Home > Shattered Souls(103)

Shattered Souls(103)
Author: B C Morgan

Her eyes dart to the side, as she hesitates. Ahh, she doesn’t know that we are aware of the doctor and her, she can’t tell me anything regarding that because she's worried she’ll get in trouble. And she would, if she was anyone else.

“Luna, I…”

“He said he was sorry for everything he did. That he should have been a better friend to me, and said that he regretted not telling me who he was sooner. As if it would have made me change my mind about coming here. It may not have been unprofessional, but I was fine. He just makes me a little… uncomfortable. I don’t want to see him on my own anymore, and I don’t know how to tell Emmet that.” She shuffles closer to me on the sofa, and I pull her against my side.

“Just write that, I think he’ll find a way to make it easier on you. There’s nothing to worry about where that’s concerned.” I kiss her on the cheek and a soft sigh leaves her. Yeah, Emmet will be more than happy to keep her away from Cole or at least supervised.

January is nearly over, and I have more information than I know what to do with, but not from the one place I need it the most. Although, maybe I’m going about it all wrong. Cole will be back on rotation in March, maybe I need to take a little trip while he’s here. If I can get Emmet on board, then we can all go. A nice little trip, they can keep Little Zero distracted while I question and manipulate, and then we can have some fun.

First though, with Darius coming back, after what happened with the fireworks, I need to push Luna into telling Emmet everything. If I figured it out, then someone else could. Emmet cannot hear this from anyone else. How do we manage it without Darius ending up dead? Because that’s how it will go. Arthur won’t take such betrayal easily and if Emmet loses his head, it's only a matter of time before he finds out as well.

I hit connect on my phone, and wait for Tucker to answer. I know he’s with Isabelle, but I’m hoping he can give me five minutes. I know he needs this time, and I hate myself for interrupting it, but we need to get the ball rolling.

“What now, Aer?”

“We need to get all the secrets out, including Darius. Monday, enjoy your weekend, fucker, shit’s about to get real.”

“Seriously? You’re telling me this now? Sometimes, I really question whether you have a brain in that thick skull of yours. We can’t force Luna to do anything. Besides, maybe you were wrong. It does happen, you can be wrong sometimes.” He smirks before continuing. “Especially with the amount of times you’re off your head,” he scoffs and I can’t help the shit eating grin on my face.

“You’re too funny, I think good when high.”

I hold in my laugh until he sighs, but he’s soon laughing along.

“Such a dickhead. If you’re sure this is real, then help her come to the decision, but don’t force her hand. I’m starting to think long term here, Aer, if we want to keep her, then she’s right. We can’t treat her like everyone else.”

“You want to keep her?” My laughter dies off, as something akin to hope and anxiety flares in my chest.

“Yeah, fucker, I do. Not sure I want to share her though, I can’t see it ending well.”

“Me either, but honestly, the idea of sharing her doesn’t sound that bad. As long as no one else gets added, because I can’t take any more dicks, and we only focus on her, wouldn’t it be okay? We’re all fucked in the head, and there are gonna be times when we’re gonna hurt her.” I sigh hard, trying to figure out the right words to finish it off. “Maybe if we were all there for her, then she’d be okay. She’d have people to fall back on when it gets too much. If I disappear, or you say something shitty. When Emmet acts like a caveman and tries to tell her what to do, and, well I’m not sure how the other two fit it yet…” I trail off, and the line is quiet. I half suspect he disconnected the call and have to check to see if he has.

“You’ve given this more thought than I have. I hear what you’re saying, doesn't mean I’m agreeing though. Sounds messy as hell, see you Monday.” The line goes dead, I know he didn’t agree with me, but he didn’t disagree either, baby steps.

I slide my phone into my pocket, and head down to the mess hall. Little Zero is at our table, sitting beside Emmet. It will be his doing, but at least D is with her. That girl is always there, don’t know if I trust her. Then again, I haven't tried to. I haven’t got the time or energy for it, too many balls up in the air, and I can only juggle so much.

“Aer, take your seat, fucker. We’ve been waiting on you.” Emmet kicks my chair out, and I raise a brow at him. He doesn’t wait for anyone.

“Little Zero, looking fuckable as always.” I shove my tongue into my cheek as hers go bright red.

“Why did you wait for me? That’s not like you, Mett.”

“Star wanted us to all eat together, who am I to refuse?” his cheek ticks, and I really want to antagonize him. I won’t, but the desire is strong.

“You’re Emmet the Prince. Since when do you let a pussy boss you around? Or are you going soft like the gay boy?” Simon sneers before throwing his head back, laughing hard.

No one joins him. We all just stare as Emmet slides Luna off him, stands up, and walks behind Simon’s chair.

The waiter chooses this exact moment to bring the food over, he blanches when he sees Emmet, and passes the tray over with shaking hands. A hard smile appears on his lips as he dumps the food onto Simon’s lap, and then whips the side of the silver tray into his face.

His nose splits, pouring blood down his face, and over his crisp white shirt. Emmet hits him in the same spot again and again, before dropping the tray down, and tossing Simon onto the ground. His chair slides across the floor, and it’s Thallon who picks it up and brings it back over to him.

“Let me make this clear, Luna Carter is no Academy girl. Not anymore. She is a Harkwright girl in my eyes, and therefore, in everyone’s eyes.” Emmet’s voice travels across the room, shock, anger, surprise, and even pride is written across various faces. Luna just looks numb. She stopped playing deaf three days ago, once I was certain no one else was keeping things hidden. Not that you would think so right now. “As for Maddox.” His eyes cut down to his brother, and D seizes his hand. No idea why I’m calling her that, must be because it’s all I hear Luna say. “If I hear one more negative or derogatory word said about him, then I will make what I just did look like a fucking play fight. Do I make myself clear? Maddox and Luna are off limits, no one messes with my family.” He stares around the room as he receives jerky head nods, then he reclaims his seat, and pulls Luna back onto his lap.

I stare at her, as she plays with the food on her plate. She looks nervous, is it about what Emmet just did, or did she hear something and just hasn’t told me yet? I guess I’m going to need to find a way to get her alone for a few moments, the sooner the better. Ahh fuck, Monday. Yeah, our little chat has to happen today.

“Aer, Star needs to go to the medical center and get her hearing checked over. You know, check there’s no long lasting damage. Will you take her?”

“Sure, it will be my pleasure,. I roll the word across my tongue and watch as a shiver passes through her. He scowls, but doesn’t say anything. Damn, he’s trying. If he meant what he just said, then he may have just given me the answer to all my problems.

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