Home > His Obsession(34)

His Obsession(34)
Author: Rose Marie

“Yeah so let’s get down to business, tell us exactly what happened before you started feeling this way and tell us what you were doing when it started.” Landen was the first to speak up.

“W-well I don’t know about Channing but before I was fine. I was dozing off because I was suddenly tired. We were getting ready to interview for some positions that needed to be filled when I opened my eyes at a… smell. I-I don’t know how to describe it other than it calmed me down and riled me up at the same time. I felt like my body just stopped working properly. Then when I looked up our eyes met and…” my eyes grow wide at hearing that his experience was exactly like mine, feeling overwhelmed I complete his sentence.

“A voice came out saying-” he turned to me and we both point at each other and say at the same time.

“MATE! YES!” We stare at each other mouth agape surprised then turn to Zane and Teagan waiting for an explanation. Zane cleared his throat and Teagan sat up. They looked at each other and nodded then turned to us.

“Well we’re all adults here so there is no need for us to sugar coat things for you. I’m going to first start off by saying that nothing is mentally wrong with you.” The relief I felt at hearing that was next level.

“Okay so if there is nothing mentally wrong with us then what exactly is the problem? What made my mom kill herself if it wasn’t a mental illness? I don’t remember her much, but I do remember her saying that she was tired of always hearing the voice and tired of wanting her… wait now that I think about it she would cry and say she wanted her mate. What does that mean? She would say the pain she felt being away from him was too much. I remember my dad being nice until she died. What the hell? How come I just now remembered this?”

“The thing is, this is something way more serious and way more… unbelievable than you both think. We need you to have an open mind when we tell you what we have to say.” Feeling very conflicted we nod and listen to what they have to say. Though to say we needed an open mind was an understatement.

“Wait so you’re telling me we’re telling me we’re-” in disbelief I cut Landen off.

“Part WOLF?” Zane and Teagan nod and Landen and I look at them as if they are crazy. “and you expect us to-” right before our eyes they change into two massive wolves. One black and one white standing proud as if they owned the place. Instinctively I go to back away but something in me tells me to lower myself and bare my neck. As soon as I do though they turn right back and I hear them shuffle around never moving from my kneeling position. When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up to see Zane in front of me and Teagan in front of Landen who was kneeling before him.

“We would never lie about something like this. Everything we have told you is true. Your mother, my aunt was apart of our pack. She was a full wolf, but she was what we would call unchanging.” Zane knelt and held his hand out helping me up.

“Yes, the time your mother left the pack was a rough time for wolves. Those who were unable to change were heavily discriminated against and treated extremely poorly. Our mom who was the Luna or to put in your terms the ‘Queen’ was told to turn her back on your mother and to have her killed. Little did we know your mother could escape with her life, because my mother couldn’t bare the thought of killing her own sister.” Teagan finished.

“It’s our father’s fault that your mother endured such pain because he was at the time the Pack leader and your mother’s original’s mate. He rejected her and chose our mother for his mate which caused your mother even more pain, which is why your mother must have suffered tenfold.” Zane finished.

“More than that, for a wolf to be rejected by their soul mate is the equivalent of a death sentence. Most wolves aren’t blessed to even meet their mate so no one in their right mind would reject them when they found them. Our father was different he didn’t care about blessings he only cared about power and our mother was as powerful as they came, so there was no way he’s tied himself to a woman who had yet to display any wolf traits.

Fast forward to a couple of years later we were told by your father that when he met your mother while hunting with friends, it was love at first sight. He told us that something told him to ignore her but he was so drawn to her he disregarded his gut and helped her. Then you two were conceived some years later. Things were okay for them until my brother and I took the pack from our father and ultimately ended his life. Sadly, that’s when your mother killed herself at feeling her mate lose his life, and your father being deeply in love went off the deep end.” Teagan bowed his head in apology and Zane picked up where he left off.

“We had no idea the repercussions of our actions because we thought your mother was dead and did find out about you until we had to help a friend and Ally of ours, Domi, get his mate back.”

“Wait so Domi is a wolf too?” They shook their head in unison


“The Vampire King to be exact-” I go to open my mouth to ask more questions but Zane held up his hands. “We aren’t here to talk about that. Maybe some other time, right now we are her to tell you that the reason you brothers are experiencing the awakening of your wolf’s voice is because you encountered your soulmates. From the research we have gathered for unchangings that’s one of the few ways to awaken your wolf’s voice.”

“S-so d-does that m-mean we are g-go t-to change in-” Teagan shakes his head patting Landen’s back to calm him down.

“No there are no documented cases of unchangings forming the ability to transform, even after meeting their soulmate. Your biggest problem will be living with an unhealthy obsession for your mate and dealing with the sometimes constant and persistent voice in your head.”

“No, that’s not all.” Zane looked at us and this time the air in the room turned extremely serious. “The most important part about this is knowing that even though you both have adapted the unchanging gene from your mother, there is no guarantee that your offspring will be the same.”

“So, you’re saying that if we have children, they could possibly be like you two?” I ask bewildered. They both nod and continue the conversation, answering any and all questions we had. By the time they are done Landen and I sit there barely able to comprehend what we’d just heard. Still in utter disbelief we all sit in silence until Teagan’s phone ring and he excuses himself to answer. When he comes back, he whisper’s to Zane and he grabs his coat.

“We have to go but we will be back tomorrow. Take tonight and mull over everything we talked about. I know it’s a lot to process but this is just the hand you were dealt so it’s no use crying over it now. When we come back, we will bring you some medication to calm down your wolves’ voices, desires and urges. Unfortunately, that’s all we can offer now since dealing with Unchangings is still something new to even us. The best advice we can give you for now is to minimize contact with your soulmates and don’t do anything stupid. We barely had time to get anything out edge wise before they were gone.

When my own phone rings I check it seeing it’s Rebecca and my stomach drops with how much I don’t want it to be her. What’s up with my train of thought? When have I even not been excited to hear from my woman? Mate! Ugh, a headache emerged at the exact moment I picked up and when Rebecca’s voice came through, I went from feeling the love of a man who was going to propose to solely be thinking about the Goddess who’d just left my office.

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