hand. “No, not like that. He didn’t tell me much, but I do know how much that guy loves you. Couldn’t get a better one, either. He’s the nicest of the bunch.”

“I know. He’s the best.”

Stacey watches, while I gawk at the guys playing for a few more minutes. The ball rolls in our direction and every set of eyes is suddenly on me. I force myself to stand tall and not be intimidated by these men.

“Who's your friend, Stace?” one of them asks her while he looks me up and down. I try my best not to look at anything other than his eyes. The bare chest and toned arms make it really difficult. I’m in love with Travis, but I’m not dead.

Stacey laughs and mutters under her breath, “This’ll be entertaining.” Clearly wanting to have some fun on Travis’ expense, she answers, “This is my friend, Charlotte. Charlotte, this is Miller.”

He sticks out his hand, and I smile at him while shaking it. “Nice to meet you.” I look beyond him and see Travis closing in, wearing just a pair of black shorts slung low on his hips. “But I’m here—”

“She’s here for me. Hands off, fucker.” Travis smiles, but the ferocity in his voice says otherwise.

He grabs my hand and pulls it out of Miller’s, holding me firmly against his side.

“Alright, man. I was just saying hi. When did you become so uptight?”

Travis looks at me, and the intensity in his eyes makes me gasp. His hand tightens on mine, and I can hear my heart beating in my head. Ignoring everyone else around, he walks around the building and presses me against the brick wall.

“Hi.” Nothing better comes out of my mouth, and I chastise myself for being so lame. “I brought you lunch, I hope it’s okay.”

His eyes roam down my body, and my feet shuffle nervously. I should have dressed better than a pair of flip-flops, leggings, and a couple of layered tank tops. I didn’t do anything to my hair because I slept late, so it’s just hanging down around my shoulders. Once his orbs make their way back up to mine, he tilts his head and asks, “I haven’t seen you for almost three days, right?”


“Why wouldn’t it be okay?”

“Oh, well, you’re working and—”

“Why, Char?”


“Why did you come here?”

“I feel like this is a trick question, Travis.”

“It’s not. I just want to know why.”

“Because I missed you.” The words flow freely. It’s the truth. I missed him.

He rests his forearms on either side of my head and presses his lips to mine. I don’t hesitate to open for him. His tongue is greedy, exploring every inch of my mouth. He leans into me, and when his bare chest touches my hardened nipples, I moan. His hands roam down my body, stopping when his thumbs rub the underside of my breasts. His hands arrive on my backside, and he hoists me up, pressing me further into the bricks.

My legs wrap around, pull him closer, and I’m grinding on him like a cat in heat. Of course, his hard dick hits in just the right place, and I moan at the contact. I want him so bad, but not like this; someone could see us. I know he’d keep going until I got off, even if he doesn’t.

I pull back, sucking his lip. He rests his head on my shoulder and a bead of sweat drips down my arm.

My feet rest on the ground, and his eyes gloss over for a brief second. He looks away and blinks rapidly before pulling me close again and burying his face in my hair.

“God, I missed you. I just wanted to hear you say it. I feel like you’re still so far away but I’m afraid to push you too fast.” He lifts his head and smooths my hair with one hand while the other maintains firm on my hip. “I like that you came to me. I need to know what I feel isn't one sided.”

“It’s only ever been you,” I whisper.

He kisses my forehead and backs away, running his hands through his sweaty hair “Are you gonna feed me or what?”

We’re sitting on a bench under a large oak tree on the same side of the building as before. He gave me a tour of the station and introduced me to all the other guys. He only growled a couple times, but I think the guys were purposely messing with him.

“It’s just sandwiches, nothing fancy.”

“Sweetheart, it could be tuna out of a can, and I wouldn’t complain. The fact that you brought it is all that counts.”

I laugh and hand him a soda. “I would never bring you canned tuna.”

“Well, if you did, I’d eat it.”

The slight breeze from the trees cools my skin perfectly, and we both finish our food. He pulls me over to him, and I mentally curse him for putting his t-shirt back on.

“I know we haven’t talked about it, but I’ve been dying to find out how you know Mary,” I ask him.

When we came back the night I ran away, details seemed to have gotten lost in the shuffle. I know there’s more to her story than what she told me. I explained how I ended up at the hotel. I was amazed by his support, only getting angry that I put myself in danger. In all of the discussion, I forgot to ask how he knows Mary.

“Mary was Brandon’s best friend growing up.”

“Just a friend?”

“I thought so. But by the looks of their reunion, there must be more.” He rubs his chin. “Brandon is being tight lipped about her. I’ve asked him, but he won’t tell me shit.”

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