Home > Shattered Souls(104)

Shattered Souls(104)
Author: B C Morgan



“Thank you for coming with me. Darius isn't allowed in the room with me while I’m being seen,” she says as she tucks her hair behind her ears, chewing on her lip.

“Don’t you feel safe with Cole?” I ask, lying my arm across her shoulders as she peeks over her shoulder at Darius.

“It’s not that… I just don’t want the temptation to ask about Poppy.”

“Don’t lie to me, Little Zero, I’d rather you didn’t answer then that.”

She stops, before turning to face me. Her hands fall on my shoulders, as she peers up at me.

“I’m not lying, it’s hard being around someone who knows my family. Who gets to see them. Plus, he says he wants to be friends and it feels weird to be that way with him. I’m not sure if I even like him anymore. but he’s going through so much with his brother, and I don’t want to hurt him.” She wets her lips and my eyes follow the action, before I slide my thumb across them.

“Darius, come here,” I order, and I can see him bristling as he closes the distance.

“You need to tell Emmet about you two, and soon. If someone else tells him, it won’t end well.” I look between the two as Little Zero turns ashen, and Darius shifts on the spot, his hand flexing by the gun he carries on a leg holster. I assume anyway, where else would he keep it, up his ass?

“How did you… why do you…” She can’t even ask the question, she’s scared and right now, that’s a good sign.

“I suspected he had warmed up to you after he told us off last year, and made you that ‘breakfast’. I figured it out though after you fucked in the pool house,” I keep my voice low, and they both rear back, as her panicked eyes flare around the grounds.

“How?” Darius sounds pissed. Ooh, am I in trouble? Fun.

“Camera, I have a few hidden ones dotted around the place. Pool house, library, and I also put one in the gym after what Shane did. A few other places, but those are the ones that capture the most. Oh and the center of the maze, but I did that too late. I hear a lot of fucked up shit, but it wasn’t soon enough to stop Bradley before he killed more people.” I should have put one in there as soon as it happened, I don’t know why I didn't. I think maybe I was worried in case it turned out it was Emmet. I never really believed it, but crazier things have happened.

“When do I have to tell him?” She fidgets on the spot, and Darius keeps reaching out for her, before locking his arm at his side.

“Monday. Tucker will be here then, and there will be three of us to try and keep him subdued while you explain everything. He cares Little Zero, make him realize Darius will be good for you, for us, and maybe he won’t fly off the handle. Or at least, do something he can’t come back from.” I pull her into my side, but she’s as stiff as a post. It’s no surprise really, this is one hell of a bombshell to drop at her feet.

I don’t have a choice though. May isn’t that far away, not really, and with Arthur doing all kinds of shady shit, we need as many people in our corner as we can get. Which reminds me, I have a few other people I need to talk to. But first things first, let’s get Little Zero checked out.

Cole is already waiting for us as we step into his office, his eyes tightening around the corners as I follow her in, but he doesn’t say anything. Smart man, at least he can be sometimes.

“Is this really necessary? I’m only checking her hearing.” He loosens the cuffs on his sleeves, before rolling them up his arms. He seems nervous, and I can’t figure out why. I’m the least likely Harkwright to make a guy sweat and that’s why people underestimate me. The stoner who never knows what’s going on, I play the part well.

“Seeing as you’re only here because your murderer of a brother made it so, I’d say it’s needed. So, come on, doctor, get to it. Places to be, and a gorgeous girl to make squirm.” I wink at her, and she ducks her head.

“I thought she liked Tucker,” he mutters, and my spine stiffens, and I see hers do the same.

“W-what do y-you mean?” She looks at him, her eyebrows pulling in towards her nose, as her mouth turns down. I all but growl when he crouches in front of her, but he doesn’t touch her, so I hold myself back.

“Before I left, you were claimed by Tucker, right? Bradley said you were happy, and you said that you knew what love was.” His eyes fly to me, but I don’t say anything. Instead, I pull out a joint, and he scowls.

“He had to leave, and I never said who I loved. Not that…” She sighs deeply as she sags in the chair.

“Not that it’s any of your business, limp dick.” I snort with laughter before passing her a joint, and I watch as his eyes darken. His hand snaps forward, and I seize it in mine.

“Touch her, and I’ll create a dot to dot on your chest, using nothing more than the cherry on the joint.” I don’t laugh or raise my voice, but he knows I’m serious. “Now, do your job, and don't forget where you are. You’re nothing, Coley boy. Never forget it.” I push him away, and drop my hands onto her shoulders.

Maybe March is too long away, I guess someone needs to have a play with the schedule. He can work two straight months for all I care. This fucker needs to go, and I’m going to find a reason to make it happen. One even Arthur can’t argue with.



I drop Luna off with Emmet before heading to meet up with Sam. One text, that’s all it takes. I don’t know why I trust him, but I do. Maybe some things can just be that simple. They shouldn’t be, I know, but I’m not going to complain. I need allies everywhere, not for me, but for the family I know Luna deserves. Maybe we’re not worthy of her, who’s to say. She's good, pure, and we’re ruining her. Pot, alcohol, lies, and manipulations. That being said, we’ve never claimed to be good. The honorable thing would be to let her go, but honorable doesn’t exist in the Harkwright vocabulary. We don’t pretend to be good guys, we’re proud to be assholes. So, we’ll keep her, ruin her, but we’ll also love her, and make sure she never spends another day feeling alone or second best. She may not see it yet, but Luna could never be a stand in. No one can measure up to who she is, and what she means, and one day, I’m going to make her live and breathe these words.

“Aer, over here.” Sam waves his hand from his seat in the library, and I roll my eyes. You’re the only one in here, duh.

“How you doing, bro? Still looking to go to Texas?” I flip the set around and straddle it, resting my arms on the back.

“I don’t know. Sir said no. Apparently, he needs me here. He doesn’t give a fuck what happens to my sister, don’t know why I’m surprised.” He slumps back in the seat, slamming his text book closed.

“Why don’t you just do it? Fuck Sir and his permission. You have money, go it alone.”

“I don’t know if I can. This is the only way I know how to be, blindly following his rules, and just getting by the best I can.”

“Maybe, but I think life would be a lot easier if we didn’t have to answer to him.” I pull a cigarette out, forgoing pot for this conversation. I need my head to be somewhat clear.

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