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She A Cautionary Tale(21)
Author: Carla Howatt


"Need help with anything?" he asked, coming up behind her in the kitchen and placing his hands on her hips.

"Nope, I think I have everything pretty much under control," she answered with a smile, as the doorbell chimed.

"How about I get that?" he suggested as he moved towards the front door.

There was a flurry of activity as her best friends and her boys all entered the house at the same time.

"Look who we found coming home," Terri announced as she entered the kitchen. Terri was a petite blond whose small size and pixie-like features often had bartenders asking the middle-aged mom for ID.

"Hi Mom," Jonathon said as he slung his backpack over his shoulders and headed to his bedroom.

"Hey Mom," Adam mumbled as he walked past her.

Terri laughed at their apparent lack of excitement at being back home.

"Don't you love the overwhelming excitement of teenage boys?" April added with a sardonic smile. The contract between Terri and April was striking. While Terri was childlike in size, April physically dominated any room she entered. Where Terri was fair and blond, April had olive-toned skin and a mass of black curls that she claimed were the bane of her existence.

"Have introductions been made?" Olivia asked, looking from her girlfriends to Luke, and back.

"Yes, it's all taken care of," Luke said with a smile.

"Well, why don't we sit in the living room while dinner finishes cooking," Olivia suggested, moving towards the couch. Luke sat next to her, his strong leg pressing up against hers.

"So, Luke," April said as soon as she was settled in the chair opposite them. "Tell us all about yourself."

Olivia laughed nervously as April cut-to-the-chase. Olivia could always count on her to point out the elephant in the room and tackle it. Of course, Luke didn't know that, and he looked taken aback at her forthrightness.

"Well, um," he began. "I'm an electrician, I like running and hiking…" his voice trailed off, unsure how to proceed.

"Oh April, give the guy a break!" Terri interjected, saving the moment from becoming too uncomfortable. "The man just met us, don't put him on the spot so soon!"

"You're right Terri," April responded. "I'm sorry Luke, I'll wait until I know you better before putting you on the spot."

The resulting laughter broke through the awkwardness.

"Oh gosh, I'm not a very good host!" Olivia exclaimed. "Does anyone want something to drink?"

"Wine me!" Terri declared.

"Make that two," April chorused as she turned toward Luke. "What about you, Luke?"

"No, I don't drink," Luke answered.

"Oh really?" April said, her interest piqued. "Is that by choice or necessity?"

"What do you mean?" Luke asked gruffly. "I don't have a problem with booze or anything."

"I was just curious," April said, as she held her hands up, palms out towards him in a defensive posture. "I didn't mean anything by it."

The room went quiet as Olivia left to get the wine, the women looking around uncomfortably, unsure what to say. Luke leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and stared at his hands.

After a few moments, Olivia came back in carrying the wine. She sat the bottle down on the coffee table and passed around the glasses. She then returned to the kitchen to get Luke a can of pop. Luke leaned forward and poured wine in the glasses and gave them to Terri and April.

"So, Luke," Terri said. "Are you into sports at all?"

"No," he answered.

"Ah," she said, a bit unsure how to continue.

"Luke prefers to be out doing things rather than sitting and watching others," Olivia said in an attempt to elaborate.

"That makes sense," Terri said. "Especially if you're into running and hiking, those are a fair bit healthier than being a couch potato!"

Just then her boys came into the room.

"When is dinner ready?" they asked.

"In about ten minutes," Olivia responded. "You can go and get washed up now."

They left the room, and the adults could hear them thumping around as they raced to be the first one to the washroom. Sipping their wine, they continued to make small talk, and there was a palpable sense of relief when they heard the timer go off in the kitchen. They all stood up and began moving toward the kitchen.

"Sit anywhere you want," Olivia said, as she opened the oven door and pulled out a chicken casserole. "Luke, would you mind grabbing the salad from the fridge?"

"Absolutely," he answered.

The boys sat down at the dining room table along with her two friends. They were chatting about the boy's classes and their annoyance with their teachers when Olivia and Luke brought in dinner.

"Oh, that smells wonderful!" April exclaimed.

"It sure does," said Terri. "What is it?"

"It's a chicken tetrazzini casserole," Olivia said. "It's one of the boy's favorites."

They were all seated and passing around the food, the boys dishing out heaping portions for themselves and continuing to talk about school.

"Who wants to say grace?" Olivia asked the boys.

"It's Jonathon's turn," Adam said.


"'K, Bless this food and bless the hands that made it. Amen." Jonathon rushed through the grace faster than the adults had a chance to bow their heads.

"Gee, thanks Jonathon," Olivia said with a smile and a shake of her head.

They all dug into their dinner, the women continuing to engage the teenagers and Olivia watching on contentedly. After a few moments, she realized that Luke wasn't participating in the conversation.

"What about you Luke?" she asked, in an attempt to draw him in and make him feel at home. "Did you like school when you were a kid?"

"Ha! Not exactly," he said between bites. "I was a bit of a hell-raiser."

"Oh really?" Olivia said, with a smile. "Interesting!"

The rest of the meal passed pleasantly, as the adults regaled the boys with tales of their own high school shenanigans.


Once dinner was over, everyone took their dishes into the kitchen and set them on the counter. Olivia began to load the dishwasher with the dirty plates and glasses as Luke came up behind her.

"Don't waste water and energy on using the dishwasher for those few dishes," he suggested. "Here, you go and visit with your friends, and I'll wash them up."

"You don't have to do that Luke," Olivia protested. "Why don't you leave them for now and come join us?"

"No, they're your friends, and you put together a great meal for us all," he insisted. "It's time for you to relax."

Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up and kissed him before heading for the living room.

"Did we scare him off?" April asked when she saw Olivia come into the living room alone.

"I don't think so," she answered with a smile.

"I don't know," Terri lowered her voice a little. "He sure didn't like being asked about his drinking."

"Oh, give the guy a break," Olivia said. "You two can be a bit intimidating at times, you know."

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