Home > Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(13)

Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(13)
Author: R.E. Bond

Hunter snorted, giving me an amused glance.

“Says the savage who’s eaten most of hers in two fucking bites.”

“I need my energy after last night,” I grinned, finishing my food before he could steal it.

Jensen frowned. “You guys stayed at Skeeter’s last night?”

“Yeah. Skeet came to bed pretty late but…”

“And he was okay with Hunter staying?” He asked suspiciously as if I was lying to him.

Not a surprise though, they all knew how possessive Skeeter could be.

I was surprised that Tyler hadn’t called them to complain, actually.

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

He frowned harder, moving over when Lukas sat beside him with a big grin aimed at me.

“Hey, Rory. Are you staying with us tonight?”

“What for?”

He smirked, shuffling closer to Jensen but keeping his gaze on mine.

“Hot sex and whisky.”

Hunter scoffed, not being able to help himself from stirring the pot.

“Hot sex? Try something more interesting than what other people can offer her. She had hot sex last night.”

Oh my god, he did not just say that.

Jensen raised an eyebrow, a dry chuckle slipping out as he spoke.

“Is that right?”

Hunter nodded, poking me in the ribs gently as his voice became seductive.

“Tell them, babe. I fucked your soul right out of your body.”

Lukas frowned, and I got prepared for everything on the table to go flying.

His tantrums could match Tyler’s, easily.

“Hang on, you two slept together?”

Jensen jumped to the rescue, and I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I’d been holding in.

“She’s single, remember? She can have hot sex with Hunter all she wants.”

“You know, I miss the days before she started hanging with Skeet. We never get to see her anymore,” Lukas mumbled, making me feel bad as my heart ached for him.

I reached across the table for his hand, thankful that he didn’t pull back from my touch.

“You know I love you guys, and I’d love to come over for hot sex and whisky. Hunter apparently doesn’t know me at all if he thinks I’d turn down an offer like that.”

Lukas didn’t seem convinced, but Hunter stretched, kissing my cheek as he stood.

“You catch up with these guys, alright? I’ll keep you in the loop if anything goes on at the warehouse or shed.”

“You sure? You can stay,” I offered warily, but he gave me a cocky smile that didn’t quite reach his pretty brown eyes.

“It’s fine. I’d better stop slacking off and check in with my guys anyway. See you tomorrow,” then he winked and left without another word.

Great, another guy who was weird with emotions.

Just what I needed.

Lukas frowned with confusion.

“Why’d he take off like that?”

“He felt like he was meant to,” I sighed, finishing my coffee and practically licking the fucking plate clean while waiting for them to eat their breakfast.

We walked outside to Jensen’s Camaro when we were finished, Stardust by Gemini Syndrome blasting from the speakers as we drove towards his place.

Once we’d arrived, Lukas pulled me against his chest and kissed my cheek.

“You really want to stay?”

I faked offense, but deep down, relief rolled through me at his need to have me around.

I was so glad we’d pushed past his fake hate bullshit, because there was only so much more of that I could’ve taken.

“Of course I do. We can just watch movies and stuff,” I replied and kissed his cheek.

Jensen chuckled, his blue eyes lighting up with something wicked and seductive.

“And stuff? Is that code for fuck? Because I’m seriously down for stuff.”

“No! I just meant cuddles and movies!” I scolded, swatting at him with fake anger, but he ruffled my hair playfully.

“Well, you’re getting the hot sex that was promised. I want you and Luke naked pronto,” he winked, seeming confused when I frowned, his voice mirroring his confusion. “What’s wrong?”

I was killing the mood, but curiosity killed the cat and all that.

“Have you two slept together yet, or is that still not happening?”

Jensen winced as if I’d threatened them at knife point, but Lukas scowled.

“Why the fuck does everyone want to know if we fuck or not? I’m seriously sick of people being in my business with this shit, and if it’s not my own fucking mother giving me shit about Jense, it’s someone else.”

I cupped his chin and held his gaze, needing to defuse what I’d just set on fire.

“I love you. So much has gone on over the last few months and I just wanted to know because I care about you both and wanted to know what you guys were comfortable with. I’m not the enemy, Luke.”

His angry eyes softened and a form of vulnerability hit his face that I hadn’t seen before.

“Every time Jense and I talk about it, we fight, so we don’t talk about it now. It’s just too… I’m not gay,” he bit out, but there was no anger behind his words.

I knew he was struggling with his sexuality, and I had a feeling a lot of that was because of his mother’s spiteful words that she threw at him regularly about the subject.

I was becoming confused really quickly about the guys relationship though.

“So, what’s actually going on with you two?”

“We cuddle and mess around a little. Mom keeps fighting with me lately, so I’m here more than I’m home these days,” he shrugged, but I could sense his hurt.

His mother had always had high standards for him, and it wasn’t fair.

I wasn’t bothered by the fact that he liked Jensen, I honestly loved the idea of it.

“Well, it won’t be so uncomfortable with me there, right? We can just try some things on each other and see what feels good.”

He was tense, giving me an unsure look as he swallowed nervously.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, mess around tonight while I’m here,” I replied gently, running my fingers through his black hair to keep him calm.

His face turned to worry, but Jensen spoke up like the argument soother that he was.

“Maybe it’s a good idea? Nothing too full on, but…”

“I don’t want you to fuck me,” Lukas warned in a low voice, his eyes swirling with panic.

Jensen was obviously used to the argument, because he calmly tugged Lukas against his chest to kiss him softly.

“That’s fine. We can just mess around, no pressure.”

“No pressure? All I feel is fucking pressure when you talk to me about this shit,” he snapped, and I was worried that I’d just wrecked our night completely.

“Would you fuck me instead then?” Jensen asked casually, and I could tell he’d been thinking about it for a while, because he appeared to be relaxed with the option.

No guy was ever relaxed when they thought about anything going in their ass for the first time.

Lukas frowned, glancing at me before meeting Jensen’s gaze again.

“I don’t know. Why do you even want to fuck so bad? I mean…”

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