Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(39)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(39)
Author: Erin Osborne

Killer nods his head at me finally. Stryker slides the box closer to me as I turn on my side and watch on as my man slices through the tape to get it open for me. Stryker and Killer remain close to my side. Lifting the flaps of the box, I gasp out while covering my mouth.

Resting in the box are all sorts of photos, tapes, another stuffed animal, dead flowers, and resting on top is another note. Killer lifts the note out of the box and opens it open. His hands are shaking from the rage flowing through him right now as he scans the paper.

“We’re almost here. You won’t be safe for long,” he reads aloud.

Stryker and Killer grab the closest things to them, chairs from the table behind us and fling them across the room. They make sure to turn away from me so nothing hits me. One of the chairs almost hits Torres in the head; he ducks at the very last second.

“What the fuck, man?” Torres yells out. “You could’ve hit me.”

“Better you than my pregnant woman,” Killer grinds out. “Don’t ever suggest we should take out our anger on a woman when neither one of us were directly aimin’ for your ass.”

“Sometimes a bitch needs to be put in her place,” Torres deadpans as if it’s the most common thing in the world to see.

“The fuck?” Stryker yells, marching over toward the Prospect. “You tellin’ us you lay hands on a woman to “put her in her place”.”

By the time I turn my head, Stryker has Torres lifted off the floor and slammed against the wall at the end of the bar. Stryker is talking to Torres but we can’t hear what he’s saying from here. At least I can’t. Reaching up, I grab Killer’s hand before he can step away from the back of the couch.

“Babe, I want to watch the tapes and see what’s on them,” I tell him.

Killer stares at me for several minutes. His breath is ragged and uneven as he takes in the entire situation that’s happened in the last few minutes. I’m trying to block Torres and Stryker from my mind as I wait for my man to give me an answer one way or another.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” he finally says, looking down at me.

“I need to know, babe. If I don’t, I’ll be wandering what they contain. Killer, this is something I need to do in order to help get over this shit happening to me,” I plead with him while giving him the honest truth.

For what seems like hours, Killer stares down into my face. Neither one of us looks away or breaks contact. His facial features finally soften to the man I love; the man only I get to see when we’re alone. Not many people see the soft side of the Killer. They only know him for the killer he’s become in his life. The man who’d do anything to help his club and anyone else he considers friends or family of the club. Killer lets very few people in close to his life for his own reasoning. I’m thankful I’m among the ones he lets in fully.

“If I do this Gwen, let you watch these tapes, you’ll go back up to bed once you’re done. Today has already been too much on you and I’m not takin’ any chances. Not for our babies or you. Gwen, I’d die if anythin’ happens to you,” he finally states before turning to Stryker. “Get him the fuck outta here. We’ll deal with that piece of shit later on. For now, I’m gettin’ anyone already here to come in and watch this shit, so it’s not watched more than once.”

I turn around and get comfortable on the couch as Killer walks around and sits next to me. He pulls his phone from his pocket and begins to type furiously away. While he’s getting everyone out here, I concentrate on clearing my mind. If I’m going to watch these videos, I need to lock my emotions down tight. I can break down later on when I’m in the room with Killer. Right now, this is the last thing I need, however it’s something I must do. It’s just one more way I’ve been violated while under my father, the monster’s, roof.

It doesn’t take long for several members of the club to join us in the common room. Several house bunnies are in the room as well. Stryker takes his seat back by me while Killer stands up and looks around the room.

“Rich, guard the front door and don’t let anyone in for any reason. House bunnies get the fuck outta here. This doesn’t concern you and you won’t be here to witness whatever is on these tapes. The rest of you, these tapes will only be viewed once. I will be destroyin’ them once Gwen has had enough. When she says she’s done, the tapes are done bein’ viewed. Slim, I’m not tryin’ to step on your toes here, but this is my call for my ol’ lady,” Killer tells everyone.

For several minutes, the house bunnies don’t move from the bar or tables where they’re sitting. They either think Killer’s kidding or they don’t give a shit about what he’s saying. This is the shit that pisses me off about these women. They believe because they’re fucking all the single men of the club they’re better than anyone else here. Even when they’re told the ol’ ladies outrank them in regard to the hierarchy of the Phantom Bastards.

“Did you bitches not fuckin’ hear Killer?” Slim bellows out. “Get the fuck outta here now. Or you can leave permanently. Killer is an officer of this club and he will be respected. Gwen will also be respected as his ol’ lady. You don’t want to follow this; you don’t belong here. Period.”

That’s all it takes for the skanks to stand up and scurry away. They look back and glare at me before leaving the room. I don’t give a shit about what they feel when it comes to me. Or anything I’m going through. These bitches are out for themselves and trying to take our spot from the men we’re with. None of them will ever make an ol’ lady but they don’t let it stop them from trying to become one.

Once everyone is cleared out, Fox comes in and sets everything up so the tapes can be watched. He gives me a look to make sure I’m ready before he hits play on the first one. Within seconds, the screen fills with me as a young girl. I’m standing in the room where my father made me stay and getting undressed. Bile immediately threatens to spew forward as I watch myself get undressed before putting my pajamas on. I never once thought they’d put cameras in my room to watch me. Shortly after I climb into bed, the tape switches to another scene. This one is of me in the bathroom getting in the shower.

“Take it out!” I practically shout out.

Fox immediately removes the tape and tosses it to the floor. He picks up another one and puts it in. This tape is different. It showcases the beatings I suffered at the hands of my father’s henchmen. I’m strapped to a table this time with three men beating on me. My eyes close and heat immediately engulfs me. Killer’s scent fills my senses and comforts me as the sounds of my abuse penetrate the deafening silence of the common room.

Once again the tape is taken out and another one put in. This process is repeated several times. It showcases several different types of abuse I’ve suffered at the hands of my father and the men in his employment. All things I never wanted to relieve in my life. These are all the things I need to know though in case someone has made copies of them. If they ever surface I’ll be prepared for any outlash or pain that will surface as a result.

“Killer, I’m done. I can’t watch, or hear anymore of this. Please, I need to go upstairs and process this,” I beg with him while my head is buried in his chest.

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