Home > His Obsession(36)

His Obsession(36)
Author: Rose Marie

“Angel, do we really have to talk about the past? Can’t we just leave it where it as and move on? There will always be jealous people who will try to come in between us. They want what we have. Don’t let the first obstacle be our last one.” I was deflecting from the situation because I don’t want to tell her my dirty deeds, but she wasn’t not having it.

“Don’t try to pretty up the situation Channing, though what you’re saying holds merit, it doesn’t change anything fact that-”

“THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND MAKE YOU HAPPY! Come on, don’t you get it Angel? Rebecca is mad that I never gave her a ring. She’s mad that I- okay you know what I’ll admit it. I sometimes called her your name when we were having sex. Whoop-de-doo, that’s such a huge deal.” Her eyebrows raised in surprise.

“She let you call my name?” Blushing I shrug.

“She thought it was a term of endearment. She found out about you when she popped up at the office when you first started.” She rolled her eyes, put her head down and massaged her temples.

“Channing, I’m getting really sick of this. You’re right, a lot of the past doesn’t matter but I still have one important question to ask you. I’ll determine the state of our relationship going forward based on how your answer.” Nodding, I tell her what she wants to hear.

“Okay, what is it?” She looked at me and pressed her lips together.

“Did you at any point invade my privacy?” Fuck! I watch her face debating if I should lie but decide to tell the truth. “Yea I did Angel, I’m sorry.” Sorry I got caught.

“God, how could you?” Easily, but there was no way I’d tell her that. Standing, I walk over to her pulling her into as hug, but she pushes me off her. “What all did you do?”

“Angel don-”


“I stalked you okay, I broke into your home, bribed your boyfriends for information on you, put up cameras-”

“Cameras?” I made the mistake of looking up at the camera that Adam put in the room and she followed my eyes. Gasping, she put her hand to her mouth and backed away from me. I tried to pull her into a hug, but she ran around the couch.

“Angel I--“

“I knew you hand videos of me, but I thought you got those from an ex who wanted to see me fired. I didn’t think you blackmailed him…and cameras? Channing, my God. I-I can’t I’m sorry I just can’t, I feel so violated. I know I said I wouldn’t break up with you, but this is-” I don’t know when my hand reached for the vase next to but I grabbed it throwing it at the wall behind me. She ducked even though I threw it nowhere near her.

“Out. Of. The. FUCKING. Question.”

“Are you out of your damn mind? I’m not about to stay here for this shit. I can’t do this. We’re through.” Tears started falling from her eyes and I could feel myself starting to lose it.

“No, we aren’t.”

“Yes, we are.” She’s rejecting us.


“YES. THE. FUCK. WE. ARE! AND I’M MOVING OUT HOW YOU LIKE THOSE APPLES!” She clapped with each word so I could tell she was serious which made me lose it further. I don’t think I’d ever been so angry in my life. Seeing red I black out.

“I will Never allow you to leave me!” So full of anger and hurt I turn to the thing closest to me, which is the wide screen sixty-inch television that’s bolted to the wall. Feeling a surge of strength through my body, I jerk it from the wall and throw it across the room. “YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME!!!”

The loud crash never registered in my head. I was on a rampage, smashing, kicking and throwing a full tantrum not caring what was battered or broken in the process. That is until a deafening scream from Angel came through and I go completely still. Looking at her in my haze, I see her cupping slashed arms and bleeding profusely. Instantly, the anger fueled haze is gone and I run over to where she is, but she shrinks away from me.

“Angel! I- It was an accident. I… I’m sorry I promise I won’t hurt you. I just want to check on you. Please let me take you to the hospital or at least call the front office.” I tried explaining but my pleas fell on deaf ears.

“NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKING LUNATIC! I QUIT!” She inched over to the door and opened it, never taking her eyes off me. “You come near me again, I’ll have the laws in your life so fast it’ll make your fucking head spin. Just leave me alone!” She runs and the door closes behind her. The desire to follow her was so strong I almost black out again but I will myself to stay rooted in place and observe my mistakes. Cursing, I kick over a lamp and pull out my phone calling Adam.

“Wat do yu want, bastard?” Looking at the mess I run my fingers through my hair and blow out a breath.

“I fucked up. I need damage control.” The phone goes silent for a second, then I hear typing.

“How bad is it? Is it involving yer girl?”

“Yes, and on a scale of one to ten, fifty.” Adam sighed then I hear typing some more.

“Aye, I’ll tell Conner that there’s been a hiccup in our plans, and he’ll know wat to do. In the meantime, lie low and dinna feck up or the boss will kill yu.”

“Got it.” Hanging up I sit down, mulling over things. I can’t make any moves because the Irish Don will be pissed if I lose my business over domestic violence, so all I can do is listen to Adam. But as soon as I’m in the clear and this is covered up, I’m coming for you Angel. “You can’t leave me. I won’t allow it.”





“Not that I mind, but how long are you going be here like this, Angel?” I look up at my momma and frown “It’s been two weeks already, and you’ve done nothing but cry and whine about how much you want to go home. I’ve had enough, it’s time for you to either tell me what’s going on or get out and go home like you’ve been crying about.”

“Mama how could you say that? I told you, I just needed to get away for a bit and think. This is pretty much the only place I can do that.”

“Okay, I understand that Angel, but if you’re going to sit here crying at night about how much you miss ‘him and home’ when I don’t even know who HE is nor what home you’re talking about, how can I help? Baby you show up at my door bandaged up, snot nosed and crying and won’t tell me a thing yet in the same breath ask me what you should do. Well hell I have to tell you, as much as I want to help you I can’t because I don’t know anything.” Rolling my eyes, I pout drinking my tea.

“I know, it’s just…the whole situations is weird. I feel weird for wanting to go back. I feel weird for trying to make excuses and trying to romanticize what’s going on in my life.” My mama raised a brow and made a face.

“Why don’t you tell me what’s going on and we can try to figure this out together?” After debating with myself internally, I guess getting second opinion on the matter doesn’t hurt.

“What would you do if your man stalked you, invaded your privacy by putting camera in your personal space so he can watch you, and spent millions of dollars trying to become your ideal man?” She stared at me for a long second, then poured herself some more tea. As uncomfortable as I was talking about my private matters with my mom since there’s a possibility I’d return, I’ve been keeping my mouth closed, not wanting to sully her views of him.

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