Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(3)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(3)
Author: Emily Bex

As Roberto closed the books on Shade’s business ventures, he opened another set of ledgers, and Shade looked at him quizzically. Roberto started reviewing more numbers, as Shade realized the accountant kept a separate record of Kate’s businesses.

Roberto cleared his throat before starting to review the next set of figures. "So, Master Shade, that wraps up the details on all the wineries, including the new limoncello production. Everything looks solid there. Now, looking at my lady's business ventures, I'll start with the inns. The California inn is rather small as you know. They can only accommodate a maximum of seven couples at a time. However, the rooms stay booked year-round, and after all expenses and overhead, that inn is showing a profit of four million. The Virginia inn is pricier, and will accommodate more guests, and it has shown a profit of nine million. These two operations are at max capacity now, and they both look sustainable, so I’d say, barring any major change, this income stream can be used as a steady and predictable source for the future, unlike the wineries, where grape production can be impacted by weather.”

Shade thought there must be some mistake. Holding up his hand to stop the flow of talk, he interrupted Roberto. "Let me understand this. The incomes for both inns have amounted to thirteen million? Well, that is interesting. I didn’t expect them to fail, but I never expected they would produce this much. Cazzo, they have done well. Pleases me. Go on."

The accountant nodded. "Very good, master. Now, moving on to the lavender and sunflower productions. My lady planted 800 acres here at Bel Rosso. As you know, year one was a break-even year as the plants were maturing. She expanded the production to California in year two, planting another 800 acres out there. Also, in year two, we started showing profits on the Virginia production, and break-even in California. Now both farms are in full production. The farms yield about $30,000 per acre, once we net out expenses, so we have twenty-four million for Bel Rosso farms, and about nineteen million for California. The California yield will catch up to the Virginia yield as it continues to mature, but for this year, that is forty-three million."

Shade was stunned. Standing up, he paced the floor, running his hand through his thick black curls. Stopping in his tracks, he turned and stared at him.

"There is no way. You made some mistake! Flowers? She made Medici forty-three million planting flowers? Cazzo. What in the hell am I doing in the wine business, if this woman can make that kind of money?"

Walking back to his leather chair, he flopped down in disbelief. "To be honest with you, I thought she was just playing around, looking for something to do with her time. She had this idea in her head, and I have not paid much attention to it. We had the land, and it made her happy. The fields look beautiful, and they have helped draw tourists to the winery. I’ll be damned!"

Shaking his head, he couldn’t fathom the fields of purple and yellow flowers blowing in the breeze produced this type of income. "What in the hell does she do with that stuff?"

The accountant shuffled through his papers, adjusting his glasses. "Uh, well, that figure does include the agri-tourism numbers. As you are aware, visiting wineries is a popular past-time for the mortals. They pay a lot of money to tour vineyards, and both Bel Rosso and California vineyards draw more than their fair share because of the lavender and sunflower fields. Bel Rosso is listed in all the travel journals as a top tourist site with the mountain views, the horses, the vineyards and the bright fields of purple and yellow. People travel from all over the world to see it. You have done well separating your private property from the areas where you allow public access. My lady sells fresh flowers to the tourists who come here to taste and buy wine, but primarily, she sells the oils of both plants to very high-end manufacturers of bath and body care products, and essential oil manufacturers."

Steepling his fingers and resting his elbows on the arms of his chair, he sighed deeply. "I need to pay more attention to these businesses. I knew the tourist venture was doing well. Hell, we might as well go full out and produce these things ourselves. Maybe she needs her own label, her own perfumes and such. Where in the hell was this woman all my life? Is there anything else I need to know about? It sounds to me as if all things are a go and producing income. Are there any properties draining money I need to be aware of? How is Rachael? Does she have adequate funds?"

"Master, Rachael is fine. Her home is paid for, and she has only to contact our office whenever she has any needed repairs. Her bills come directly to our office; she never sees them. She has the credit card you provided for her personal expenses, and I must say, she has chosen to live modestly. She doesn’t travel, but prefers to stay at home, working her garden, knitting, reading, her pleasures are simple. We check with her monthly to see if there is anything she needs. As for my lady...well, she has mentioned that with the flowers, since they attract so many honeybees, she has considered a bee farm. It won’t be massively productive from a financial point of view. Probably producing enough honey to be sold locally in shops across the state, but the bees will help with the pollination, and improve the yield on the plants. So, if I might be so bold, I’d never dare to suggest what you should do, but if my lady were to suggest adding a bee farm, I would say, uh, financially, that would be a smart move."

"Si, I agree full heartedly. I never refuse her anything, and she does little for herself. She has done a good job managing these ventures, the houses, and the fields. I have also given you a list of raises I want implemented immediately for my staff and my warriors. Marco will send you the list for the Castello leaders. We are moving along rapidly, and I want them to be rewarded highly for their dedication and hard work. I rely on them far more than ever before. I want their income to move with the times. Bees? Honey and bees."

As Shade chuckled out loud, the accountant gave him a puzzled look. "You will have to excuse my laughter, but honey holds a soft spot in my heart."

Roberto blushed as he adjusted his glasses. He didn’t live on the property, but he knew everyone in the coven, and they all understood well the song he played for her, “Tupelo Honey.”

"Uh, yes master." Their discussion was interrupted by a loud bang as the door was pushed open and Lorenzo entered the room, dragging a toy sword that was two times longer than he was.

"Daddy! Can we play warrior now? I been practicin'. Look!"

Lorenzo swung the long sword, knocking a lamp off the table and it crashed to the floor. “Uh oh. Mommy said no swords in the house."

Shade looked at his son, who only sporadically remembered the rules about closed doors and manners. He could never be too stern with him. He was so young and there was time to teach him all the things he’d be required to know to be a prince. Watching as the play sword they made together swung through the air and the lamp crashed to the floor, the accountant looked nervous and uneasy around children. Shade bit his lip not to laugh out loud.

"I suggest, little warrior, you lay down your weapon and plead defeat. Your madre will not be pleased with either of us. Now come."

Lorenzo scurried to his father, climbing into his lap, his face showing no signs of remorse.

"Let us understand one thing. When you enter my office, you knock, to make sure it is appropriate to enter, si? Then you greet our guest and show respect. That is proper etiquette for a young prince and warrior. Now I suggest, before your mommy comes in here, ready to put you in time out, you say hello to our guest. You are a Medici, and you need to learn to be polite and show respect to those of our coven."

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