Home > Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(11)

Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(11)
Author: Luna David

Awkward_and_Adorable: I guess the idea of being taken care of? That sounds nice.

Awkward_and_Adorable: And I’ve never really been into guys my age. I know that there are young Daddies too, but for me the age always seemed a part of it? I hope that makes sense. Maybe that doesn’t make sense. Or maybe I’m being prejudiced against young Daddies? I’m sure they’re fine.

Tattooed_Daddy: I don’t think it’s prejudice, just preference. There’s nothing wrong with wanting an older Daddy. I prefer boys who are younger than I am. We like what we like. Maybe you want an older Daddy because you feel like you’d be better taken care of by someone who is more established in their life. Someone you know will see to your needs and have the means to do so.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Uh, yeah. And older guys are more attractive, I guess. If that’s okay to say.

Tattooed_Daddy: You can say anything to me. Never feel embarrassed by being honest. I’m glad you find older men more attractive. I know you don’t have experience, but I’m wondering in what ways you’d be comfortable with a Daddy taking care of you?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Um, most ways? I guess it’s just a feeling that I want. Like, maybe this is stupid, but I just want to know everything is okay because he’s there.

Tattooed_Daddy: Nothing you say is stupid. I’ll never judge you for your preferences. I would need to know them if we’re going to take this any further. So you want someone to be protective of you and ensure all your needs are being met. Someone to carry some of the burden and take your worries away?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Oh, wow. That’s a lot. I would like as much of that as possible, but I also understand that I can’t expect someone else to do all that for me, you know? I guess I’d just want as much as a Daddy could give me.

Tattooed_Daddy: I think you’re asking for things many Daddies would expect to provide their boys. I’m very protective, and I want to be involved in my boy’s everyday life. You’re allowed to expect things from your Daddy. Give and take is part of this type of relationship. You should always be able to list your expectations so a Daddy knows if he is the right one for you. I can tell you, for me, the more I am involved in taking care of my boy the better. I’m not the type to be domineering, but I do want to have some semblance of control. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Yeah. It sounds really nice.

Tattooed_Daddy: I’m glad you think so. Do you have any hard or soft limits, specific things you are not interested in?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Well, I don’t really want a Daddy to say mean things to me during sex. Humiliation? I think that’s what it’s called. And I think spanking sounds fun, but I’ve never actually done it, and I guess I’d just want to start out slow with that stuff. Is that what you mean?

Tattooed_Daddy: Sweetheart, I’m not the type of Daddy who enjoys humiliation. And I’d never want to say mean things that would hurt you. I’m what most people in the lifestyle would call a caretaker Daddy. I want the best for my boy, and I want to take care of him in such a way that he can flourish and be happy. Free to enjoy his life without stress and anxiety. I’d never let my boy feel as if he didn’t have my full support. And, just so you know, spankings can be very fun. I’m happy to take things as slow as you need to feel safe with me.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Okay. Thanks. I mean, that sounds nice.

Awkward_and_Adorable: I guess I already said that. You sound really nice.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Ugh, sorry. LOL. I don’t know what to say.

Tattooed_Daddy: That’s okay. You’re absolutely adorable, and I have a smile on my face right now. So, tell me about your fantasies. What gets you excited?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Um, like something sexual?

Tattooed_Daddy: I’m always open to hearing about sexual fantasies but if that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me something simple. What about your fantasy date or what types of romantic gestures you’d love to have a Daddy do for you? I’d love to learn all that and more, so whatever you feel comfortable with.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Oh, we can talk about sex. LOL. I mean, I haven’t had sex in three years, so I’m out of practice?

Awkward_and_Adorable: That’s probably TMI.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Do you know what that means? I’m not sure if forty-year-olds say TMI.

Tattooed_Daddy: *chuckles* Yes, I know what TMI means, and personally, for me, there will never be anything that is off limits to talk about. Nothing you should feel embarrassed about. I will never make fun of you. And, sweetheart, it’s like riding a bike. It’ll come back to you as soon as you hop on.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Oh, um, good. Sorry, my whole face is completely red right now. LOL.

Awkward_and_Adorable: What if the bike was really awkward? Or I was really awkward. The other guy was fine.

Awkward_and_Adorable: I guess I tried to like guys my own age for a long time because I thought I should want that. So… I’ve never really done anything like this. I mean, just let someone take control during sex. Which is what a Daddy would do, right? Or that was what I was hoping for, I guess.

Tattooed_Daddy: Oh, I do love a boy who blushes. So from what you’re asking above, can I assume the guys your age you’ve dated were awkward and didn’t know how to take care of you the way you wanted to be taken care of when having sex? Would you want to hand over full control in the bedroom? Just allow your Daddy to see to your needs and make sure you’re satisfied?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Yeah. Would you… really do that for me?

Awkward_and_Adorable: I mean hypothetically, obviously.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Sorry.

Tattooed_Daddy: Yes, I would really do that for you. In fact, I need to be in full control in the bedroom. My boy should want for nothing, and I will always take care of his needs. Would you be against me setting rules for you?

Awkward_and_Adorable: No.

Awkward_and_Adorable: I mean, yes, I want rules. From you.

Tattooed_Daddy: I want to set my first rule for you right now, then. I need you to stop apologizing for the way you feel and what you’re saying. Can you do that for me? Because you’re wonderful just as you are, and I want and need honest answers from you if we’ll ever have hope of working in a relationship.

Awkward_and_Adorable: Yeah. I was trying to give you honest answers. What do I need to answer?

Tattooed_Daddy: You have been giving me honest answers. I’m not criticizing you. You’ve done nothing wrong. And I know it’s hard to be so open sometimes. I’m very proud of you. What do you think about giving me your number so we can text outside of this app?

Awkward_and_Adorable: Oh, um, about that. I should tell you something. I wasn’t trying to be dishonest or anything, I just… I needed a little help from my friend so I wouldn’t mess up the spelling.

Awkward_and_Adorable: He’s been sort of typing things for me. You can have my phone number, but if you text me, you might be confused about my answers sometimes. Letters get all jumbled up, so I usually use speech to text, but that creates a lot of errors too.

Tattooed_Daddy: I understand. There’s no shame in asking for help. I’m glad you’ve got such a good friend. If this is too fast, that’s all right. How about this… I’ll give you my number, and when you feel comfortable enough to text me, I’d love to hear from you. Please believe me when I say you have nothing to be embarrassed about, and I will never think less of you for being dyslexic. I’m sure I’ll be able to understand what you’re saying just fine. But I’m happy to go at your pace. How does that sound?

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