Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(4)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(4)
Author: Emily Bex

Lorenzo tucked his head. "I'm sorry, Daddy." He looked up at the accountant before sliding from his father's lap and approaching him. Lorenzo extended his small hand. "Please to meet you. My name is Lorenzo. I'm a prince but my mommy says I don't need to say that yet."

Roberto shook his hand and bowed his head slightly. "I am quite honored to meet you, Prince Lorenzo."


Kate heard the crash from upstairs and didn’t have to think twice about who the cause of the commotion might be. She headed down the stairs and in the direction of the study to see what mischief Lorenzo had gotten into now. She stepped into the study to see the smashed lamp, the sword lying on the floor beside the mess, and Lorenzo shaking hands with the accountant.

She sighed and shook her head. "Lorenzo? What have we discussed about playing with the sword in the house?"

Lorenzo turned and ran back to his father, climbing up in his lap.

Rubbing his back, Shade leaned into his ear and in a soft voice, gave him some guidance. "You need to answer your mommy. She is asking you a question. You need to be accountable for your actions, son. Never lie, especially to her. Be my little warrior and do as Mommy asks of you, si?"

Lorenzo kept his face buried in his father's chest as he answered her, his response muffled. "You said swords were for outside, but I was just practicin’. I was showin' Daddy."

Kate exchanged a glance with Shade, who was looking away, trying hard not to smile at his son's antics. Kate knelt down by the chair and turned Lorenzo's small face, so he must look at her. "And now Emma will have a mess to clean up. And Mommy must buy a new lamp for Daddy's study. So, what do you think your punishment should be, young warrior?"

Lorenzo looked skyward as he thought about a punishment. "Uhmm…" He looked to his father who continued to look out the window, biting his lip. "Maybeeeeeeeee... uh, no nap?"

Kate raised her eyebrows. “Oh, no nap? But a warrior needs his naps, so I think not. I think time-out for three minutes."

Lorenzo sighed, knowing this was one battle he had lost for sure. Kate lifted him from his father's lap, as they both exchanged a glance and a smile over Lorenzo's head. Kate shook her head. "Just wait until there are two." She carried him out of the room.

Shade watched her as she left. Lorenzo’s antics made him want to laugh and he knew he shouldn’t encourage him. "Mi amore, please wait. Can you bring Lorenzo back here for just a moment?"

Kate looked at him over her shoulder. She wouldn’t question him in front of Lorenzo, or the accountant, but she hoped he wouldn’t over-rule her discipline of Lorenzo. She turned and carried Lorenzo back to his father. Lorenzo felt freedom in his future and was squirming like crazy to get down and back to the safety of his father's lap. He was small but strong, and Kate released him as he clamored back into his father's lap.

Lorenzo tried to curl up into a ball and snuggle into his father’s neck, as he had done since his birth. But Shade had no intentions of letting that happen. Grasping him under his small arms, he lifted Lorenzo, so they were nose-to-nose and the child stared at him. "Grazie, for admitting your actions to your mother. But I believe you have forgotten to pick up your sword, return it to your mommy. She will now hold that weapon until she thinks you are ready to have it back. You get three minutes time out, no peeps from you, and then you will take your nap. But there is one other thing you need to know, Lorenzo."

Lorenzo leaned forward, placing his nose against his father's. "What, Daddy?"

"That I love you. I will always love you." Shade kissed his son on the forehead, as Lorenzo’s tiny arms went around his neck. Placing him on his feet on the floor, Shade nodded to him. "Now, retrieve your sword, give it to Mommy and walk with her for your time-out and nap. Mommy does not need to hold you constantly. Go." Shade looked up at bel and winked.

Lorenzo ran for the sword and Kate told him to be careful of the broken lamp. He picked it up and dragged it behind him, careful not to knock over anything else. Kate took the sword and thanked him but told him she’d decide when he could have it back to play with outside. Lorenzo flashed a look over his shoulder at his father as they left the study. Shade nodded at him, and Lorenzo sighed. Kate took his hand and led him from the room.

"You come get me if I nap too long, Daddy."

Winking at him, Shade nodded. "I will come get you if we need you for battle, little warrior."

Shade heard him ramble on and on, as Kate led him out and down the hallway. Looking up at Roberto, he found him sitting quietly.

"My apologies for holding you up, Roberto. Our house is never quiet. Are we done here? I feel like I have signed my life away tonight. But you have done an impressive job with the accounts. I am pleased."

Roberto nodded. His visits to his master were rare. They usually conducted business by phone. He found it a treat to see for himself what the others had told him, about master, and my lady, and their growing family.

"No, master, we’re done for now. I can always call if something comes up.”

Standing, shaking hands with Roberto, Shade led him to the door of the office. "It has been a pleasure, as always. Gi will see you out."

Watching as he walked out, closing the door behind him, the figures ran through his head. Fifty-six million dollars...bees, honey and she was still expanding. The Council was eating their words for ever doubting her ability to be queen. His grin was wicked, and pride filled. She is mine, all mine!




Angelo stood with Shade inside the stables. One of the horses was ready to foal. The stables now housed twenty thoroughbred horses, and they had foaled at least six new colts within the last few years. Angelo informed him the mare would be a while yet before she delivered. He’d let him know, but he expected her to foal during the daylight hours now.

Leaving the stables, Shade headed back to the house, looking for Kate. There were a few things he wanted to talk to her about, mostly her little ventures that had turned into money making machines.

Walking to the patio that ran across the back of the house, he found her planting something in a huge terra cotta pot. He stood back and watched her hands as they worked through the dark, rich soil. She was more beautiful than the first night he saw her.

"You look tempting, even when you are up to your elbows in dirt, mi amore. Few more hours and my death slumber will snatch me away from you."

Kate looked up at him as she worked on the many container gardens that would grace the patio and be placed throughout the lush gardens that now made up their backyard. There was open space for Lorenzo to run, and he had a tire swing that Luca had hung for him in the huge oak tree. The patio was bathed in light from the floodlights that gave Shade the opportunity to enjoy this outdoor paradise, she had created for them. Kate reached up to brush the hair from her face, smudging the potting soil across her cheek, as she did so.

"Lover, I can't imagine I look very tempting in these gardening clothes, but you’re kind to say so. It sounds like we’ll have a new foal by day’s end. Is everything okay?"

Walking up behind her, he slid his hands around her waist, rubbing her belly gently. “Si, the foal will come during the daylight. I will miss the birthing. But Angelo sees no problems. The mare is healthy and ready. Tell me I am not dreaming, and we are alone."

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