“My parents were fighting ….that faithful night, I hid underneath the bed. Then I saw my mother grab a gun and point it at her head. She pulled the trigger and in an instant it was over.”

I swallowed. I couldn’t believe she had gone through something so traumatic. I guess we all have our wounds. I said, “I am sorry for your loss.”

“No she survived but I have not seen her since. The bullet braised her head but she was lucky. But father asked that I never see her again…”

“Sorry to hear…”

She nodded and suddenly changed the subject asking about my life. I said. “Nothing to tell…But it was difficult.” I was not going to tell her about my past. One I had blocked out of my mind. It stayed at the back of my brain never to be revealed. She understood and nodded, then she stared out the window. It was getting late.






He stays silent as we proceed into a different mansion.

I hoped we could continue our conversation. But no he remains silent. I wonder what happened to the man I used to know. He can’t possibly not care. Why is he so cold. I know it is his job but still, I wonder, he must feel some emotion?

He ushered me into this dark room. I gasped the moment I noticed a familiar shadow in the background. Standing staring at me with lust filled eyes was my future husband Sergei. Two men stood by him watching me. One licked his lips and looked clearly aroused, his erection tented up his pants. I couldn’t believe this was happening. How can I get out of this? Who is this man?

I swallowed as they stared at me with cursory looks.

It was obvious I was on display for their excitement. I was Sergei’s latest trophy, one that could be discarded at will.

Sergei then made an announcement.

He says, “This is the new one for now. She is also a virgin.” And then the others burst out laughing. I wished the floor would open up in that moment. I wanted to make a run for it. But where would I go? I am trapped in that crazy mansion until the wedding. But then, he dismissed me with a quick wave. He turned to Lars.

Then he said, “Take her back to her quarters, I have no use for her tonight.”

Lars nodded. He stared straight ahead. His face seemed devoid of emotion. I know that my life is about to change, but at least if he's going to be around, he could at least talk to me.

But no, we step into the car and still he doesn't say anything. He drives over to the mansion, which would be my home until my wedding to Dimitri.

I tried joking with him all the way towards the building.

I say, "you do know that you are no longer under just Dimitri. I'm going to be your future boss."

I figured he would talk with me. But no instead, amused he smirked.

Yet he stayed silent.

It's amazing how all the bodyguards are loyal to Dimitri. I wondered why? He must have something on them. Or they might be like me trying to please my father.

My mother had no say in father’s future plans. She just too accepted things the way they were. When I was younger she hoped my someday I would end up with someone caring. Even after that dangerous encounter with my father, for some reason she is still holding on the hope that they would get back together.

I guess she ought to be overjoyed after all I'm about to be married off to the to the richest man in all of Los Angeles and entire world. He is listed on the billionaire’s list as number 42 because some of his assets cannot be verified.

People who know he has underground businesses.

I slip my tiny fingers into Lars hands as he leads me out of the vehicle into the building.

I say to him “The least you can do is talk to me. After all we are going to be well acquainted.”

He smirks and says, “There's nothing to talk about. I have my orders.”

He looks away. My mind wonders, why is he averting my gaze if he doesn't care?

The minute the door creaks open, I gasped at the sight before me. The home is stark and so dark.

The furniture is dark. Everything about this place is frightening.

I swallow as I walk around the room.

Floggers on the wall and all kinds of dark tools. I start to shivering.

“Am I going to be punished or something?" I ask in a fearful voice.

I turn towards Lars. But he says nothing.

I decide to test him.

I grab a flogger off the wall.

That's the moment he said, “I would put that back if I were you. If not I might be forced to use it."

I shivered, placed the flogger back on the wall and backed away.

Was he really going to use it on me?

He turns away and smiles.

Now I am confused and yet turned on?

He takes my hand and says “now to your room.”

Lars led me into the barely lit chamber.

I wanted to run. How could Dimitri put in such a place?

I thought

If I am going to be the billionaire’s wife, the least he could have done is request better accommodations.

I stared as Lars roughly ushered me into the room. I thought wait a minute why was he being so hard on me now. I then glanced up at the only window in the room. It is tiny. But It is enough to use an escape route, if only I could get to it. Lars stares directly at me and frowns.

“Don’t get any ideas, you are not going any where?” He says in a firm voice. He then tosses me on the bed. For a moment I think he is going to have sex with me. I brace myself because honestly I want it too.

But no, instead he takes the flat sheet of the bed and binds my wrist to the bed post with it. Shocked by his actions, my eyes widened.

Was this part of the deal. What the hell is he doing?

“Hey what are you doing?” I yelp.

He says, “What is in your best interest.”

I grumble and say, “Hey you can’t do that? Your boss will be mad at you!”

He laughs and stares into my eyes. His chest rises and falls. For a moment, I thought oh my god he is going to have his way with me. I must fight him. But no, he rubs his jaw curiously and remarks:

“Now just relax and don’t try anything that would make things worse. If you do, I will be forced to use the flogger. Do make you understand?”

That was all I needed to hear. I stopped fighting and instead became silent. What kind of game is this? I take in a deep breath and exhale.

He smirks mischievously but he does not speak.

Instead, he turns and steps out the door without another word.

I tugged at the knotted sheet for a moment, then I realized it was not tight at all.

Oh my goodness what? I guess the body guard slipped up. I grin at the thought.

I could easily escape. Is this a joke?

I thought hmm, well I this might just be my lucky break. I find a chair close by put it to the wall and then I wrapped the sheets in my hand, and flung it up until the end clung on the window sill.

I smiled. Perfect, cheers to my perfect escape. I thought to myself.

I climbed up the chair, grabbed the sheet but suddenly the chair fell onto the floor with a thud. Gripped by fear yet determined, I try climbing up the sheets. If I could just make it far enough to the edge, I could push the window open and then escape.

He must have known I would try escaping because suddenly the door swung open. I wince and gasp as Lars steps into the room. He grabs me off the sheets and spanks my ass hard.

I wince and whimper. His firm palm stung but it also sent a erotic sensations though my body.

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