Home > NAKED OR DEAD(53)

Author: A. E. Murphy

Bobby cuts in, “So, what we know so far is this psychopath has killed twenty-seven guys aged sixteen to eighteen?”

“Twenty-seven and counting,” I add, wagging my brows.

Bobby grins at me, showing slightly crooked teeth and dimples in his chin. “I thought you didn’t like talking about death.”

“I don’t, with my sister being so close to it, it’s upsetting… but I figured I better start making friends before the school year ends and who better to entice than you freaks to my weirdness?”

Mackenzie laughs and shakes her head, Joseph pushes me again, and Bobby throws a stick at me.

“In between sucking Nok’s dick, and looking after my sister, I haven’t had much time.”

“Gross,” Nash baulks, standing and moving to my dirt bike. “Can I?”

“Where’s yours?” I frown, throwing him my keys.

“In for repair.”

He pulls on my helmet, straddles my beast of a bike, and kickstarts the engine. Then he peels away, showing off on the track like he always does.

“Why don’t you ever let me on your bike?” Joseph pouts, disappointed.

“Because you’re shit.”

Bobby falls backwards laughing and I grin wryly and unapologetically as I always do.

“You’re such a bitch, Lil,” Joseph jests good-naturedly. “What the hell Nokosi sees in you is anyone’s guess.”

“His penis,” Mackenzie answers flippantly and freezes when we all look at her. She gulps the orange down that she just placed on her tongue and adds, “He sees his penis in her.”

I laugh, it starts as a slight giggle that bounces up from my chest but then becomes full-body laughter. I clutch my stomach and pat her on the back. “That was good, Mack. That was really good.”

Mackenzie beams with pride.

“Anyway,” Joseph says clearly and flicks through the blue binder. “So, we know the last victim found was a month ago.”

“Found a month ago but died over two,” Mackenzie puts in.

Hands tip my head back and lips touch my forehead. I smell him before I see him. Nokosi. Just whispering his name in my brain sends a shiver down my spine.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he whispers, sitting behind me and pulling me into his crotch. “What’s this about my penis being in you?”

Laughing softly, I turn my head and touch my lips to his. We deepen it for a moment and the others let us have it. Normally they moan at us for the display, not that we care what makes them uncomfortable or not.

I softly suck on his lower lip for a second before looking into his eyes and breathing the words, “I’m sorry.”

He knows what I’m apologizing for, I don’t have to elaborate, and he won’t make me.

His tired browns soften and his hand cups my cheek tenderly. When his thumb strokes the skin beneath my eye, I kiss him again. We share this private moment in this crowded place and then look at the binders.

“Where can I get me some of that passion?” Mack cries and scrunches her nose up at me. “You two are so hot you have no idea.”

“I’m passionate,” Bobby declares, raising his hand.

Nok groans into my neck and Joseph clips his friend upside the head.

“Well, I am,” he grumbles and Mackenzie sighs dramatically while uttering the word, “Boys.”

“So, what do the FBI know so far?” I ask to change the subject.

“Well…” She glances at us all and lowers her voice as an evil, excited smile stretches her pretty face. “They think he might be here.”

I tense and look at Nokosi who shrugs. “I’ll protect you.”

Snorting, I roll my eyes back to the binders as Joseph is stuffing things back inside. “He’s after boys, remember. Last I checked, us women are safe.” Mackenzie and I fist-bump.

“Don’t worry, boys, we’ve got your backs,” Mackenzie cries, raising her pale fist high.

I pull my knife from my boot and flip out the blade with a click. “Or are we going to stab you in it?”

“That’s not funny, don’t freak me out,” Joseph whines as I tuck my weapon away, cackling like a witch.

“Stay with me tonight?” Nokosi asks. “Just in case the killer tries to get me in my sleep.”

The sky is getting gray which means our little gathering must end soon.

“I don’t see why not,” I murmur, climbing to my feet just as Nash comes skidding to a stop before me. “But we need to give Mackenzie a ride back into town.”

“No problem, we’ll take my truck.”

“Nash,” I call, and he pulls off his helmet which is actually my helmet. “Can you take my bike back to your house when you’re done? I’m gonna hang with Nokosi for a while.”

“Sure, I’ll fill her up too.”

I flap a hand at him. “Don’t worry about that. Just leave me enough to get home.”

Nokosi wraps an arm around my neck as Joseph and Bobby rush to help Mackenzie pack away.

“So,” she asks, catching up to us after a moment. “Why the sudden interest in the serial killer?”

I sigh heavily. “Truth be told I need the distraction.”

“Well, hit me up if you want to go through it all again.”

“Definitely.” I grin at her genuinely. “It was cool hanging with you. You’re not like the other girls I’ve met at prep.”

“You mean because I don’t want to conform to society’s standards on makeup and boys and shit?”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m glad you’ve seen it and approve.”

We fist-bump again and make our way through the trees to where Nokosi parked his truck.

“I can’t believe I’m hanging out with the cool kids,” Mackenzie comments, climbing into the front seat after me.

I laugh, she’s quite funny. “We’re the cool kids?”

She nods rapidly. “You’ve been here a month and already you’ve been voted most unapproachable and the person people want to hang with.”

Nokosi laughs at that. “They got the unapproachable right.”

“Yeah,” I agree, wiping my dirty hands on my jeans. “I don’t like people.”

“You’re not going to punch me in the face if I bug you, are you?” Mack hides behind her fingers playfully peeking at me from between them.

“Only if you try to fuck my boyfriend. You’re safe otherwise.”

She leans forward to look at Nokosi suggestively. “I mean…”

I know she’s joking but when Nokosi wags his brows at her I dig my fingers into both their thighs until they both yelp. Mackenzie thinks it’s hilarious.

I’ll be keeping a close eye on them from now on.

When we get to town and drop her at her house, I turn to Nokosi and declare, “If you fuck anybody while we’re together, I will genuinely run you both over and throw your bodies off a cliff.”

“Why the hell would I?” he asks, smiling from ear to ear at my jealousy. “Have you seen you?”

I narrow my eyes on him until I’m confident he’s received the message loud and clear and then he touches me intimately, uncaring who sees, and devours my mouth until I too fully accept his message.

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